Chapter 457: : Please, don''t do it
I look up at the moon and sigh heavily. I have a lot of things weighing on my mind right now. "Dame Csille, I apologize if I waste. I just finished talking to Prince Fraser about something important. I hope you haven''t been waiting long."
Like why this person in front of me asked me to meet her in the garden at thiste hour.
I look at Princess Paislee, who is currently panting in front of me. It seems she ran straight here after her conversation with Prince Fraser.
I shake my head and smile at her. "No worries. I''m sure there''s a lot to handle after all the discussions earlier. I just hope I''m not interrupting your work."
Princess Paislee shakes her head. "You could never be an interruption, mydy."
If I didn''t know her secret, I would have misunderstood her words. I shake my head and sigh. "Sir Farren, if you don''t want others to misinterpret your words, please be more careful with what you say."
Princess Paislee''s eyes widen, likely realizing her mistake. She then bows her head to me. "Apologies, Dame Csille. I didn''t mean it that way. Please don''t misunderstand."
I give her a reassuring smile. "Don''t worry, I''m not misunderstanding anything. Also, can you please stop bowing your head like that? I thought you wanted to talk about something. How can we have a conversation if you keep doing that?"
Princess Paislee stares at me for a few seconds, looking conflicted.
But why?
I turn my attention at the moon, taking in its beauty. "Sir Farren, as much as I want to hear what you have to say, I don''t have all the time in the world. So, if you have something to say, please just say it."
I heard her sigh. "Csille, please don''t do it."
My heart races at her words. It''s the second time she''s spoken as if she knows something.
But does she? Does she know my secret?
Despite my nervousness, I try my best to hide the tremor in my voice. "I''m not sure I understand what you''re trying to say, Sir Farren. Don''t do what? As far as I know, I don''t have any ns scheduled for theing days."
Princess Paislee remains silent as I continue to stare at the moon, afraid that if I look at her, I might confront a truth I don''t want to face.
It might sound unbelievable for a viiness like me, but I am scared right now. I''m scared of what the female lead is trying to say.
"Csille, I know things are not looking good right now. But trust me, everything will turn out fine in the end. So, please... please don''t do it."
I furrow my brow. This conversation is only adding to my confusion. What is she trying to tell me?
Don''t do what? And how can she say everything will turn out well in the end? How can a viiness like me have a good ending after betraying my own kingdom?
Death seems like a lighter punishmentpared to what Csille will do in the future. So how can she im everything will end well?
For them... yes, it will certainly be good because finally, there''s no one else standing in the way of their romance.
But for the viiness?
I don''t even want to think about what the future holds. Right now, all I want is to get through this so everyone can have the ending they deserve.
"Dame Csille, I understand you may not trust my words, but don''t you believe Prince Fraser? Don''t you believe in the promise he made to you?"
I immediately nce at Princess Paislee, who is staring at me with emotions I can''t quite
"Promise? What promise are you talking about, Sir Farren?"
And believe Prince Fraser? I almost want tough at that notion. How can I trust someone who discarded the person they once cared for just because they fell in love with someone else?
I will never trust such a person again, not after everything I''ve experienced and heard from him.
"How about we make a promise then? Let''s promise that we will never hate each other, no matter what. Do these words ring a bell?"
My eyes widen as I hear those familiar words.
Prince Fraser moved closer to me, his gaze intense. "Please stop with the ''Count''s daughter'' talk. Right now, you''re Csille, not just some noble''s daughter. And I''m just Fraser, not a Prince. So, as Fraser, I''m asking you. Do you hate me?"
I met his gaze and smiled. "I could never hate you, Fraser."
The Prince looked at me for a moment before smiling. "You said it. You don''t hate me."
"Why would I hate you? I would never do that." Prince Fraser takes my other hand and holds it. "How about we make a promise then? Let''s promise that we will never hate each other, no matter what."
I stared at our intertwined hands and smiled at him. "Okay, I promise."
Isn''t that the scene where the King announces the engagement between Prince Fraser and me? It''s also one of the first scenes I encountered here as Csille Lauretré.
But how does Princess Paislee know about it? Word for word. It''s as if she was there to witness what happened.
"H-how... ho-how did you know that?" I stammer.
Princess Paislee smiles reassuringly at me. "Because Prince Fraser has told me that story so many times, it feels like I witnessed it all happening."
I froze in ce, trying to grasp Princess Paislee''s words. Prince Fraser told her about that?
But why? Why would he share such a childish promise with the person he loves?
What on earth is the Crown Prince thinking? Is he trying to sabotage his own rtionship before it even begins? How could he tell Princess Paislee about that?
Is he naive or just clueless?
Iugh, trying to lighten the awkwardness in the air. "Those were just childish promises, Sir Farren. A lot has happened since then-"
"Does that mean you hate him, Dame Csille? Do you hate Prince Fraser now?" Princess Paislee''s question startles me, leaving me unable to answer immediately.
Do I hate Prince Fraser? As a writer, yes, I definitely did. But does my opinion even matter? I''m just an outsider in this world.
I sigh. "Sir Farren, I don''t understand why you''re bringing up this conversation. Honestly, I''m not sure what you''re trying to say to me. So, can we stop going around in circles and just say it straight to my face? What is it that you really want to tell me?"
Princess Paislee sighs. "All I''m trying to say is, please don''t make a mistake that you''ll regret the most. Please, Dame Csille. There are many things you can do to..."
"You seem so certain that I will do something I''ll regret in the future. Can you tell me what it
is? What will I regret?"
Princess Paislee gazes at me for a moment before shaking her head. "I''m sorry, that''s not what I meant to say. I know how much you care for Prince Fraser, and I thought..."
I scoff. "You thought what, Sir Farren?" I move closer, hoping to intimidate her into revealing the truth.
I''m certain Princess Paislee is withholding something important, and I need to uncover it. However, my presence doesn''t seem to faze her. She continues to stare at me and shakes her head. "Dame Csille, I''m not trying to insinuate anything. I was just worried that your emotions might lead you to actions you don''t intend."
Iugh sarcastically. "You seem so attuned to my emotions. Can you enlighten me, then? Because right now, I''m utterly confused about what I should feel."
Princess Paislee shakes her head and sighs heavily. "I think we should continue this conversation another time. It''ste, Dame Csille. It''s not good for your health to be awake at
this hour."
She takes a step back and leaves the premises. Before turning the corner, she looks back at me. "Csille, don''t betray yourself. You deserve to be happy."
After saying those words, she left without waiting for my reply, leaving me standing there in
confusion.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om
What did she mean by her words? What does Princess Paislee know? Or does she really know something? These questions lingered in my mind, unanswered.
"Dame Csille, are you feeling alright? You don''t look well. Perhaps it would be better to
reschedule this for another day?" S asks as we make our way to Prince Fraser''s office to
discuss the funding I requested.
"You know how busy His Highness is, don''t you? If we reschedule, it could be a long time before we get another opportunity. Let''s just proceed with it," I reply, shaking my head.
S looks at me with concern. "I understand, Dame Csille, but look at yourself. You look pale right now, as if you could copse from fatigue at any moment. It hasn''t been long since you copsed. Maybe it''s best if you rest first before meeting His Highness. I''m sure once he knows about your condition, he''ll understand the need for rest."
I shake my head and offer a reassuring smile. "Prince Fraser understanding Csille? I almost want tough at that thought. The most likely oue is Prince Fraser getting upset with Csille for wasting his time. So, I''d rather proceed with this now."
S continues to try to persuade me, but I remain firm. We need to start the renovation, especially with an impending war looming.
I was about to knock on the door when Princess Paislee opened it. She looked surprised to see me before quickly closing the door behind her.
"Dame Csille, may I ask the purpose of your visit?" she inquires with a hint of anxiety in her
I furrow my brow, noticing the tension in her demeanor. Did something happen again? Or is it because of ourst conversation?
But if that''s the case, shouldn''t I be the one feeling nervous instead of her?
I show her the documents for funding. "I''m here to discuss the funding I''ve requested with
His Highness. Is something wrong?"
Princess Paislee looks back at the closed door and shakes her head. "I don''t think it''s a good time for that. His Highness is..." She pauses, clearly weighing her words. "He''s in a bad mood today. I don''t think it''s wise for you to bring up your request."
I sigh in disappointment. Truthfully, I was somewhat relieved, but I also know I can''t dy the renovation any longer. So, even though I''d rather not, I know I have no choice but to speak
with him.
"Thank you for your concern, Sir Farren. However, I''m also on a tight schedule and can''t
afford to wait any longer. Could you please ask His Highness if he''s avable for our meeting
Princess Paislee stares at me for a moment, clearly taken aback by my response.
I would be surprised too if I were in her shoes. Who in their right mind would willingly face
Prince Fraser''s bad mood? I wouldn''t, but as I mentioned, I don''t have any other choice right
Princess Paislee nods and excuses herself to speak with Prince Fraser. It doesn''t take long for her to return, her expression somber.
"Pleasee inside, Dame Csille," Princess Paislee says, opening the door for me. However,
she stops S from entering Prince Fraser''s office. "I apologize, but His Highness has
requested to meet with you alone. So, if you wouldn''t mind, please excuse us." She then escorts S out of sight, leaving me bewildered.
What is this? Why is she leaving the Crown Prince alone with me? The viiness? And what
was with her expression just now?
"Are you just going to stand there, or do you n oning inside? Because I don''t have time
to waste," I prompt, feeling impatient.
I was startled when I heard Prince Fraser''s cold voice. I turned around to find him staring at
me with a strange expression on his face... a look I couldn''t quite ce.
What is happening right now? I wondered, feeling uncertain and uneasy about his demeanor.