In the kitchen, Elin was putting the finishing touches on the food when she heard the kitchen door open. At that moment she turned her head and looked at Helmi entering with Daven.
"I''m d you arrived. Take a seat next to the children, while we wait for everyone else to arrive.
Everything is ready, it''s just a matter of waiting, by the way, Gunnar, how was your game morning. "
Juni''s eldest son Gunnar looked at Elin and showed a face full of energy "It was a pretty fun morning mother. I was able to y with my brothers although it is a shame that Laura hurt her foot.
Otherwise, it would have been a lot better, I just hope it''s better. "
Helmi who was listening sighed and looked at Gunnar "She will be fine. ording to what Einar was able to review it was just a kink, in two days maybe she will be able to walk again without problems.
But you can always y chess with her or one of the many games out there without running. "
Gunnar scratched his head. "I suppose you''re right, Sister Helmi, but despite that, I''m sure Laura will be annoyed by not being able to walk during those two days."
Elin put her hand in her mouth while covering herughter "She is a very energetic girl. It is normal for her to suffer some idents while ying.
She reminds me so much of Einar when he was a kid and he had the great idea of ??fighting a calf when he was just 5 years old.
This time we found him lying next to the calf, sleeping after what appeared to have been a spectacr fight.
They were both full of bites and scratches, but despite that, they had both ended up tired enough to sleep in that ce.
After that Sven decided to train Einar because although he was proud to see him fight a calf, he believed that it was better than he will fight against children his age. "
Helmi couldn''t contain herughter and looked at Elin "That''s why for years the kids told him Liten Ku Kicker, thinking he never told me that story."
Daven was surprised that his father had been nicknamed Little Cow Kicker. Just imagining him sleeping next to a calf also made himugh.
Seeing that everyone was enjoying the anecdote, Elin decided to sit down and take advantage of the fact that Einar had not yet arrived to tell another anecdote.
"Two years after arriving in this new home, Einar, at the age of seven, had another great idea that time he thought it would be a good idea to climb to the top of a pine tree to look for the eggs of a bird.
You should remember that day Helmi. "
Helmi sighed and raised her shoulders "How could I forget, I was waiting for him toe down from the pine tree I still remember Sven going up so I could help him down.
Maybe the only good thing was that he managed to get two bird eggs that became our dinner, but at the same time what he did was something quite dangerous, but a lot of fun. "
Elin nodded and showed a happy face "I can still remember how his father forced him up and down pine trees until he learned the correct way to do it.
There are so many anecdotes, but it would take too long to tell them, like the time you spilled a bucket of cow''s milk on him or when he tripped in the barn and ended up covered in goat dirt.
One of the best was when he was ying with his father''s razor dagger and he ended up cutting arge part of his hair as he said it made him look bigger. "
Helmi, who did not know about that story, could only imagine Einar as a child with his hair badly cut. So sheughed again.
When Einar, Kassia, Laura, Felipa, and Juni arrived in the kitchen, they were surprised to see everyoneughing. But the only one who felt that something was wrong was Einar.
Because everyone''s gazes saw him as if he was the cause of theirughter, so he could only sigh before leaving Laura on a chair to take a seat.
"Mother, why do I feel like everyone sees me as if I did something fun."
Elin put her hand on Einar''s shoulder and looked at him fondly "That''s because I''ve been telling funny stories about your childhood.
Although it is a pity that you do not remember them, it is always a pleasure to tell you everything, I can about your childhood. I just hope it does not bother you. "
Einar shook his head "It''s part of being a kid to do stupid or too silly things, so I can''t be bothered with it.
On the contrary, since we are going to eat what do you think if you continue to tell some stories, I think Laura and Daven would like to know what their father was like in his childhood. "
Juni, who was serving the food on the tes, prepared herself as best she could to listen to the stories that Elin was about to tell because she too would like to know more about Einar''s childhood.
When a te of fish stew was ced in front of Elin, she took her spoon and gave it a good taste before pointing her spoon at Einar.
"Very well, let''s start by telling a something special story that happened to you when you were barely three years old, this happened in summer because I remember that it was very hot in the fjord.
In order to cool off, we decided it was a good idea to take a bath in the water of a nearby stream, so you, your father, and I took a trip to the river.
Upon arrival, we found other members of the tribe also enjoying the cold water of the stream, as I can still remember how hot it was that day.
The first thing we did was find a good ce somewhat far away and so we walked, following the bed of the stream for a few minutes.
It was then that we were able to find a beautiful ce where there was arge and leafy tree. In that ce, we put our things and took off our clothes before entering the cold water.
Because you were a small child, I had to carry you while we got into the refreshing water of the creek, while we enjoyed the water.
Time went by until your father could see out of the corner of his eye that there was a big brown bear in the tree where our things were.
Because we werepletely naked in the water, we did not have any kind of weapon to defend ourselves, so your father hugged us both to safeguard our lives.
Unfortunately for us, the bear began to walk towards us slowly. We only stayed in the same ce because we knew that running was even more dangerous.
When the bear was close enough, you, like a curious child, looked at it and stretched out your little hand. At that moment, your father and I could do nothing to stop you.
So we just watched with quiet fear as you stroked the bear''s nose, who only smelled your hand and sneezed.
What happened next was somewhat surprising because the bear somehow lost interest in us and began to walk north, letting us live that day.
From that moment on we never went back to swim in a remote ce or without guards, but that was the story of how your little hand managed to drive away a brown bear and save our lives.
Of course, when your grandfather found out, he was not happy enough to know that there were beasts near the tribe, so he started a real brown bear hunt.
But among all those who died, we could not find the one who had let us live that day. ording to Asgot, it must have been a spirit of the forest materialized in the form of a brown bear.
Which did not end our lives because you were to his liking. He also mentioned that you should be a natural berserker.
But neither I, your father or your grandfather, agreed to train you to be a berserker, because it is too dangerous an upation and that it would imply having to lose control of your emotions.
Your grandfather knew it very well, that was why the subject was never discussed again in terms of my opinion, and that of your father being a berserker was something that we never thought for you.
I hope you don''t mind knowing that we prevented you from bing a true berserker. "
Einar shook his head "Not at all, mother. I am quite happy with the education you gave me and the way you took care of me. Also, losing control of emotions is dangerous when a tribe depends on you.
Not to mention that for my family, being an unstable man could only cause sadness and suffering to those around me and that will be a real tragedy.
The mere thought of hurting you, my wives, or my children is something I would never allow.
But I''m curious mother. Did the spirit of the forest ever show up again? "
Elin, with a mncholic face, looked at Einar "Yes, it did and unfortunately it was when we escaped on the ships. I still remember that I and your father could see it.
He was standing atop the fjord walls, staring at where we were as if saying goodbye to us.
That was thest time he reappeared, at least that I remember. But you could always ask your father if he has managed to see him on the ind.
Although I really doubt it because he told me, but I think the only reason he appeared was because of you, that''s why maybe you can see him in the future or maybe you can never see him. "
Einar just scratched his chin and began to wonder what role a forest spirit would have. Although he would like to deny its existence, he knows he cannot.
For his daughter, Erika and himself are proof that there is something else, something that cannot be seen and that he cannot exin.