When I said anything but a new demon attack, that was not an invitation, universe!
As I said, it wasn’t an invitation to cause a number of non-demon attack problems. Especially because a few have demonic origins to them. There was yet another ‘attack’ on the EU by humans and it claimed a reserve pilot due to a scheduling error. If the vehicles had left at the intended times, the bomb would have killed active pilot Marie Morel.
Of course, this death will have some negative repercussions; chief of which is that I don’t think they’re going to have a new reservist for a while.
This building burned a bit, which is the one thing I don’t think had a demon cause. It has the simpler cause of an old woman with no fucks left to give, a drinking problem, and (in this context) a smoking problem. While I (and by extension master) am not out of a house, it all smells wet and smokey, neither in good ways.
I’m too tired now. I’m going to wake up later and hope I can r’member the other things that happened or that the news media will.
Yes, master. That was an intentional removed e. I put the apostrophe and everything. Yes, that’s a rule here. One of the consistent ones.
What was I going to write? Oh, yes. That news report on the outbreak of Red Sea, and the disappearance that I think was demon caused.
I’m pretty sure that the demons worsened (but did not directly cause the record setting outbreak of Red Tide. Probably as a doomed measure to starve people.
Neither master nor I could figure out why a demon would want to steal the first floor of a building and only the first floor. Especially as the second floor is still standing. We could both come up with a very obvious reason for stealing the first floor and letting the second collapse; showing off and also causing mayhem.
But leaving the second floor standing. That’s defied any reason we could try putting on it.
Still, this does leave things in the no demon attack zone I had wanted. Just makes me want to punch whoever granted this wish in such a backhanded way.
In the EU (and possibly also here and Canada), the reserves are apparently deeper than I’d expected. The list of backups in the EU is already full again. I’d hate to be that new reserve or their family. They’d have to feel like there is an uncaring target carelessly near the reserve pilot’s head.
Still, this was a bit of a surprise, so I suppose on my next bit of intrusion I should keep an eye out for those kind of hidden lists.
New demon tactic may be on show today. There was a Canadian attack and just a Canadian attack. No EU movement, no movement here.
So we need to see if it’s going to be fully staggered attacks, one and a pair of attacks, or if somebody just got bored and drunk and attacked too soon. I think we’re all hoping for that last one to be the truth. It’s just too relaxing a possibility.
Of course that could also be its own reason to not actually relax at all, now that I’m listening to people at the base while I’m waiting for the testing to actually begin. I suppose that waiting for everyone’s guard to be down and then striking would be a good tactic if they could actually get a base here that we couldn’t strike at.This book was originally published on Royal Road. Check it out there for the real experience.
And I think that given the limited number of places they would have available, at least any place my master could be taken to a few miles of in a few hours is not actually a place that could be kept safe.
But the demons don’t know that, so it at least means that nobody’s going to be after her head specifically just yet. And yet yesterday shows that isn’t quite as safe it it should be. Uncaring weapons are just as lethal as purposeful ones. Or something like that. Even with this ear protection, the noise is making it hard to concentrate.
The shaking is also slowing down my writing something fierce. More later.
I put the day down a bit early. As it turns out, everyone was wrong. It just seems that there was some kind of breakdown in planning or communication or something on the demon’s side and so attacks just went off several kinds of poorly. In Canada it was only poorly timed. They couldn’t manage to put constant pressure on and so the gains in the middle ended up completely wasted as conventional forces were able to be brought to bear in amounts and types needed to be meaningful or break through the protective magics the demons brought.
In the EU, it was poorly spaced out, and enough times their own clever tricks caught demon troops in the majority or almost exclusively. It can’t even be called a slaughter by the defenders because of how badly those mistakes crippled the demon horde.
And here it was poorly co-ordinated. Too few portals to start lead to us not thinking it was an unusual attack at first and winning like it was one of those early attacks where nothing unexpected showed up. Then there were too many portals and a few daring soldiers managed to make attacks on the demon lands. The reaction of the demons made attacking the demon lands into policy near instantly at all three places and here it is probably, no certainly, the only reason we managed to keep the city standing despite the massive horde.
We still were the worst off of all the three sites, but we should have fallen to that many demons attacking all at once or at least had a victory so self-destructive as to steal the title from King Pyrrhus.
When I wake up and it’s actually the twenty-seventh, I’m going to write down how my guess was proven right or wrong.
I was right!Celebration!
Oh, that’s right. I only put down my guess in words, not ink. Well, here it is, since I was proven completely right. The shadowy council has moved to open up even more factories on a schedule that can only be called panicked.
I don’t even think they’re going to have enough reserves to keep those places protected with a knight armor eah once they’re open. So I have to think that they’re either sacrificial, somebody’s got the ‘brilliant’ idea to move all the knight armors around for solo protection, or they’re hoping to use cores alone as purification devices and hope that the human cost won''t cause too much anger and outrage.
I guess I’ll have to do some intrusion in the next two days to find out where the new factories will be. At least the counter-attacks will have bought some time for all of us to relax again. I will return when less hungover.
In the time it took me to recover from last night’s celebration, the locations were announced to the whole of the world. The names have no meaning to me, but I can say that geographically, none of them are in any of the nations already hosting one and I don’t think they’re in places directly beholden to them either. I need to read up on Brazil, at least, because it’s the only one on this side of the world. I’ll check up on Mongolia and India later. I don’t think I’d get moved to the other side of the globe when the shadowy council has been so reluctant to have me move around the same continent by even a city’s distance. But this has already turned out to be a few days of completely inexplicable events, so why not plan for a sudden reassignment to the waters of Brazil.
It would be far more explicable than the demonic failures just two days ago, the theft before that, and the sudden storm today. I can’t see why such a thing would go on even if the demons can’t re-open portals here without inviting more strikes on their home grounds.
Oh, yes. Both master and I can clearly feel the demonic energies and will be making sure to cover as much ground as we can in the knight armors tomorrow. Can’t let demon plants sudden ruin everything underground due to negligence, now can we?
I’m just glad that I’m probably not going to have to actually live here under this fake identity for too long, on the scale of lives. I think I’d have to spend even more time in the lower academics because of the interruptions demon attacks have caused and definitely will cause. And while it was fun, over the long term it’s going to become quite a bore. Perhaps there’s some way to get out of this because of my responsibilities? Yet another thing to read up on.
Ah, I think I know what the reason for the storm is. Some attacks were to be made while we’re all tired from this rain of sleep.