"Csille, how can you do that?"
I look at Li and frown. What does she mean? "How can I do what?"
We''re at one of the restaurants in Alderrdeen school. Our sses this morning just ended, and we''re having our lunch here.
Li slumps her head on the table. "How can you finish your research, and you''re already preparing for your presentation? While all of us are still having difficulty finalizing our research. Are you even a human? Why are you so perfect?"
I justugh at her. If she only knew how much sleep I have to sacrifice to finish this. If not because I am afraid I''ll affect the story, I wouldn''t put too much effort into studying.
However, since I have already written that Csille Lauretré will graduate from the Aderrdeen School of Knowledge with high honors, I cannot be at ease with my grades. Even though it is a small detail about Csille, I don''t want to change it.
After all, a lot of out of the script things are happening now. I''m afraid if I add more, this world won''t survive anymore.
I was about to answer her, but my eyes caught a familiar figure. The moment I recognized who the person was, the real Csille instantly took over my body.
Csille waves her hand at Li. "I''ll answer thatter. I need to talk to someone first. I''ll see youte."
She left some centimes for their bill before she ran towards the direction where Sir Farren went.
"Sir Farren!"
Sir Farren looks back. He looks at Csille with disbelief in his eyes. He''s probably wondering why would Csille call him.
"Lady Csille? Do you need anything?"
Csille looks around to check if there are people around before answering him. "Sir Farren, can I have a few minutes of your time?"
Sir Farren frowns, but he still nods his head. "I can do that. However, I cannot stay for too long. I still need to go back to where Prince Fraser is."
Csille sigh before she bows ny degrees. Csille heard Sir Farren gasp.
"Lady Csille! What are you doing?"
Csille remains bowing. "I apologize for all the rude things I said and did to you before. I was immature and irrational that I forgot how to act and behave as a person. Please forgive me, Sir Farren. I was so blinded by my feelings for Prince Fraser that I ended up doing those things. I hope you can forgive me."
Csille starts to y with her fingers. She feels anxious. She knows what she did to Sir Farren before is uneptable, and she doesn''t know if she will be forgiven, but she still wants to try.
She is really sorry for all she did. That''s why she is apologizing. Not just to make Prince Fraser see that she changes in herself but because she wants to. And she thinks Sir Farren deserves an apology.
Csille anxiously waits for Sir Farren''s reply. She remains bowing and will only stand straight after she hears his reply.
Sir Farren sighs. "Lady Csille, you don''t need to apologize. I understand why you did that. You love Prince Fraser so dearly. I know that reason is not enough justification for what you did. I still understand, and I''m really grateful to hear you apologizing to me. Thank you, Lady Csille."
Csille looks up at Sir Farren with teary eyes. The guy she used to hate because she thought he was taking her fiancé from her, is this person? She doesn''t understand why her younger self hated this man.
Sir Farren is such a nice person. How can she hate him before?
Csille smiled andughed at herself. "I''m too dumb to even hate a person like you. You''re really a nice person, Sir Farren. Now it makes me feel guilty for doing those things to you. I apologize. I should have realized how good natured you are."
Sir Farren smiled genuinely at her. "Lady Csille, you''re ttering me too much. I just know how it is like to love someone dearly. I, myself, did some uneptable things to some people too. So, I understand you, and I''m d that you''re apologizing. I honestly hope you happiness Lady Csille. I hope you won''t let your emotions get a hold of you again."
Csille stands up straight and stares at Sir Farren. Won''t let her emotions get a hold of herself? What does he mean?
Sir Farren smile. "Lady Csille, I''ll be going now. I still need to return back to Prince Fraser. I''ll see youter."
Sir Farren didn''t wait for her to reply and just walked away from her.
Csille stares at Sir Farren''s back and sigh.
She regrets it. She regrets doing cruel things to such a good person. She didn''t even get the chance to say thank you to him.
<em>Thank you, Sir Farren. Thank you for understanding me and for not judging me the way other people did. Thank you for being such a nice person to me, even if I did harm you before.</em>
"Csille! Where did you go? Have you heard?"
Li rushes immediately in my direction when she sees me entering the room. I frown and look at her. She looks panicking. What could have happened to make her act like this?
After Csille''s conversation with Princess Paislee, I immediately took control of the body. I hurriedly rush to her because I''m alreadyte for my next ss but what wees her is a room full of gossiping students without the Professor.
Did something happen?
"What should have I heard?"
Li looks at her with disbelief in her expression. She then pulled her to their seats.
She looks around first before whispering in her ears. "You didn''t know that Prince Fraser got in trouble this morning?"
My eyes immediately widened when I heard what Li said. Prince Fraser got in trouble? What does she mean? Also, as far as I remember, Prince Fraser''s stay in Alderrdeen should be peaceful.
What happened?
First, their supposed few days stay in Alderdeen bes two weeks. And now Prince Fraser is in trouble?
I look at Li with doubtful eyes. Neen years old Prince Fraser is not like his fourteen years old who has anger management issues. He is now calm and rarely gets mad. He even doesn''t show much expression on his face. So, howe he is in trouble now?
Li shakes her head. "I couldn''t believe it too at first. Based on Prince Fraser''s appearance, he doesn''t look like the type of man who gets mad easily. However, it is true. The reason why our Professor is not here is because of Prince Fraser."
Li looked around before she leaned towards me again. "I heard Prince Fraser got mad at one of our batchmates. The guy is an Art major."
"Got mad? But why would he get mad? Also, what did he do? Is it too bad?"
I hope it''s not too bad. I hope he just had a verbal fight with our batchmate. A physical fight will not just affect the novel. It will also affect his image. I''m afraid his majesty, the King, will be mad at him for doing this. Even the Vrawyth reputation will be put to criticism.
Please don''t make it too terrible.
"He knocks off the guy. I heard from those students who witnessed what happened that the guy said something inappropriate about you."
I immediately look at Li. Inappropriate about me? Prince Fraser knocks off the guy just because that person said something inappropriate about me?
Is that even real?
If anyone else, I expected Rufus to do such a rash thing but not Prince Fraser.
"Are you sure that''s true? I don''t think it''s possible." I shake my head repeatedly. Prince Fraser won''t do that. That''s now how Prince Fraser should treat Csille.
Li groans. "Howe it''s impossible? Prince Fraser is now in the Principal''s office for what he did. I even heard that the poor Art major is still unconscious in the clinic. How can it be impossible?" Li shakes her head. "You''re his fiancé. You should know this thing more than I."
How will I know? I was busy talking with Prince Fraser''s personal Knight. Also, what does Prince Fraser''s matter have to do with me? I''m just the fiancée in title. I don''t mean anything to him.
"What I''m saying is maybe the cause of the incident doesn''t involve me. I don''t think nobody in Alderrdeen will say something like that to me. Also, I don''t think Prince Fraser will do something extreme like that. He''ll probably talk to the guy but won''t beat him."
Li looks at me with disbelief in her eyes. She then rolled her eyes at me. "Csille, don''t you know? Many guys admire you. Some even got mad because they couldn''t have a chance with you and that art major guy is one of those. Don''t you know that guy?"
Art major student? Csille interacted with many students before since she always does volunteering. She remembers there are a few art major students who joined them one time. Was that guy was part of that group?
I shake my head. Csille is bad at remembering people who don''t have a significant role in her life.
Li shakes her head. "He was one of our ssmates when we first arrived here to attend the Semester break ss five years ago. He often talks to us. Don''t you remember?"
He often talks to us? I tried to scan through Csille''s memory, but I couldn''t remember any guy.
I can''t me Csille, though. She was too in love with Prince Fraser that other guys didn''t attract her attention.
"But did Prince Fraser really do that? Maybe you''re just exaggerating."
I still couldn''t process what was happening. Prince Fraser did that to me? That''s something I wouldn''t expect.
I sigh and shake my head. He probably only did that because it concerned about his reputation. Of course, whatever people say about me affects him too.
Li shakes her head. "If you don''t believe me. Why don''t you see for yourself? Check that art major student in the clinic. I''m sure Doctor Leander will give you the same answer." Li paused. "You know what? I''ll probably apany you. Come on. I''m sure the Professor won''t attend this ss."
Li immediately drags me out of the room and drags me in the clinic''s direction.
In just a few minutes, we are now inside the clinic and looking at the art major student who is lying on the bed unconscious.
"You still don''t remember him?" Li whispered to me while I stared at the guy intently.
I tried my best to remember him, but no matter how much I think, I couldn''t recognize his face.
I shake my head. Li shakes his head. "I''m sure this guy will be disappointed to know that you don''t even remember him. Poor guy. Falling in love with someone who doesn''t see him and knows his existence."
Li was still mumbling and sympathizing with the guy when someone called my name. I looked back and saw Leander with a grave expression. He walks towards us and checks the condition of the guy.
He then shakes his head. "He got a fracture on his hand and a stitch on his head. Prince Fraser is in a difficult situation right now, Lady Csille."
I felt my hand tremble, and I took a step back. It''s really true. Prince Fraser did that to the guy. But why? Why did he do that? Is it because of what Li said? Is it because of me?
But it''s impossible. Prince Fraser won''t do that for me.
I sigh and look at Leander. "Do you know what''s the reason Prince Fraser did that? Although he used to be a little ill tempered five years ago, I don''t think it wille to this point that he will knock off someone until they got broken bones and some stitches."
Leander closed the curtain and walked to his table. "I heard from Professor Foulqueret that this guy said something inappropriate about you, and Prince Fraser heard it. He tried to talk to him in a calm manner, but this guy kept throwing insultingments about you that Prince Fraser lost it. It was too sudden, and everyone didn''t expect that Prince Fraser would harm anyone in Alderrdeen. That''s why they weren''t able to get in between them."
It''s really true. The reason why Prince Fraser is in trouble is because of me.
It''s because of me....