There are not many places the inhabitants of Tiphoon can’t reach.
In fact, the Angels, not to mention the Immortals, would easily be able to leave the planet itself, may they so desire to do so.
Demons and such would have a harder time, and those of the strong yin faction - such as the dark gods and furious buddhas - would be unable to do so - since they lack yang energy.
Still, Tiphoon do not allow for them to leave its atmosphere.
It’s too risky, since if one of them die outside of the planets’ body, their souls, not to mention magical power and qi, would be lost.
I, however, am a special case.
Since my soul is already Rational, it wouldn’t be lost. And since I have horded power and techniques from the world, my soul alone would already be able to return with all this power to Typhoon’s body.Find this and other great novels on the author''s preferred platform. Support original creators!
And this is why, with his blessing, I ascended to the largest of Tiphoons’ moons: Hestia.
Typhoon is huge, and, obviously, it has moons.
Six, to be more exact.
Hestia, Nox, Lux, Borealis, Aurora and Tartarus.
Amongst those, Hestia is the purer.
- Hestia, I, seed of Tiphoon, have come.
- Welcome, Seed of Tiphoon. In honour of my father, I grant you with my blessings.
- Very well.
A moons’ blessings are like a smaller version of Tiphoons’ blessings. They allow me to do much in regards of the magic power, qi and other resources which are present in the moons’ surface.
Of course, I have already received the blessings of the other five moons.
Moons are sons and daughters of planets. Be them meteorites, smaller planets or even pieces of the planet itself which split due to some cosmic event, them all regard their guardians - and centers of gravitation - as their own parents.
So, as the Seed granted by Gaia to Tiphoon, I am like a very treasured servant which has come to live with the master’s daughter.
- Since you have already visited my other brothers and sisters, should I understand that you would want to use my body as your place of slumber?
- Yes, that is correct.
- Then I should also suggest that you do so not. I am not suitable for your slumber, as you can see, and my father would not allow for you to change that.