Dear internet,
I am sitting here in front of the computer with the document open and empty. I decided to start writing this in hopes that my writing will hopefully improve, but knowing me, it most likely won’t. The most likely thing that might happen is that I will quit this little writing thing sometime later, like I did to almost everything else including flute, piano, and relationships with other people. Here, I will write some of the events that happen from day to day. The chapters will be long for some days and short for others. I might not even write anything for a few days, and I might stop writing altogether. My writing is not the best and may be scattered all over the place. I hope that this will provide some form of entertainment for those of you reading, enough to pass the time with. Maybe it will help you feel better, maybe it will help you take your mind off of something. Or maybe it might just cause you to scoff at how stupid I can be. I hope you will enjoy your time here.
Today I accidentally knocked over a cup of milk. It went almost everywhere on my desk, and some of it spilled onto the floor. I got a bit scared because I was worried that some of it could have gotten into my laptop or my keyboard, but luckily the milk did not ruin any of these. It took a while to clean up and wipe away all the milk. A few minutes after I finished wiping the milk away and rewiping with water, my mother came home. Luckily, everything was back into place, milk free. The only issue was that there was the smell of milk lingering in the area, but she never comes to my corner anyways so everything was good. Hopefully.Stolen from its rightful place, this narrative is not meant to be on Amazon; report any sightings.
The song called “The Wolf” by SIAMES is great. I recommend watching the music video since the animation fits the song very well and is pretty well done. The animation is basically done in only three colors: white, black, and red. I’ve been playing this song when I want to listen to something ever since I discovered it two days ago. It’s lit yo.
I never really was a big fan of writing. I usually got good grades in English as long as it wasn’t on timed essays, but I never really felt like I got the hang of writing at all. If I write, it takes a long, long time before I can write anything. I can never be satisfied with my writing if I manage to write something substantial. Even if I write something I am somewhat okay with, I look at the writings that some other people do and it just makes me so ashamed to think that my writing is okay. I know that each and every person has their own style, that it’s okay to suck at something, especially if it’s something I’m just starting to try to do. But at the same time, I can never be satisfied, I can never feel like I’m good enough, that I’m not trash like I believe I am. But oh well, I guess I’ll just muddle along until I can get to the point where I feel okay. It will take a while, if ever.
If anyone wants to play on Realm of the Mad God, my ign is tigerslife. I''m a casual semi-active player that wants people to sorta play with. If you just started, I''ll level you up(by going to a dangerous dungeon), totally safe.
Right now is just 2:48 pm, but I think that this is good enough to post. If I want to add anything to the day, I’ll just post in the comments of the same chapter.