The Hero's Magical Girls
Six neighbouring kingdoms in the continent of Patagut recieve ominous prophecies that fortell an unfathomable evil bound to destroy their lands unless action is taken to prevent it. Pooling together their resources, the kingdoms perform a ritual to summon a hero; someone with unshakable will and undeniable might that will guide them safely through the impending disaster. Meanwhile, six girls, each of vastly different origins, discover strange artifacts...
Six neighbouring kingdoms in the continent of Patagut recieve ominous prophecies that fortell an unfathomable evil bound to destroy their lands unless action is taken to prevent it. Pooling together their resources, the kingdoms perform a ritual to summon a hero; someone with unshakable will and undeniable might that will guide them safely through the impending disaster. Meanwhile, six girls, each of vastly different origins, discover strange artifacts......