Eight hundred years later, the Earth has become a wasteland due to several unforseen variables. The Earth changed faster than mankind could adapt to, and before we knew it, it was too late. Could this be divine punishment? Who knows. The future of humanity is grim, but we won''t go down without trying to upset fate.Anymore would be semi spoilers, so find out what truly happens on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z~~ not. Please read the short story to find out. Thank you. (Sorry, I watched too much stand up comedy)Side note: This is my first time writing stories, so please go easy on me. Please rate my drawing too. He becomes pretty OP in my imagination story.
Eight hundred years later, the Earth has become a wasteland due to several unforseen variables. The Earth changed faster than mankind could adapt to, and before we knew it, it was too late. Could this be divine punishment? Who knows. The future of humanity is grim, but we won''t go down without trying to upset fate.Anymore would be semi spoilers, so find out what truly happens on the next episode of Dragon Ball Z~~ not. Please read the short story to find out. Thank you. (Sorry, I watched too much stand up comedy)Side note: This is my first time writing stories, so please go easy on me. Please rate my drawing too. He becomes pretty OP in my imagination story....