An elephant huh? That''s cool I guess.
Well, at least I arrived in time to keep Imani from being boiled for dinner. Blame it on overwhelming scrambled memories that it slipped my mind to tell her about the translation thing... I can''t believe five of my iterations swore themselves as eternal companions to a unicorn, a frigging unicorn. Nice guy though. Good cautionary tale for staying away from pretty statues in the middle of the woods. Not going to lie, being a horse sucks, being a mare sucks more... Is knowing a really nice slave girl I saved from being sacrificed a few iterations back, who just so happened to fantasize about being a unicorn, a coincidence or more manipulation? Well, whatever. Hope they have lots of happy little foals and all that.
Reformed smuggler turned slave liberator? Check. Sullen moss hag, correction, maiden? Check. Also check on never confusing that kind of mushroom for an edible one again. A shame she''s stuck to her spot. Best apothecary assistant ever. That and her sisters are nasty bitches...Artiya''il took too damn long to convince but then again, my iterations that knocked boots with the angel didn''t have an easy time of it either. Luckily Usuway was with me to play a little seer trick on him. You''d think a bad memory erasing angel would be more easy going. That only leaves the one who''s my ticket to the next stretch of my journey. Time for a small coma and tidy up my affairs here.
“Ephyra''s going to gather a lynch mob if I keep you guys for much longer.”This story is posted elsewhere by the author. Help them out by reading the authentic version.
“All dreams must end... Now we return to our lives and responsibilities. What do I do now? He allowed me as much comfort as I could take but in the end he is my brother and though he loves me, my brother is what he wishes to remain... I know if I remained the shadow at his side he would pity me from time to time but his love will not be the same as mine.”
“What is there not to do. You''ve got closure, better than most can expect. He loves you enough to do this for you but if he can''t see you as more than a brother, for both yours and Malkanthor''s sake you move on. You grow up and, with time, you find your happiness and allow your brother to find his, taking pleasure in the fact that he is alive and capable to do so again.”
“Senega has shown interest in your company if your interested in giving a little distance and time to smooth things over. I warn you, the man''s probably going to work you like a- whatever an appropriate beloved but well used beast of burden counts for around here.”
“Tell him I''d be glad of the opportunity.”
Good for you G-man but I really didn''t need snapshots of your activities over the past few days. Free pass, he''s probably hurting like hell right now.
And you weren''t creeper!? Ugh,just spit it out Healer!
For a person who thinks that permanent crippling is just a practical joke, what''s a little sexual assault between comrades?
What, and have you lock me in a box while Senega helps you sit on it? Not a snowball''s chance, dude.