Chapter 654
Kaldran Snowfield
During this time, it wasmon for experienced adventurers or trained martial artists to get lost and freeze to death in the Kaldran Snowfield.
Of course, this did not apply to Jin''s group that arrived in the snowy field, but finding the way with just the map given by Ronil was a herculean task.
If not for Shuri, it would have been even more difficult. Shuri was once again doing an excellent job as the group''s guide.
"Kyahaha! Come on, Shuri. Give this sister a kiss. How is Shuri so smart? Is it because he takes after his owner?"
When Shuri gently pushed Sandra away, Zephyrin let out a chuckle.
"Sister? You''re saying something funny, youngdy living golem. Jin Runcandel''s ruby cat is a creature that is at least a thousand years old.""Wow, why are you picking a fight over something like that?"
"What do you mean picking a fight? I just find you amusing."
"Hedo, tear her mouth sideways."
"Since earlier, you''ve been saying ridiculous things because you rely on the butler of physical beauty. You should know there are more monsters in this world than you think."
"Hmph, if you''re so confident, why don''t you hit me first? I guarantee that as soon as youy a hand on me, Hedo will definitely draw his sword. Then we''ll fight until there''s a winner, and I have a feeling who will win."
"Ugh, really. How did I end up being treated like this? If not for my master''s orders...."
"In the Sota Desert, you didn''t attack for the things Jin stole, and this time it was on your master''s order. Being the Great Duchess of the Demon World is a decent position. There are many excuses even if you always lose."
"Ha, okay. Then hit me first, living golem. I''ll definitely kill you."
Unlike Zephyrin, Sandra tried to swing her fist immediately, but Hedo pushed her away before she could reach Zephyrin.
Hedo sighed deeply as he watched the twisted Sandra in his grip. Since the journey began, Sandra and Zephyrin had constantly been engaged in a verbal war.
Looking back, the atmosphere wasn''t very good when they met in the Sota Desert.
"Don''t you think there''s already enough tension meeting in enemy territory?" said Jin.
"But Jin, she keeps getting on my nerves. Did you see? She started the fight first."
"Is it a secret to Sir Jin that you''ve been deliberately stepping on my heels the whole time while walking?"
"If you both do it again, I''ll leave you somewhere and go alone. Everyone will not be able to retreat from the Kaldran Snowfield without me, right?"
Sandra and Zephyrin shut their mouths at the same time.
''Damn it, if I told my master that I was thrown out for fighting with a living golem, he would treat me worse than this...''
Sandra took Jin''s words literally, and Zephyrin knew it wasn''t an empty promise.
When the two fell silent in an instant, Hedo felt resentment towards Jin for finally intervening.
The group moved forward in silence.
It was a very slow pace.
Since Ronil''sst visit to the snowfield, knights tainted with chaos had camped here.
As soon as they were discovered, the Garden of Swords would send the main force. In the worst case, Rosa mighte in person.
It would take a considerable amount of time toe directly from the Garden of Swords to the Kaldran Snowfield, but if he used something like the Prophet''s cave they used in the Sota Desert or the Chaos Dragon, it was hard to predict.
''If Owal-nim were here, we could have moved much faster than this, it''s frustrating.''
Owal could not help Jin while tracking Yona.
For the past three years, since the subjugation of Glyek, Yona''s cycle of rampages had been shortening more and more.
Jin''s heart ached when he thought of Yona.
''I also have to use the purifier with my sister... We must find her before the invasion isplete.''
ording to the news Owal had sent to Tikan a few days ago, Yona had not yet reached total invasion. The Vamel Alliance could not find Yona better than Nameless.
Jin felt a bit bittersweet realizing that even with such great power, he stillcked the ability to protect his family and n.
Then he felt he could understand his father, Cyron, a bit better.
They spent three days erasing their tracks.
Fortunately, the group was able to pass through the snow-covered rocky mountains without being detected by the scouting knights.
But they couldn''t get any additional information about Valeria during their journey.
All they saw was the pale, dark sky, with snow and rocks, without any difference between day and night.
"...looks like we''re almost there."
In the distance, they saw a dead-end cliff that separated the heart of the snowy mountains.
Shuri pointed with his front paw to one side of the cliff, which was where the cave was located, although the group could not see it yet.
Jin sent Shuri back into the ruby.
It was because Jin felt the energy of Chaos.
It had been like this for the past three days, but it was especially dense near the cave.
"Hmm, I expected this. Although it''s difficult to monitor the entire snowfield, they''re definitely watching the area around the cave where Histor disappeared."
"If they intend to enter the cave, it seems we won''t be able to avoid a battle from now on, Twelfth gbearer."
Zephyrin and Hedo said.
"Since it''s an expected problem, we''ll enter."
"Do you understand there are many variables from here on? Honestly, I don''t know. I wonder if the risk of saving the Histor survivor is worth it."
"That''s not something you need to decide, Zephyrin."
"There''s no such thing as a tyrant. Of course, there''s no need to worry about danger if Histor is in that cave, but do you really think there''s any chance of that happening?"
"Hey! Ourpanion disappeared over there. Whether there''s a chance or not, isn''t it reasonable to check? Don''t demons have a sense of camaraderie?"
"I hear barking from somewhere. Sir Jin, my point is to search elsewhere than the snowfield. Sir Ronil has failed, and from what I see Runcandel has too. If they had caught her, they would have already tried to negotiate or threaten."
As Zephyrin said, there was no chance that Valeria was still in that cave.
However, Temar''s tomb was alwaysposed of "subspace." In Bai of the Great ins of Anz, on the coast of the Schutzeron Kingdom, in the subspace of the Cat Tribe, and in the Wantaramo Forest.
Ronil said Valeria disappeared without a trace in that cave.
''If there''s a subspace leading to Temar''s tomb in that cave...''
It would mean Valeria had reached Temar''s fifth tomb and taken refuge there.
Or she might have been forcibly moved for some condition being met.
"There may be a subspace, Zephyrin. That''s how all the Temar tombs I''ve found have been."
"Are you saying the Histor survivor might have entered there? Now I understand why you haven''t lost hope."
"I can''t believe we can have a subspace date after a snowfield date! Romance, more romance!"
"And there''s something I didn''t understand from the beginning. Why did you bring this living golem? It''s not that she''s powerful, she always says stupid things like this."
Zephyrin was asking Hedo, not Jin. Hedo did not answer and wiped the frost from his sses.
"...Twelfth gbearer, so it''s decided that we will enter. How do we proceed?"
"I think Zephyrin should take care of all the knights first."
Although there''s a strong Chaos energy, Jin thought Zephyrin could overwhelm all the knights near the cave. Although she had always been defeated or outmatched by Jin somehow, she was undoubtedly one of the strongest in the world.
"Then the next step is obvious. Keep their attention until reinforcements arrive, right?"
"It''s too simplistic."
"Well, there''s no other way. We can''t kill all those people without leaving traces."
"Then what''s my job?"
"Please cover me while I look for subspace traces inside the cave."
"Well, that''s fine by me. I needed someone to vent my frustrations on some kind of living golem anyway."
"I have a request."
Jin met Zephyrin''s eyes and said.
Zephyrin almost showed a puzzled expression in her eyes. It was the first time she had seen that demon address her in such a respectful manner.
"...A request?"
"If possible, I want you to kill the knights without causing them too much pain."
-Does it mean that most of the Knights remaining in the Garden of Swords did not rebel because they were engulfed in chaos and not of their own will?
-There may still be some who do it of their own will, but as you said, most would be like that. What crazy knight would want to fight under that monster? No matter how strong he is. The knights forming Runcandel are especially proud.
Jin recalled the conversation he had with Jorden while receiving the n''s sword techniques.
Most of the knights in the Kaldran Snowfield were forced to be chaos monsters. It was impossible to purify them all. Judging by their size, they were almostpletely engulfed in chaos.
Just when Zephyrin was about to respond, Jin lowered his head.
Zephyrin shrugged as if she had no choice.
"...I''ll do it. I''m not doing it for you, but I guess it''s more dignified this way."
"Thank you. I''ll make sure to repay the debt."
"Shall we start now?"
"I''ll give you a signal if something unexpected happens. When I roar three times in a row, leave the cave immediately and prepare to escape."
"Go and die. No! You can''t die. You must live until we all get out of here, Demon Dragon! Keep your promise with Jin. Understood?"
Zephyrin snorted at Sandra while transforming into her true form.
[Make sure to have fun on your sad date, living golem. From my long experience, it seems the Histor survivor that Sir Jin is trying to save is more than just apanion... oops.]
"What, what did you say!"
The knights in the snowfield who sensed Zephyrin began to emit chaos energy seriously.
Sandra cursed at Zephyrin''s back as she flew up.
<b>(</b><b>Up to ''120'' more ch4pt3rs)</b>Publication of up to 6 w33kly ch4pters, thanks.