Chapter 1174: Infiltrating the Fortress
Erik and his team were standing in front of the shimmering barrier. Unsurprisingly, the energy field stretched from the depths of the earth to the sky above, an imprable wall of pure mana, which was reinforcing one of whatever kind of energy the generators were making, and that was, though, at least as strong as mana.
Erik was still surprised by humanity''s ability to create barrier generators. The technology had proven to be their salvation, the one innovation that had allowed human civilization to endure the endless waves of monsters and world-ending threats. Humanity would have perished centuries ago without these barriers.
Yet when he first learned about them, he had doubted humans could achieve such a technological marvel.
"Now, Amber," Erik said.
The woman closed her eyes, drawing mana from her brain crystal and sending it flowing through her neural links and then to the rest of her body.
The surrounding space distorted and twisted as her power worked. In a sh, the group materialized in a narrow alley between two towering buildings.
The Law Gate, the fortress-like city, spread before them.
"We are in."
The ce differed from what they expected. It was a city, but it was just one for the ckguards. Most of the buildings had a militaristic architecture. Metal dominated thendscape. Tall guard towers stood against the sky, spaced throughout the city. Various types of defensive equipment covered these towers.
There were also many kinds of protections on the ground. Barricades, automated turrets, and reinforced checkpoints dotted the streets.
"This will make the invasion harder," Mira said.
These were the same defenses ced on the walls, meaning the ckguards were ready for an eventual enemy flood.
They made it easier for soldiers to defend the city with elevated firing positions, pre-sighted kill zones, and interlocking fields of fire that would force attackers to funnel through deadly chokepoints while under concentrated defensive fire.
"Smart," a clone said.
"What did you expect?" Erik said. "The ckguards are ruthless tyrants, and to get to this position, it means they are smart..."
Everyone nodded.
Countless soldiers ran in the distance and wereing to their position. Erik and the others hid until they got past their position.
"They must be headed for the walls," Emily said.
Mira nodded. "Yeah, I was thinking the same."
They crouched in silence for several minutes, watching groups of soldiers rush past their hiding spot.
"They are not even looking here." Emily said, peering around the corner.
"They''re too distracted by the battle," Mira said. "You know... explosions, energy discharges..."
A bloodcurdling screech pierced the air.
"And the lovely sound of undead Thaids," she grinned.
However, despite Mira''s antics lightening the mood for the others, Erik kept a focused face.
"I need to reach the hangar. There might still be aircraft we can salvage."
The others nodded, but it was clear they didn''t like that idea for many reasons. For starters, they felt much safer with Erik around, and while the Chimaeric Demons were as physically strong as him, they didn''t have his mana.n/?/vel/b//jn dot c//om
The Chimaeric Demons had different mana pools for each of their powers, which meant they could fight for a while. The problem was that their mana pool depended on the neural links they made for each power, and since they still had few of them, they couldn''t exactly unleash a lot of might.
Erik turned to June and the three Chimaeric Demons. "Keep them safe at all costs."
"We will, master."
The clones were fullymitted, but whether they could actually do that remained uncertain. There was a pause. Erik had a lot on his mind, too. He was leaving Mira, Amber, and Emily in his and the Chimaeric Demons'' hands, but he was also worried about his clones.
June was a concern, and he couldn''t help but look at him with worry. Even though June looked strong, Erik knew what he could and couldn''t do, and joining this battle was thest of the things he had to do.
Using the Instability brain crystal power, Erik said something to the clone.
<Stay out of sight. Just watch and tell us what you see. Don''t fight anyone. Is this clear?>
June nodded, but it was clear he wasn''t taking that really well, and Erik knew since he could read his mind. Two years earlier, he was fighting shoulder to shoulder with him, his creator, but now, he was basically useless.
It was a shame, really. June was experienced. He knew how to hunt, and, most importantly, he knew how to be helpful. Things progressed too quickly in thest years, and June felt excluded due to the ckguards'' increasing strength and speed.
Yet Erik knew he was going to use his talents to be useful to the others. If he couldn''t fight, he would at least serve as a sentinel. His role was going to be crucial.
"Move out," Erik said, then turned into a fly and melted into the shadows between buildings.
Amber took charge the moment Erik left. "Mira, we need eyes above. Something small but fast-find those barrier masters."
She nodded.
Mira''s form shifted, her body shrinking, feathers sprouting from her skin as she took the shape of amon city bird. With a flutter of wings, she rose into the air, indistinguishable from the other birds scattered by the battle.
The Chimaeric Demons could do the same, but they had another role to y.
"Emily," Amber turned to her friend. "We need to get you to your position."
She nodded. "That should be the ce," Emily pointed at one of the tower-like structures nearby.
"Hm. Take June and head there. I and the Chimaeric Demons will start searching around."
In the meantime, the river of soldiers still rushed toward the wall. Sirens wailed across the Law Gate, but the ring sounds actually worked in their favor, masking their steps.
Emily checked her weapon onest time.
"I''m ready," Emily said.
She turned to look at June. The two nodded at each other, and the clone then shapeshifted into
a bird to scout ahead. However, he was going to stay close to Emily so that he could help her in case something terrible happened.
"Stay safe, Amber!"
Then they left.
Amber watched Emily and June leave. She knew the risks they faced, particrly given June''s
Emily could slow time enough to run away, but it was still true she was going with June. For a lot of time, the clone had been much more powerful than them. He always won in the many sparrings they did, yet now things were the opposite.
June was severely underpowered for this situation. Amber still didn''t understand why Erik allowed him to join. It wasn''t that she didn''t want him there, but like everyone else, she was worried about him.
If Emily faced an attack, June had limited options for protecting her. At most, he could change shape and try to get her away from danger. But if something could threaten Emily, who could slow down time, June would probably just get in the way.
"That''s what I should tell you..." Amber said to herself, actually, since Emily was now far.
Though concerned, she kept her thoughts to herself, maintaining her focus on their mission
as they moved out of sight.
"Move out. Keep formation."
The clones obeyed and began their advance through the Law Gate''s streets, using the chaos of the faraway battle as cover.
Mira flew between the buildings, unseen. She knew that the Veritas Lenses could make her disguise be useless, and that was why she kept as high in the sky as she could. The Veritas Lenses had a short detection range, and they weren''t omnipotent, so she could still be in the open with no one finding out the bird flying above them was, in truth, a person.
<Where are you...?>
Mira had already searched a vast area, but there was no sight of the guys keeping the barrier
up. It wasn''t difficult to recognize them.
Barrier masters usually had specific uniforms. Theirs was considered the most powerful brain crystal power in existence. Not because it allowed them to do a lot of damage. Quite the opposite; it was because their defense was absolute if their power was used right. Besides, someone channeling mana in the middle of the city would be strange. If not on the
walls, why there?
<Ugh, the problem is that they can be inside some building.>
If that was the case, then finding them would be like searching for a needle in a haystack.
She flew around the edge of the city, then back and forth across the middle.
<Maybe they are underground.>
She flew around the area several times yet found nothing. Shended on the ground. <Maybe I
should use some other form.>
Then she turned into a dog. She decided the best thing to do would be to use her sense of
smell and hearing. There were going to be many humans around, so a dog''s sense of smell would not help, but hearing. That was going to be useful.
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continue reading tomorrow, everyone!