Delicacies was always something that I could never have, and truth be told you were right. I think in the very moment of birth I had deep form of laziness inside me. So the question you can ask yourself is what form of laziness encompassed me? Well to put it in a form of context the way I described it was everything. Now when I usually say my answer I keep hearing this phrase “What do you mean by that?” With a voice and face of confusion, so my response to that would usually be “Well do you know the basic concept of procrastination? Or just the base form of being lazy?”
When I would say that statement some would follow up with “Well I know that of course but what''s ‘everything’?” and to me it meant mental exhaustion, and physical exhaustion. To the point I wouldn''t care to leave my bed for weeks besides to get me basic necessities to live. As to my mental ability it''s in terms of my own self will to care about myself in certain situations like being bullied or people putting me down to say the least. Even though to me I really didn''t care, so sometimes I would recall to myself how i ended up the way am?
To personality, the way I carry myself through life to even how I function myself as a somewhat human being. So when I usually think long and hard about it I realize something. That this world is constructed to how you if you are unlucky to what you are given at birth it has chosen your path for you. Especially with me that got given something at birth to which it would engrave itself into directing my life and stay permanently across my right chest to my upper arm.This book''s true home is on another platform. Check it out there for the real experience.
It was just a simple tattoo that came into birth with me. We we''re given animal tattoo’s that help determine our roles in society. “So what animal would engraved with our child?” Is what parents usually thought about most of the of time. Waiting in excitement for their children to blessed with such markings.So what i got what was indubitably a big disappointment to what my family expected which it would set my course through life it is the one animal people usually thought no one has gotten and that is the sloth.
With me being blessed with a very uncommon marked animal the people around me didn''t exactly know what i would do with my life. I lived with a sense of urgency to not really care about achievements or showing off besides maybe having the longest sleeping schedule. If i would look at myself i guess i can see the reasons on why my family and teachers treated me the way they did. Even though their extreme measures of treatment towards me is to be uncalled for, i would probably hate myself as well.
So what''s the point of saying all this? Well I can say it''s a form of self-reflect on me seeing how i''m going to change myself in my events to come. Though maybe it won''t happen, or maybe i can finally start moving in a way to better myself. But do i know this? Of course not. All I can do is try my best with what''s given to me.So I will see if I am able to move forward or not. But to be honest it probably won’t happen.