No, no, no, no, no! That can’t be! You’re not a… a!” His voice cracks with the rush of fear set in his heart.
“I can hear everything… can you hear it? The sound of water dripping from your forehead. The sweat of fear and how slides off your skin with a disgusting slug-like vigor?” She scrunches her nose.
“You… you!” He backs away immediately.
“W-what’s going on?...” Keiko asks.
“I have no idea.” Ishimoto responds.
“Has she, wait, look, around her neck!” Okazaki points. “Is she…”
“A remnant?” Takei realized making everyone looks on in shock.
Through gritted teeth Mr. Pond speaks. “Don’t think this changes anything I can still kill you all!” Usagi is unfazed. Her body feels like it never has before, a rejuvenated helm of smoothness runs in her movement, with steps feeling like she was walking on air and her breathing was more natural then natural, as if she never needed to at all.
“Then do it.” She says coldly. “Kill me.”
“You’ll regret wishing for that you useless bunny!” There was a hesitating gloom in his rush towards her.
The movement she was almost blind to before. The blur of energy, movement, the one she almost missed when defending Shoji and Ishimoto because of the haste. She can see it now. The world around her loud in the silence comes to a narrowing of him trying to hit her. She dodges it with his body almost passing her completely and with a sheer newfound instinct she knees him in the gut. Pain engulfs his body, a second hard kick tumbles him back to the ground creating a large distance between them.
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Usagi takes the moment to look at her charm. A bunny? This didn’t seem right to her, why is she a bunny?
“You brat that hurt!” He launched a second attack, this one utilizes his remnant causing a wave of water to hurl in her direction. She decides it’s not the best time to contemplate that and she makes her move right when it’s about to hit. In a flash her body is next to his and she strikes his face with a powerful blow knocking the windout of him. He retaliates attempting to hit her cheek but she moves too quickly and he passes her leaning his neck open. She loops her finger around his remnant and pulls him in.
“What are you!? N-no! Let me go!”
“You lost. So easily? I hate that you did, but.” She smirks. “There is a certain satisfaction I get from holding your life in my trigger finger.”
The blood of his body goes cold. The girl he threatened, undoubtedly one of the people who he hurt in one way or another was holding his life. He could fight after, but, he would ultimately die after it; a fate he wouldn’t meet.
“Stop, stop! I give up!” he begs.
Her face grows closer to his, her breath brushes the skin. “You pathetic man, begging me for mercy like a frightened schoolboy?” It almost disgust her as much as he does.
“Yes please I’m sorry! I’ll leave you all alone I promise just let me live!” He doesn’t let the shame of this divert him. Truth is, deep down he is a coward who despite his many years of life seeks to put himself to rest in a peaceful bed.
“You better run and thank me that I don’t finish you off here.” She snarls.
“Yes! Yes! I promise!” She let go of her grip and he scurries away in a hurry like a frightened mouse. Usagi stands for a moment taking everything in, she looks back to her friends.
“I hope you are all alright. I feel a bit, weak now though, haha.” Her body begins to tumble down. Keiko and Okazaki catch her before she hits the ground.
“Woah you just… I mean you’re a…” Keiko stared at her collar. “A remnant.” Her eyes shine.
“I never would have imagined… one of us with the powers of the void? What could this mean?” Okazaki questions.
“I don’t know.” Said Takei. “I don’t know anything about how this works.”
“I’m not familiar with it either.” Said Ishimoto. “We should prioritize getting Shoji home right now. Usagi can rest there.” He lifted him holding his arm around his neck. “I think we all need a moment to process what happened…”
“Yeah, you’re right…” Keiko answered in a more saddened tone. “Let’s get her home, Okazaki.”
“Right.” Everyone heads to the closest house. Shoji’s, his parents are unlikely to be there.