welp this game has turned into a survival simulator
except it''s not simulation
and it''s not fun
suddenly all the numbers have meaning
like i have two flasks of tea
and when those run out
well i won''t have anything to drink
which is bad
didn''t invent any kind of portable water filter thing did i
invented an eyespider instead
wait that''s a terrible example
eyespider is amazing
like even in my waterpoor state i would still not trade eyespider for waterfilter
waterfilter so boring
eyespider so good
also useful for scouting etc which is good because this is also a stealth game
death surrounds me
in a literal sense
i am hiding inside a hut made of antcorpses
using my teleport dependent weapons while i still canUnauthorized usage: this narrative is on Amazon without the author''s consent. Report any sightings.
well not the cannonball pistols
those things make a lot of noise
stealth game remember
shardrifle is pretty quiet though
slicey armblades and antswords also v stealth and v efficient in terms of ammo
because they don''t use ammo
well i mean big antswords need aggbys or they''re too heavy to lift
but i don''t have any big antswords
just sensible ones
+armblades as mentioned
so for right now killing ants is not so difficult as long as there are not many ants around
so far there have not been many ants around
although there have been a few acid ants
i hate those guys
melting my antswords
also just slicing up regular ants isn''t a forever thing
i got equipment degradation going on
yep another thing to worry about. just add it to the pile. did you notice the pile. it is this enormous mountain behind me. teetering precariously. about to fall over and crush me. that is my. worry pile.
good news is that i managed to make an antblood battery recharging device. so as long as i have fresh antcorpses to poke the thing into i can very slowly and inefficiently charge some of my stuff. like eyespider. i am also at least halfway to making antgutgem -> power converter. i don''t know if that one will work. but if it does i should be able to just plug antgutgems straight into heatdroneglove.
man i bet the efficiency is going to be so bad
better than running out of power though
better than yelling WAVE MOTION FIREBALL BLAST and nothing happens
how embarrassing would that be
also shield does not like aggbys. so shield will not like antgutgems. telepower seemed like such a good solve at the time. but when ants eat biscuit fort they will also eat my antblood batteries and my telepower device.
i guess at least i''ll know when my home is gone
because my shield will suddenly fail and an ant will appear out of nowhere and jump on me instantly
need to find more parts and proper tools
creating without a mareo is so flipping tedious. although also satisfying. out here everything has. weight.
especially decisions
i am not near the research lab. that is still. far. but i am pretty close to humanriverbase.
humans love stuff
but humans do not love it when you try to take their stuff
so close
so convenient
so tempting
food. water. the things i need to keep this stupid inefficient body working. might even be teleportal parts in there. all my dreams could come true. in humanriverbase.
so. keep heading for research lab and hope it''s still there and hope it has stuff i need and hope food and water last and hopehopehope
or. infiltrate humanriverbase for loot and deal with angry humans yelling at me and also killing me
or i guess. give up and go back and get eaten by a thousand ants
man these choices suck