Hello, Sirete here. I don''t know if anyone reads this anymore (lol) or even looks forward to reading a new chapter. Nevertheless, in the miniscule chance that someone is looking forward to this story, I find it unwise not to keep the said reader(s) informed.
In essence, I screwed up.
I envisioned a story in my mind, but somewhere along the line it got out of hand, and fell off the tracks that my mind had previously set. Thus, the original ending I had conceived does not quite match what the story is now headed towards, and I have no clue whether to implement the original scene, make a totally new scene, or to say screw it and start all over.This novel''s true home is a different platform. Support the author by finding it there.
And seeing as I am going through another round of exams, I believe this would be a good time to go on a hiatus.
Hopefully I will be able to come to a decision by winter break.
Thank you for reading so far.