This story follows the story of a vengeful Gold dragon Natherion and how he deals with tragedy and love, Unlike many monstrous stories this character will stay in his dragon form and if he turns into a smaller creature it will be the exception not the rule.I will mostly be using D&D fluff for how dragons "work" and if will not be going into major exposition mode to explain every minute detail i will assume that you know much of what a dragon is and how they function.We will be doing kingdom building, Epic duels in the sky, Massive piles of gold all the good stuff and yes even romance if our protagonist can find a loving partner.(tough no lewd, writing dragon sex, is as weird to me at writing lewd about dogs fucking so no i''m good thanks)18+
This story follows the story of a vengeful Gold dragon Natherion and how he deals with tragedy and love, Unlike many monstrous stories this character will stay in his dragon form and if he turns into a smaller creature it will be the exception not the rule.I will mostly be using D&D fluff for how dragons "work" and if will not be going into major exposition mode to explain every minute detail i will assume that you know much of what a dragon is and how they function.We will be doing kingdom building, Epic duels in the sky, Massive piles of gold all the good stuff and yes even romance if our protagonist can find a loving partner.(tough no lewd, writing dragon sex, is as weird to me at writing lewd about dogs fucking so no i''m good thanks)18+...