Captain Winterborn and her crew aboard the research vessel, Athena, find themselves embroiled in a political struggle which spans countless species and two major galactic powers. Everything was going well before an accident occurred while they were testing an experimental jump-drive device, which would allow for travel nearly anywhere in the galaxy within days of making a jump. The accident sends the Athena to a different spiral arm of the galaxy thousands of light years from home. If that were the extent of her problems, she would be only too happy, as she is made the ruler of an Empire spanning over 400 species.
Captain Winterborn and her crew aboard the research vessel, Athena, find themselves embroiled in a political struggle which spans countless species and two major galactic powers. Everything was going well before an accident occurred while they were testing an experimental jump-drive device, which would allow for travel nearly anywhere in the galaxy within days of making a jump. The accident sends the Athena to a different spiral arm of the galaxy thousands of light years from home. If that were the extent of her problems, she would be only too happy, as she is made the ruler of an Empire spanning over 400 species....