We all heard the story before. A princess captured by the villain, the hero set out on a journey to rescue her. He succeeded slaying the antagonist, saved the princess, and the both of them went back to their kingdom and live a happy life. It’s a classic. Everyone heard of it. But I want to tell you another story. A similarly short and simple yet different story. A story about a princess saving her prince from danger. So that they could finally be together. So that they could walk the sky, to be free to do whatever they wish, once more.Are you ready to uncover a different take on the tales as old as time?
We all heard the story before. A princess captured by the villain, the hero set out on a journey to rescue her. He succeeded slaying the antagonist, saved the princess, and the both of them went back to their kingdom and live a happy life. It’s a classic. Everyone heard of it. But I want to tell you another story. A similarly short and simple yet different story. A story about a princess saving her prince from danger. So that they could finally be together. So that they could walk the sky, to be free to do whatever they wish, once more.Are you ready to uncover a different take on the tales as old as time?...