First of all I''m trying to set up the plot for the mc and the characters I introduced will have influence to the story later on. Then developing the mc. It''s not like I''m trying to side track but if I put all the characters into one long chapter with all the stuff happening at once it''d confuse others. Sure this isn''t like other stories because I introduced so many characters at once. But as I said in the glossary they will have influence in the story later on. And the mc is trying to find her lost memories also. So saying this story doesn''t have a plot, is a complaint I''m getting from some of you readers.
If you don''t like the story so far don''t read it. Saying things straight out is how I''ve always been I''m not trying to single anyone out either. But if you don''t like how I write stories don''t read it. Plus as I said there is a plot and she is working on looking for her memories. She isn''t running in blind like some of you complained.
It''s not that I want to see others criticizing me for not being like others where I just introduce one person at a time as the plot goes. Plus I did hit at Rika being under the influence of her instincts. For those of you that haven''t read the chapters and following along don''t give me complaints without reading all the chapters. Yes I''m just starting to show more of the mc now but if I don''t introduce those characters at once and they pop out later without reasoning nor any settings to go with it you''d be more confused than others. So I put them all there in the beginning, the only one I didn''t add onto the glossary is the sister of mc from her previous incarnation.If you encounter this narrative on Amazon, note that it''s taken without the author''s consent. Report it.
If this plot of the story is too much for you to read then don''t read the rest of the chapters if your tired of it. I''m not trying to incur someone''s hate plus I did this to explain myself on the later chapters.
Your saying I''m not developing the mc but if I did so and all we have is confusion from nonsensical of her memories being mixed up here and there. So I might as well introduce those characters who will have the influence on her than later on. No, if your thinking I''m running in circles by avoiding developments on the mc your wrong. I''m doing so the reader doesn''t get confused later. And don''t say I didn''t warn those of you complaining to me that I''m not doing a good enough job as the author I know what I''m doing.
Plus it''s not me trying to confuse anyone either but if I just went straight to her finding her memories without explaining and they''re all over the place wouldn''t that just confuse you guys more. So saying I don''t have a plot and avoiding things is a lie from which ever person. I''m not trying to single anyone out with this. I''m just explaining as I said before. And sorry if I''m not like other authors where I explain one setting and one new character at a time like animes and other novels.