Krill: Hello and welcome to the NewsPage, I am your host, Krill.
Cookie: And I’m cookie!
Krill: This week’s top stories are: Scribble’s namechange to Pendragon, WriTE’s elections, change new world’s meteoric rise on topwebfiction, and strife in the LitRPG community.
Cookie: So much stuff!
Krill: First, Scribble – the group based in Royal Road Legends – voted to change their name to “PenDragon.” Pendragon leaders said that the name change came about because of the difficulties in explaining the group’s purpose with a vague name like Scribble and a desire to rebrand. Other experts and Group Leaders, as well as admins, have expressed confusion regarding this change, unsure of what it means for the group and the wider RRL community. Needless to say, we wish Pendragon the best in their future endeavors and hope they will continue to make RRL a lively place.Reading on this site? This novel is published elsewhere. Support the author by seeking out the original.
Cookie: WriTE is still the best!
Krill: Speaking of WriTE, Writers to The End – the largest group on RRl – has started its voting process. Although the ballots are secret, sources suggest that the race is too close to call just yet.
Cookie: Make me mod!
Krill: Over on, long-time RRL favorite, Change: New World, has shot up triumphantly on the weekly rankings. The question is, how long will this last?
Cookie: Forever!
Krill: And finally, strife and infighting in the wider LitRPG community after Aleron King – the self titled ‘father of American litrpg’ attempted to trademark the phrase ‘LitRPG’ and allegedly suppressed rivals on his facebook group. Rival Blaise-Corvin took him on in an lengthy post and sources indicate that the trademark claim has also been thrown out. Good news for LitRPG lovers, but the effects of this split have yet to play out. We’ll bring you more updates as they unfold.
Cookie: Delicious gossip.
Krill: And that’s all we have for you this week, stick around for some more articles and short stories. I’m Krill.
Cookie: And I’m Cookie!
Krill: And this was, NewsPage.