Beneath the smoky skies of the city of Templeton, a grim tale unfolds. Several unfortunate souls will not survive the week, some even the night. An unfortunate fence heads to what will be his last deal, and with it seal his inevitable doom. His is a thread that will tie together the fates of three strangers, even as he breathes his last breath. Follow their story, as they fight to hold onto who they are, in a world that seeks to crush them, and all that makes them unique.
Beneath the smoky skies of the city of Templeton, a grim tale unfolds. Several unfortunate souls will not survive the week, some even the night. An unfortunate fence heads to what will be his last deal, and with it seal his inevitable doom. His is a thread that will tie together the fates of three strangers, even as he breathes his last breath. Follow their story, as they fight to hold onto who they are, in a world that seeks to crush them, and all that makes them unique....