This is the tale of two sisters, Lis and Rafflesia, whose lives are tainted by obsession and the sin of charisma. Lis is known as the "Daylily", a courtesan of love for just a single day. Her sister Rafflesia is a girl with a dark secret.Their daily life slowly spirals out of control and reaches an unknown frontier of the forbidden unseen world.What is freedom without love? What is love without freedom?
This is the tale of two sisters, Lis and Rafflesia, whose lives are tainted by obsession and the sin of charisma. Lis is known as the "Daylily", a courtesan of love for just a single day. Her sister Rafflesia is a girl with a dark secret.Their daily life slowly spirals out of control and reaches an unknown frontier of the forbidden unseen world.What is freedom without love? What is love without freedom?...