Shattered Glass and Emptiness
Author''s Note:Dearest fans, I apologize for yet another extended absence. I have been dealing with so much in my everyday life that writing has taken a back seat. I am returning to continue the stories that I have already started but during my time away have been doing some deep soul searching of my own. I have always been told to write things that I know and are passionate about. However, the way my mind works, does not think that this sort of story would be appropriate, nor appreciated. It may be unliked. Then, I thought of the authors I have loved so much, such as Edgar Allen Poe. He was not well known or liked at the time of his writings. So, it is now with a deep breath that I begin a story of a girl whose life will reflect my own in various ways. Mental Illness can and always had stigmas. With this story, I am hoping that there may be some more empathy, compassion, and understanding of what these people go through. How some may view the world. Even though it is ridiculous to others. It is hard to explain these things but through the eyes of the main character, I am hoping that these people that suffer daily, are no longer pinned as "just people seeking attention."
Author''s Note:Dearest fans, I apologize for yet another extended absence. I have been dealing with so much in my everyday life that writing has taken a back seat. I am returning to continue the stories that I have already started but during my time away have been doing some deep soul searching of my own. I have always been told to write things that I know and are passionate about. However, the way my mind works, does not think that this sort of story would be appropriate, nor appreciated. It may be unliked. Then, I thought of the authors I have loved so much, such as Edgar Allen Poe. He was not well known or liked at the time of his writings. So, it is now with a deep breath that I begin a story of a girl whose life will reflect my own in various ways. Mental Illness can and always had stigmas. With this story, I am hoping that there may be some more empathy, compassion, and understanding of what these people go through. How some may view the world. Even though it is ridiculous to others. It is hard to explain these things but through the eyes of the main character, I am hoping that these people that suffer daily, are no longer pinned as "just people seeking attention."...