Back in Contingent, the captain of the special force was busy making enquiries about a kid named Vince who attended the academy. Only to find out that no one with that name was a student of the academy. But he simply couldn''t ept that.
He was sure he had seen the kid wearing the academy uniform, but since it was a normal uniform that almost a thousand students wore, there was no way they could have found the one kid they had been on the lookout for.
"Did she find out about our ns and eliminated him, or did we really get tricked by a stupid brat?" Scarlett was irritated more than usual.
They had thought using the kid they would be able to find a way to get rid of the director but now the kid hadfortably disappeared as if he never existed. No matter how hard and fast they thought, they arrived at one conclusion...
the director must have gotten suspicious and erased the kid. Not only from the academy records but from the face of the altogether.
"I don''t think so." Captain mumbled while the rest of them had their eyes and ears on him, "The kid never epted our deal. So he didn''t have any reason to go snooping around. I know it sounds a bit weird but it is possible the kid never attended the academy. Also, the fact that we can not find anything about him makes me think maybe he truly was a spy."
He continued, "Those bastards would know that no one messes with the academy student and somehow managed to forge a fake uniform so that they could roam around Contingent freely without any consequences."
No one wanted to admit it but what James said indeed made some sense. Although, it didn''t mean that James had not let his imagination run wild. There was no way the resistance would even dare to pull such a move.
At least, that would have normally been the case. But since they have been getting pushed back quite aggressively by them, it could be entirely possible that the resistance was plotting some dangerous escapades.
"It doesn''t matter whether the kid was a spy or the director got rid of him. The only thing that matters is we are back at square one." Scarlett sighed, "The conundrum would not be happy about this development."
James nodded and took a drag from his cigar, "Guess we''ll have to abandon ying hide and seek and take a more direct path. Kidnapping a few kids and threatening that director bitch should do the trick. But make sure not to kidnap anyone from the higher-noble ss. Those brats would throw tantrums like newborns."
Meanwhile in Deja...
Upon entering the hospital Ashton was a bit confused. Seven had mentioned this hospital was one of the cheaper ones in the city, but it seemed just a tad bit duller than the one he had been hospitalised into.
''Eh, let''s just focus on what I am here for and get going. I have some calls to make once I am done here.'' Ashton thought to himself while Seven made the necessary enquiries at the reception, ''Maybe I should make the calls now while I''m waitin-''
"Yeah, he''s here." Seven informed Ashton, "He isn''t in any danger so I guess we''re allowed to meet him."
"Great, let''s get going then."
It took them little to no time to get to the room Virgil was being kept in, thanks to Seven using his royal guard influence to make the head doctor personally escort them. As soon as they entered the room, Virgil was surprised.
At first, he thought they were there to punish him or something since he was the one who identally awoken the gorin. But when Renee and Fae weed them inside, he knew that wasn''t the case.
"We didn''t know you wereing here or else we''d have prepared something." Fae immediately left her seat for Ashton while bowing to him.
"Rx and enough bowing, please. I''m not royalty and don''t n on bing one." Ashton was a bit flustered and annoyed after receiving this kind of treatment from strangers, "I''m just an Adventurer who wanted to check up on an injured teammate. Also, you people forgot these."
He then proceeded to hand them their share of rewards. Upon seeing the money, all three of them got wide-eyed.
The guild had their rules and regtions regarding failure toplete a quest and since all three of them had left before the quest waspleted, they did not receive a single blue unit. In fact, they were paying out of pocket for Virgil''s treatment.
Also, since they suspected since they had put the lives of people close to the king in danger, they would face some sort of punishment. Instead, they were being handed out money? Was this kid... out of his mind or something?
"Why-" Virgil managed to mumble but Ashton cut him off.
"Two reasons, actually make it three." Ashton said while activating the [Influence] skill just to make sure his n doesn''t backfire, "One, you killed your share of Monklins. Two, you were the ones who discovered the gorin and third, you deserve the money. Simple."
[You are using the skill: Influence on three targets.]
[Due to the low intelligence of the targets, the skill was sessful.]
[The targets feel an enigmatic warmth towards you.]
[Your rtionship has improved! Hostility towards you has been decreased.]
[Current rtionship points: 30/100]
[ssification has changed: Neutral ---> Friendly]
"When you put it like that..." Fae mumbled while looking at her teammates, "I guess, it should be fine right?"
"I think so... thank you from the bottom of our hearts." Renee bowed before him unleashing her ''bottomless'' cleav- heart, in front of him, "Your kindness knows no bounds."
"I-I don''t know what to say..." Virgil smiled in his weak state, "If you ever need some help, just call for us and we''ll be there."
"Actually, that''s what I was here for." Ashton smiled like a hunter who found his prey, "Would the three of you like to team up with me?"