“Azalea, Goddess of the Night, and Trebinor, God of Dreams, watch over us when the sky goes dark and the Sun hides behind the end of the World. They work in unison, lighting our way, providing us comfort in the dark.
Once every two months, Trebinor covers behind Azalea, every mortal experiencing dark, dreamless sleep that night. It is a night of terrors, a time when it is forbidden to use Dark Magic, for it shall call upon the Beasts that Lie in the Darkness.”
? Myths of the Forgotten, unknown, unknown
The night has fallen, the Sun no longer providing us warmth. It is time. The dance ends, the wedding concludes, and I am finally his. The Demon will have me for the nights to come, my pleas to the Goddess all for naught. The Goddess has gone with the Sun, and my hopes went with her.
The crowd has gone cheerful, full from various drinks served at the dinner. The smell of liquor permeates the air around me, my own will keeping from tasting drinks. I fear I will succumb to the Demon’s wishes if I were to do otherwise. My head must remain clear, for the night that is to come.
I look around for the Demon. He has consumed food and drink for three men, and yet there is no apparent change in his demeanor. It is intriguing that he can handle so much; does that hold for all Demons, or just for him?
My family has not given in to the cheerful mood in the Garden, their looks sullen, their eyes teary. It is time to say goodbye. I am leaving this Palace, the Demon taking him away.
I must ask him to give me time. It cannot end on simple silence; I must at least have time to say proper farewells.
I slowly move towards our table, contemplating what to say. Do I ask, do I demand, do I beg? What must I do to get enough time? Will there ever be enough time?
I am looking my husband in the eyes; the black orbs feeling at home with the night sky, his skin barely visible in the moonlight.
“May I say farewell to my family before I go with you?”
I look towards the ground; maybe he takes pity on me, maybe he fulfills this wish of mine.
“What are you talking about? The Night Watch is about to begin. The only place you will be going tonight is to your bed.”
“What? But am I not to come with you to my new home?” The sequence of events is baffling. What is he talking about? Does he plan to take me to bed right this night, under my parents’ roof? Does he have no mercy?
“The Night Watch is done on the eve of the wedding. The bride sleeps in her room, the groom watches over, standing guard. If another man touches the bride during the night the groom may not take her away, the marriage becomes doomed. When the dinner ends, and the wedding finishes, I will watch over you. We travel home after the morning. Farewells may be said then. Besides, it would be foolish to travel at night. The open plains are dangerous during the night, many things hide in the shadows.”
Unauthorized duplication: this narrative has been taken without consent. Report sightings.
So I do have some time. My last night home. I am happy; my wish will be fulfilled.
I approach the Demon. He can’t take her away; not yet.
“Lord Cerolus, I ask you to not travel tonight, let my sister rest. It has been a long day.”
“Once again, Lord Renald, just Cerolus will a fine way to call for me. And our customs demand that she stays in her bed tonight, with me watching over her while she sleeps. If I don’t protect her tonight, the marriage is said to be doomed. So she will stay. And I will stay with her, guarding.”
Does he plan to take her to bed tonight, in our own home? Will we have to hear her through the walls, our dear Sophia losing innocence? My stomach retches upon the mere thought.
“Do not be mistaken, Lord Renald, she will stay untouched tonight. We Demons have customs, they are not to be taken lightly.”
Are Demons really as savage as I’ve heard the tales tell? He has behaved eccentrically, sure, but he hasn’t hurt anyone, he hasn’t forced Sophia into anything; as if he was actually gentle towards her. No, towards all of us. He was commanding, imposing, and yet still calm and gentle.
Is he really a bad person? Could it be that we were wrong; that we held unreasonable grudges against him?
“Thank you, Cerolus, I appreciate that. I appreciate it greatly.”
The wedding is over; the crowd gone. I stand in my room, dressed in my night gown. This is my last night here. Who knows when will I go back? Who knows when he will let me come back? The Demon enters the room, still in his armor, his helmet now hiding his face, only darkness inside it.
“Go to sleep, my wife. Tonight you will be safe. Nobody will come through this door. Nobody will enter through the window. Have nice dreams.”
Why do I… believe him? Why do I suddenly feel so safe? Is this really how my nights will be from now on?
I crawl into my bed, resting my face on the pillows. The pillows are soft, but sleep will not come easily. I am exhausted, but dreams will not take me. I try to remain peaceful, but my nervousness prevails. I cannot sleep.
I raise my head slowly, my room empty, the Moonlight shining through the window. Not a sound can be heard, my heartbeat almost palpable. Is he still there? Has he lied, and left me? Am I hoping for him to leave me?
“My hus…”
No, that is wrong.
The Demon opens the door, his horns scraping its header.
“Can you stay inside?”
“Very well.”
The door closes, the horned red suit of armor blocking them now.
“Good night, Cerolus.”
“Good night, Sophia.”
I fall back into the bed. Sleep takes me almost instantly.