Chapter 600 BYE, BYE... Apple was the first to see what the girl was about to do, because Jayden had his back to the girl, and she felt a little confused because of the influence of alcohol in her system.
For a moment, Apple didn''t understand why the girl in the white bikini was walking up to her with a smile that irritated her and a look in her eyes that made her feel like punching her.
Well, under the influence of alcohol, Apple could be a little brutal because she couldn''t control herself well.
Behind the girl in the white bikini were two other girls who were staring with wariness and anticipation, as if something interesting was about to happen.
They giggled amongst themselves and this made Apple frown and squint even more. Alcohol was a little disturbing factor.
And then several things happened simultaneously that werepletely unexpected.
The first thing was when Apple saw the girl in the white bikini walk up to her and twist her body, positioning herself, where if she stumbled, therge bowl of fruit juice she was holding would hit Applepletely.
They must be either crazy or too drunk to use this kind of prank on Apple, especially when she was Jayden Tordoff''s lover and they were doing it right in front of him.
However, Apple was silent for a moment, before suddenly kicking the bowl before it fell on her and actually caused the entire contents of the big bowl to hit the girl in the white bikini instead.
And when the bowl fell to the floor, the fragile thing shattered into pieces, but Apple had saved herself by sitting on Jayden''sp and burying her face in the man''s chest, holding him pretty tightly.
Meanwhile, Jayden was very surprised when he saw Apple suddenly standing up and even more surprised when he heard the sound of ss falling and breaking apart after being kicked by Apple. How could this girl do this so quickly?
And when Apple suddenly sat on hisp, Jayden instinctively hugged her so she wouldn''t fall, while protecting her from the sharp shards of ss.
Of course, this smallmotion drew the attention of several people around them, who immediately surrounded the scene, as well as dys and Derek.
The man beside dys raised an eyebrow and stared in disbelief at the chaos that had urred, while the girl in the white bikini, whose whole body was now sticky with the syrup from the fruit juice that had fallen onto her body, started crying after the initial shock that made her speechless.
And after crying for a bit, anger started to build up in her, as she walked briskly to Apple, who was on Jayden''sp, but the shards of ss under her feet prevented her from walking any closer without hurting herself.
The girl was about to open her mouth and swear at Apple, only she swallowed it all when she saw Jayden''s sharp and fierce gaze, which seemed to warn her to be careful in choosing her next words.
And the message was conveyed well, because the woman opened and closed her mouth repeatedly, but couldn''t find the right words to say to the girl on Jayden''sp, until it was Apple herself who spoke.
"She was about to spill the contents of that bowl on me," Apple grumbled in a sad voice. She didn''t like this girl. "I saw it myself. She was smiling when she was about to spill the drink on me." Apple stretched out her hand while pointing at the girl''s face.
Now she really was in the limelight the way she wanted to be when she was about to embarrass Apple.
As for Apple, she buried her face in Jayden''s chest and nced at the girl with fierce eyes.
"Two of her friendsughed too," said Apple, pointing to the two female friends behind her.
"She must be drunk, I didn''t mean to spill this drink on purpose," the girl said defensively, but she was afraid to steal nces at Jayden, afraid he would explode in anger.
Now, after this incident, she was fully aware and it could be said that the influence of alcohol within her hadpletely disappeared, reced by the fear that had begun to creep up in her heart, especially when Apple used her of this in public. She saw what she was going to do? Wasn''t she drunk?
dys immediately approached Apple and Jayden. Indeed, the girl in the white bikini was her friend, but she was more afraid of upsetting Apple and Jayden than the girl.
"Are you okay? Ah, your leg''s bleeding," dys said, pointing to Apple''s calf and saw that there were scratches from the broken bowl.
Immediately, Jayden snapped quietly and coldly. "Okay, enough is enough." Then he stood up holding Apple in his arms tightly. The girl was muttering; I want to see the blood. I want to see my blood. "What''s your name?" Jayden asked.
Immediately, the girl''s face turned pale and she stammered out an apology.
But, he had no time for her. So, he immediately turned to dys to ask the girl''s full name before finally leaving with Apple who actually waved at the girl in white bikini.
"Bye, bye…" Apple slurred.
Jayden then took Apple to the lobby and asked a receptionist to bring a first aid box to his room.
Only then did the two of them head to their room.
"I''m not going to allow you to drink again at this rate," Jayden said sternly at the frowning Apple.
"But it''s not my fault," Apple objected. She didn''t want to be med for something that wasn''t her fault.
"Yeah, you''re not wrong, but kicking things isn''t good, you see? Isn''t your leg hurt now? Why do you always get hurt when you are with me?" Jayden grunted.
Only Apple ignored him, she was busy groping Jayden which made the man grit his teeth. This girl!
"Oh! I found a ring!" she eximed.