haha there really are mutant sewer ants
was actually so happy when they turned up
how was i right about this
anyway they didn''t eat #4
too small
smaller even than acid ants
and way way uglier
these things are gross as hell
all drippy and bulging
they explode if they get near you
well more of a squelch than an explosion
guts and goo flying everywhere
but shields block the goop 100% without even losing a layer
so yeah
least effective suicide bombers i ever seen
#4 did get gunked up. drones not strong against goop attacks. i mean it didn''t really do anything. just slowed him down a bit. still if like twenty more grossants exploded on him it could''ve maybe done something. honestly i''m reaching here. those things were like threat level -1. felt a bit sorry for the digusting little boogers tbh.
oh mental note or reminder or whatever. incendiary explosives. in enclosed tunnels. are not the best idea. i mean i was okay. but there were a couple of points where i would not have been okay if it wasn''t for betternewshield.
on the other hand incendiary explosives in enclosed tunnels do such a good job of making sure gross mutant sewer ants don''t even get close to me. i mean yeah shields block the stuff but it''s still super disgusting. seeing it all dribble down right in front of your eyes. nobody wants to see that. shields don''t block smell either. and if i throw up with shields then i don''t even know what happens. does the puke get trapped inside the shield? the chunkier bits probably would at least. man why am i thinking about this horrible nonsense. jin what is wrong with you.Help support creative writers by finding and reading their stories on the original site.
turns out whatever is down in those hives is going to stay down there
or actually
is going to get vortex bombed to heck
entire lower tunnel section is underwater as far as i can tell
no way am i going underwater
down there
in the dark
heck no
once more i am denied my queen
your ant princess is in another castle
so that kind of sucks
but oh well
at least i don''t have to deal with any more gross explodey blobants
hope the waterfactory isn''t actually doing anything. couldn''t be. right? because it was so donked up by ants before i even went near the place. vortex bombing it couldn''t possibly have terrible unforeseen consequences. no way. never. i refuse to believe.
too late for regrets anyway. scrapbags already on their way. i''m back at biscuit fort. it was nice to have a day out but it''s good to be home. asked computer about antweb results but computer was like ''jin i am busy do not rush me okay do not RUSH ME'' so i was like okay chill whatever. computer is still my bff but man that guy needs to unclench sometimes.
power plant reclamation going well at least. drone taskforce doing the necessary boring stuff i can''t be bothered with. man how does anyone get anything done without robots. it''d be all like. oh no i have to do a thing. can i make a robot to do it? no for i am a normal human and not a superscience genius. guess i have to do it myself. welp i tried can''t do anything about this situation just gonna eat nachos and talk about the weather.
that''s my impression of a regular human doing problem solving
100% accurate
man we are getting some ants from down south. is it south? suburbwards. great for antbits but nubbins for peace and quiet. i got stuff i want to be getting on with here. do not need constant flow of
this is like before
this is going to become another antsiege oh no. i already did one of those. i am bored of antsieges. don''t want to deal with this. when are these insects going to get sick of hassling me.
tempted to just send a bunch more scrapbags down that way
probably shouldn''t
like scrapbags are such an easy and effective solution to problems that i just know there''s going to be consequences down the line. like every scrapbag is actually taking a piece of my soul with them or something. like there''s this invisible counter going up towards 100% and once it reaches 100% it''s like. instant gameover. nonstandard. badend.
plus the more i use them the more i get pretty sure that
they actually are just mass teleporting stuff somewhere else
hopefully into space?
but actually probably just somewhere pretty close. so all those ants aren''t dealt with. they''re just like. piling up.
i mean i have zero evidence for this theory
it''s just likely according to jin''s law
jin''s law: the most annoying thing will happen because *long fart noise*
why is everything such a flipping hassle
how am i gonna deal with this
could i just build a giant wall no because ants can climb really well. we have learned this. we remember.
should''ve done more work on ant deterrence. thought i''d have like sonic ant annoyers or something by now. chemical radiation weapons to bend these things to my will. stuff to control my environment. but no. all i got is this goop that ants like and buzzer drones that ants chase. these are temporary nonsense measures. not longterm solutions.
man what even am i gonna do here
what is the nonboring answer