Tadashi, a junior high student met a beautiful yet quiet transferred student on the first day of summer school. He fell deeply in love with the transferred student. After some time, both Tadashi and the transferred student, unable to be separated, were having the best summer of their lives, but Tadashi experiences a life changing moment after finding himself waking up at a hospital and realizing that everything was all in his dream. What is Tadashi going to do next? Read to find out!...
Tadashi, a junior high student met a beautiful yet quiet transferred student on the first day of summer school. He fell deeply in love with the transferred student. After some time, both Tadashi and the transferred student, unable to be separated, were having the best summer of their lives, but Tadashi experiences a life changing moment after finding himself waking up at a hospital and realizing that everything was all in his dream. What is Tadashi going to do next? Read to find out!......