Sia, who was working on some experiments, could not stop repeating the table of elements in her mind.
So when Einar entered theb with little Daven, Sia was quite happy.
"Teacher, I am d you havee I have some questions about the elements and their atomic weight knows how we can weigh them."
Einar sighed and smiled casually "We don''t have the right tools to do it, because we would need a lot of time to develop them.
But we can do other things even more interesting. Today we will make a small crank electric generator, with which we can make electricity, which is a direct current.
For this we are going to use two mas made of maite covered with copper, copper wire, a copper disk and a small support to attach a crank.
When we have the electric power generator, we will make an electrolytic bath, with which we can create a tedyer on objects to be able to protect the metals.
But first we are going to make a continuous power generator which transforms mechanical energy into electrical energy through the use of a maic field.
To speed up the work, Seren and a group of artisans cut and tested some maite stones with high maic levels. "
Einar pointed out two stones which were painted blue and red "The red stone is positive and the blue stone is negative if we put these two stones together."
Using his hands, Einar together the two stones and they are joined "As you can see, these stones are joining. This will help us generate the maic field.
To begin, each of you take a stone and I want you to cover it with copper wire.
It has to be as you are that they are already covered. "
Einar then pointed to some maite stones that werepletely covered in copper.
Sia and Daven smiled and carried out the task that Einar had given them. For his part, Einar just watched them work.
<em>''Sia may be young, but she behaves just like Daven. They are both still children, both of whom have lived difficult lives.</em>
<em> </em>
<em>But if I can at least make their lives better, I''ll be proud to see how they make their own lives. ''</em>
When the two of them finished, Einar gave them a smile "Very good job you did, but now is the time to do the primary job.
How do you know a positive and negative ma creates an electromaic field, but what you should know is that if we ce a material like copper and move it, an electric current will be generated.
There are two kinds of electric currents, alternating current and direct current.
As its name says, alternating current creates an electrical flow that is slow while continuous current always produces energy.
If we wanted to create alternating electric current, we would have to use a copper wire that covers a cylinder with which we will ce some mas.
When we move it, the current that will be generated will be alternating. I know that it may seem that it is a useless current.
But they must know that if you want to transmit electrical energy over long distances, alternating current is the best way to do it.
Unfortunately, I have no way of making an energy transformer because I do not understand many things. You just have to know that electrical energy will revolutionize our lives.
But let''s not waste time. We make our hand crank generator.
For this, we will make wooden support where the two mas can be ced at the bottom and the copper disk at the top. "
After saying those words, Einar took his saw and a pencil while he began to cut the wood. For their part, Sia and Daven helped him in any way they could.
After a while of working, they had before them a frame where, using pine glue, they glued the mas, which created a maic field.
Later, they ced a copper disk which was attached to a crank to be able to turn it.
"We have just done the mostplicated now we only have to ce copper wire that sticks out of the mas, but who of you wants to test a little electrical energy through your body?"
Daven shook his head as he knew from his father that it was dangerous, but Sia, who knew nothing about electrical power, volunteered.
After Einar tied two copper wires to the mas, he handed the two copper wires to Sia.
"Do not be afraid because the energy we will produce will be small. You will not die or suffer damage, you will only feel a strange sensation in your hands."
Sia nodded and Einar began to turn the crank slowly so that Sia could feel a kind of tickle in her hands.
As Einar started to pick up speed, Sia''s tickling turned to a slight numbness in his arms.
Einar then started cranking the crank at full speed and Sia just screamed at the pain in her hand, so Einar stopped and quickly helped Sia.
"Are you okay Sia?"
Siaughed and looked at Einar in surprise "If we use this to electrify the barbed wire, no enemy would dare to touch the barbed wire.
It could even be such dangerous protection that it would be talked about for thousands of years.
But now I want to see how the electrolytic bath works. "
Einar smiled and looked at the two seriously "I want you to stand near the window and use your sses to ski, as I will be using hydrochloric acid and distilled water."
The two nodded and obeyed Einar, while Einar ced half distilled water and half hydrochloric acid in a ss container.
With the substance ready, he ced a gold bar that had the copper wire tied with the positive current.
Later, he ced a steel dagger that had the copper wire tied with a negative current.
The gold bar and the steel dagger were ced opposite each other.
"What I''m going to do is take gold molecules to the steel knife to create a protectiveyer of gold.
It will still be steel, but if it is filed enough, the gold that covers it can be removed, it can also be done with copper, tin, and zinc.
Although they will have to wait a bit, as it is a time-consuming process that will take almost half an hour. "
After saying those words, Einar turned the crank quite hard for a period of half an hour.
Only after fifteen minutes did he change his hand because his right hand had gotten tired of turning the crank.
When time passed, Einar used tweezers to remove the knife, which was covered in ayer of gold.
"This is how you create gold-coated items without spending valuable resources."
Daven and Sia looked at him in amazement as they couldn''t believe their eyes.