I’m not alone. It’s true. The blessings don’t let me lie to anybody but targets. I always tell the truth to normal decent people.
I’m just finishing with this big bastard I ran into in Florida. He came on all hard, but he turned bitch quick when I got serious. I wrapped him up tight, shoved him in my trunk and took him to this little abandoned farmhouse I found with some help from my blessings. Nice spot in Georgia, real quiet. It’s the perfect place for final judgement.
He struggles some, but it’s far past helping. I prop him up against the fence and get down to business. I finish nailing him down with some good iron spikes. You can get pretty good stuff at some hardware stores. He gets super quiet. Still alive though, so I know I’m doing excellent work. I pull out a nice retractable cutting blade and show it to him. It has a pretty sweet little curve to it and everything. It will make good clean slices, keep things neat. Asshole doesn’t show any appreciation. Rude. Well, before I can start on his face, I hear a car coming.
Nobody ever comes up this little dirt road and I feel like something’s up. I think about maybe hiding when the blessings give me a jangle. So I sit still. Up rolls this black SUV with heavy tinted windows. I can tell right off that there are some bad folks in the back. Three of them.
The SUV stops and three guys get out. Not the ones the blessings sniffed out. The guys aren’t bad guys. These are different guys. I’m just standing there, watching. The blessings are saying calm so I stay calm. The men are wearing all black that looks like some kind of armor. Modern armor, not the real stuff. I can’t tell if these people are white or black or brown. Not that it matters. They all have guns, rifles on their backs and pistols at the side, but I’m not scared.
So one of these guys walks right up on me and starts shouting. I can’t figure out what he’s trying to say and it isn’t important anyway. The other guys are trying to hold him back, but he’s going wild, like I did something to piss him off. It’s all “what did you do to me? What did you do to me?” He sounds funny. Might be because of the helmet he was wearing, but I think there’s more to it. I’m just listening to this dude, trying to take it in, when he goes for pistol. So, what do you think? I take him out, bim bang boom.
I’m not a big guy, not really. I figure I’m mostly average. Like just about anybody, sometimes I feel like I’m better and sometimes I feel like I’m weaker. But with the blessings…well. I can be strong as a dream. Fast too.
So I punch him good and hard. Hard enough to break his funny visor. My fist comes back bloody and I’m already giving him a nice little kick to the guts for good measure. Guy vomits a little, starts choking. I almost feel bad, but it’s kind of ha-ha funny.The narrative has been taken without permission. Report any sightings.
The other two are motioning with their hands, like to calm me or down or maybe calm us both down. I’m game to call it quits and hug it out, but this angry guy just won’t quit. He goes for his gun again and that’s all she wrote. There’s a roaring in my ears and I can’t hear shit anymore. I’m fucking outraged.
I hit him again, and while he’s trying to shake it off I twist his head around for him. It’s some serious movie shit. I told you, I get strong.
When he drops, I guess the other dudes get scared because they go for the weapons too. I might have been able to defuse things but I lost my head. I’m bit proud of it. I straight put it on them. Bam! Head butt! Crack! In the crotch. What! Sternum cracked. Long story short, it’s all twitching meat by the time I stop seeing red.
They seemed like decent dudes, so I make it clean and quick. Slice slice slice. Three throats cut and sleepy time. Then I to back to my previous project. I’m into him for a solid ten minutes before I remember the other three people who the blessings pointed out to me. In the back of the SUV.
The big guy I have nailed to the fence sure is having a lucky day. I finish him up and walk over to the SUV. Open the back. Like the blessings told me, there’s three people there.
All tied up, one of them has a nice gash on his forehead and none of them are awake. The blessings are screaming at me. Bad bad bad. They have to go.
Kind of weird, the gash on the guy’s head looks like it’s healing. I mean, all wounds heal for most healthy people but I can see the flesh growing back together. What do they call it in the fantasy books, with the healing magic? Knitting.
Maybe I’m seeing things, but I can’t have that. That guy gets lucky too. I make sure he never wakes up and he goes scott free. No punishment, just death. I hate that.
The other two, they get what’s coming. But I’m tired of all the noise and shouting from earlier, so I wake them up by taking out the old tongues and breaking their jaws. Keeps things quiet.
You won’t believe it, but there’s something trying to leave the bodies. I can’t see it, but I know it’s there. It’s like they died but they’re trying to get away. I can''t understand it, but it’s pissing me off all over again. I’m not having that. The blessings go wild, and it feels like something inside me is opening up. And just like that, the blessings swallow up whatever’s trying to get away.
I feel jazzed. My skin is buzzing and I feel stronger and cleaner than I ever felt before. I definitely want more. It has no taste but I can’t stop thinking about chicken.
Anyway, that’s the time I met some guys that might be like me. But they were defective, so they expired. I still don’t feel good about it. We could have been a team, like the b-guys or the a-guys are whatever.
I don’t let depression or guilt get to me. I have a job to do, for the children and good people everywhere. So I shake it off and start looking for more work. It doesn’t take me long, I can tell you that. That’s justice.