So we played, the thing was, Bob always won. He didn’t cheat or anything he was just terribly good at playing Mario Kart. He even won, when Luna and I teamed up on him, though we came close sometimes, it was godlike indeed.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t fun. It was definately in my top five moments of best moments/activities in my lives. Bob had a fun quip for every situation on his lips and our laughter rang through the endless hall, creating a stunning euphony of the mixed deep chuckling of Bob and silvery laughs of Luna and myself.
Our merrymaking lasted until the next guests arrived, about one hour before the party would begin. Were our TV and gaming console stood appeared a dark rift, sucking in our entertainment and out stepped a very tall and muscular man. Not tall and muscular like my father, but huge, at least two meters tall and ripped with enormous and quite disgusting muscles.
He had tanned skin, black wiry hair and a brutal angular face and was clothed in a black tank top and military style pants. All over his body were all kinds of weapons, from swords, maces and axes to guns, grenades and rockets, an arrogant sneer on his face, in short he looked absolutely appaling.
After him came a boy about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes that seemed to shine, wearing the same sneer as his patron.
The big guy spoke with a deep, grinding voice: ?Father, Luna I …“
He didn’t come further because Luna jumped up, shining brighter then I had ever seen before and punched the big guy hard enough to send him flying into the closest wall.
And it was true. It was the first time Luna and I succeeded in taking over the first and second rank at the same time, Luna could become very competitive if she wanted. That aside I hadn’t ever seen Luna get even close as furious as she was now, I hadn’t even seen her get really angry, she was always calm, cheerful or shy, always nice and gentle but now she looked like she wanted to kill this Vritos guy, making me realize, that Vritos was <u>HE. </u>
The only one that was able to make Luna furious just by thinking about him.
Lunas aura, which normally shone gently like the stars in the nightsky, now was too bright to look directly at her, merciless like the sun in the hottest of deserts.
I had to close my eyes and turn away, still feeling the unbelievable heat she radiated.
As I sat there suffering in the worst heat I ever felt, I could only think, that I didn’t want Luna to be like this. I wanted to see her content and smiling like always and not burning with anger as she was now.
So I decided to calm her down, the problem was I didn’t know how to calm down an angry queen goddess in the process of burning down the multiverse, so I resolved myself and took a wager.
I turned around and tackled her, hugging her around the stomach, the highest I could reach.
The heat was almost unbearable, at least for the second it was there.
Apparently Luna had already calmed down without me needing to do anything else.
I looked up to see worry etched into her beautiful face, her hair disshelved, unlike the orderly part braided part open hairstyle she chose today and hear her voice: ?I’m so sorry Shira!! Are you alright? Are you hurt?“
I just smiled brightly at her and answered: ?I’m okay, you’re just gonna have to fix my hair again.“
I saw the same relief that filled me appear on her face as she lifted me up by the waist and sat me onto her hip, her hair and mine too, as I felt, returning to it’s former condition.
When I looked around I saw that Vritos had stood up, walking back to us as he spoke in a triumphant voice: ?Father she struck me, as punishment she should have to spend a night with me.“
He had a lecherous smile on his face, grinning as if his greatest wish came true.
Bob however looked at him with disappointment and a notable amount of disgust, his former statement of not blaming his children for anything seemingly not including Vritos.
?I’ll see all of existence destroyed before I let that happen. It will never happen Vritos, did you really think, just because she struck you once, for a legitimate reason at that I would allow her to lose her purity? Don‘t tell me you still haven’t learned anything from your recent punishment. Now get your champion here, he needs to introduce himself.“
Vritos’ expression fell into an angry snarl, but it seemed he knew better than to rise the ire of the mighty Bob any more, because he just huffed and turned around, signalling the blonde boy to come closer and told him: ?Stell dich Existenz und den anderen beiden vor, sei unbesorgt, das M?dchen lebte ebenfalls in Deutschland“ (Introduce yourself to existence and the other two, don’t worry, the girl lived in Germany too)
The boy stepped up and said in a clipped and harsh voice: ?Seid gegrü?t, mein Name ist Adolf Hitler.“ (Greetings, my name is Adolf Hitler)
Another short one, creating all those next few characters will still take quite a while, so I decided to just upload this part.
I don’t know, when I’ll be able to upload again, university is getting really draining and I find myself without energy to continue this story. Does that mean I quit it? No, but I’ll probably take a break and continue in a few weeks.
If any of you have an idea for a character, just PM me, it means less work for me and consequently a faster update.
Why doesn’t anyone answer to the question I asked last chapter? I really would like to know, how well known Mett is outside of Germany, so please, if anyone reads the NOT IMPORTANT part answer it.
I’ll see you in a few
When I heard that name, the first thing I did was turn to Bob and ask in a flat voice: ?K?nnte der gr??te Schandfleck der deutschen Geschichte bitte aus dieser Halle entfernt werden?“ (Could the greatest stain of german history please be removed from this hall?)
The boy lost his friendly expression, a snarl appearing on his face.
?Wovon sprichst du? Ich habe das deutsche Reich zu noch nie zuvor gesehener Gr??e geführt! Ich stellte im Reich die natürliche Ordnung wieder her, das arische Vorrecht auf die Herrschaft, so wie es immer schon sein sollte!“ (What are you talking about? I lead the german realm to greatness never seen before! I restored the natural order, the arian right of reign, to the realm like it was always meant to be!)
He had madness shimmering in his eyes his face contorted in ways, no childs face should look like.
?Es glaubt, seine Taten seien rechtens, hat es denn nicht in der H?lle dafür geschmort?“ (It believes it’s actions were right, has it not burned in hell for them?)
I didn’t even look at it, fury rising within me at having to meet this thing that calls itself human, not only directed at it, but also at everyone responsible for afterlife for digging it up from whereever it had been to participate in this tournament, at all the deities (except for Luna), even at Bob as he was the one conducting this tournament.
Bob seemed to sense my anger, as he turned to and reprimanded me with a stern voice: ?Sei nicht so hastig mit deinem Zorn, er mag Fürchterliches getan haben, aber er hat deswegen schon siebzig Jahre im tiefsten Abgrund der H?lle verbracht. Natürlich w?re seine Strafe noch l?nger gewesen, aber das Auswahlsystem für die Teilnahme an dem Wettbewerb w?hlte Helden zuf?llig aus den Reihen der Seelen, die in den letzten hundert Jahren auf deinem Planeten gestorben sind. Jedem Helden ist die Teilnahme an diesem Fest gestattet, ihn also aus dieser Halle zu werfen, würde den Regeln widersprechen. Jetzt stell dich vor, du warst so schon unh?flich genug.“ (Don’t be hasty with your wrath, he may have done terrible things, but he already burned in the deepest pits of hell for seventy years. His punishment would have been longer, but the system choosing the Champions did so through chance. The candidates were all souls who died in the last one hundred years on your planet. Every Champion is allowed to participate in this celebration, throwing him out would break the rules. Now introduce yourself, you were rude enough already)
That caused my anger to subside, only to be replaced by shame and I muttered a quiet apology, before turning to it, causing my anger to flare up again
?Mein Name ist Shira Drayen, halte dich fern von mir, Insekt.“ (My name is Shira Drayen, keep away from me, insect)
I turned away from him to look over Luna’s shoulder, who by the way still glared at Vritos, though she threw me concerned glances every few seconds. It wasn’t easy to make me angry, even in my first life and it got only harder in my second life, as I was being tought by the jedi to control my emotions.You could be reading stolen content. Head to the original site for the genuine story.
?Du bist also eine von diesen Verr?tern und Judenliebhabern die heutzutage das DEUTSCHE REICH BESUDELN?“ (So you are one of those traitors and jew lovers that now TAINT THE GERMAN REALM?)
It sounded angry, in clipped, ugly german, the kind of pronounciation that made the german language falsly known as a harsh language.
I didn’t even grace it with a look as I continued to look at a painting on the wall behind Luna, a beautiful one it was, a clearing in a forest with many people of just as many different species celebrating and feasting, and answered in a detached voice: ?Gott steht hier, er kann ihm sicher sagen, ob eine Rasse anderen überlegen ist. Dann wird es wissen, dass es einen Schaden hat.“ (God stands right there, he can explain it, if one race is superior to others. Then it will know, that it has a damaged brain.)
I looked at Bob who had a serious look in his eyes.
?Shira hat recht, ich habe alle intelligenten Spezies erschaffen, sodass sie gleich in Rechten sind, selbst wenn jedes Individuum verschieden ist.“ (Shira is right, I made all intelligent species to be equal in rights, even if every individual is different.)
It was about to retort but Vritos spoke first: ?Komm Adolf, du machst dich zum Narren, was hier z?hlt ist St?rke, am Ende werden sie sehen, warum es n?rrisch ist sich in einem Kampf um St?rke mit dem Helden des k?niglichen Gottes der Dunkelheit, des Konfliktes, der Korruption und der St?rke anzulegen.“ (Come Adolf, you’re embarassing yourself, what’s important here is strength, in the end they we realize how foolish it is to try and compete with the champion of the royal god of darkness, conflict, corruption and strength in a contest of strength.)
With those last words Vritos and it went away with superior sneers on their faces to mingle with the other guests who had in the meantime arrived in the hall.
Luna looked at me and commented: ?Foolish they are, this isn’t a contest of strength, but of control.“
An hour later the hall seemed notably less big, as it was crouded with an incountable amount of all kinds of species. Sure there was a good number of humans, but there also were all kinds of other species there. From elves to Demons, from Beastmen to Manbeasts, animals, beasts and all kind of aliens, it was quite the spectacle. I could even see a dragon, that one must have been one of the luckier ones to be reborn as a dragon, considering I could see a fair share of ordinary dogs, cats, bunnys, mice and many other not very lucky incarnations, granted I, at the moment, had decided to remain in my cat form as well, so they may be, like me, conceiling their true form.
As a being directly connected to an energy that flows through all living things I was able to more or less feel the strength of any individual, so I was able to see, that in pure physical power I was above average, while I was certainly near the top in mental prowess, of course only counting the champions. Not one of us Champions was close to even the lowest of present deities in power.
I was at the moment cradeled in Lunas arms, standing near a stage in the middle of the hall.
The only one on stage was Bob, as he just appeared there in order to signal the start of the party with a speech.
He took a deep breath and with a deep voice that smoothly rang through the entire hall spoke:
?Yo, what’s up? I’m Bob and I am the host of todays party. I won’t talk long I will just state two rules for today: With exception of me, no deity is allowed to do any harm to any of the champions and anyone with distinct lack of a brain will be kicked out. Oh and if anyone should die, don’t worry, you’ll be revived at your home in the immortal plane. Now let’s have fun tonight!!“
With those last words, Bob exploded into mist and when the mist had disappeared there was a mixing console with Bob behind it, clothed in a baggy t-shirt and shorts with a baseball cap backwards on his head, his left hand raised in the air formed in the peace sign and screamed in a high pitched voice: ?WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!“
Most of the crowd began laughing and applauding as party music began to play, not too loud nor too silent, loud enough to dance to it, but silent enough to comfortably talk over it, one wall of the hall slid open to reveal a huge dance floor and an army of butlers and maids with tablets of drinks that began walking around among the guests, offering their drinks to them.
I looked at Luna and asked dumbfounded: ?Is that normal?“
?Is what normal?“ ?Nevermind“
It seemed, the people of the deity plane had long since accepted Bob’s weirdness as completely normal and not mentionable.
On my way to the huge mound standing out of the crowd a few hundred meters away from the stage I was running through the legs of the other guests in my cat form. It was the most suitable form for me in order to not stand out, considering the only thing that distinguished me from other white cats was the fact that I had two tails in my cat form, and I didn’t have to shove my way through.
What mound you ask? The dragon I say. As far as I could tell, all deities decided to visit in humanoid forms, that left me to believe, that the dragon was a champion and the first one I wanted to befriend.
I wasn’t with Luna anymore because she told me to go and make friends with some oft he champions, ?Just because you’ll have to fight each other in the far future doesn’t mean you can’t socialize with each other“ she had said. On a wimp I decided to look for most interesting looking champion and with a dragon in the room there wasn’t a question who was the most interesting in the room.
Besides, it’s every healthy mans (read little catgirls) dream to ride a dragon once in their lives, and I finally had the chance to do so.
When I came close I saw, that the dragon was talking to somebody, somebody I already had come to detest after only meeting once.
The dragon seemed to share my sentiment on Adolf Hitler, evident by the snarl marring its face, though I was not used to a dragon’s face I was pretty sure it baring his fangs and the smoke coming from it‘s nostrils didn‘ exactly mean that it was happy.
With a swish of the dragons tail the boy flew off to never be seen again …. I hoped.
Now that I was close I could finally see the dragons full appearance. The dragon was certainly big, but hadn’t yet achieved the overwhelming size of an adult dragon. It was covered in completely in shiny white scales …., just kidding, can’t make everything white after all, it was covered in deep blue scales, shimmering like the sea on a sunny day with white spikes running down its whole back, beginning at its head all the way to the tip of its tail, only a space on its neck near the shoulders was devoid of spikes. It had four strong but elegant legs with white claws and against the light almost translucent looking wings. All in all it had the apperance of a western style blue dragon.
I decided to shift back to my base form, the Nekomata form, and approached the dragon from the front, didn’t want to startle it after all, and addressed it: ?Yo, my name is Shira, what is your name?“
What? He wasn’t the only mystical being here and I had just played mario kart with god, it is well within my power to speak casually to a two year old dragon.
Though the dragon didn’t seem to like the way I talked to it as it just looked at me dismissively before swinging its tail at me for me to blast off, just like the little nazi had. That would have happened if the dragon hadn’t hit the air above my head, me not moving a bit. The dragon looked at me confused so I decided to scold him a little: ?That wasn’t really nice you know? Did your mother not teach you, not to hit cute little girls with your tail? I asked for your name, not for your rear end, so let’s try again.“
And in a slow and clear voice, as if I was talking to a baby I continued: ?Hello my name is Shira Drayen and I am the champion oft he Queen Goddess Luna. Would you please tell me your name?“
The dragon looked more dumbfounded with each word and actually layed down in order to look at me curiously, it‘s eyes like gigantic sapphires with black vertical slits as pupils, and in a deep rumbling voice he, no way this was a female voice, asked: ?Why didn’t you fly away like the other little people?“
It sounded surprisingly innocent, like a little boy with a way too mature voice.
?Wait‘ I thought, ?are there children who where chosen as champions?‘ Now that I looked closer at him, his eyes were wide with childish curiosity and a little fear.
?That’s because I know how to not fly away.“ I said with a friendly smile as I streched my hand out to scratch his snout. He let out something like a purr before returning in wonder: ?Really? How do you do it?“ ?That’s a seeecreett“ I answered in a sing song voice and his lips looked like he was trying to pout.
?Buut if you tell me your name I will show you what I did“ His eyes lit up after that and he almost stumbled over his next words as if he was trying to say them as fast as possible: ?First I was Tim and now I am Deuces!!“ ?So what do you want me to call you then?“ ?My second mommy always calls me Ces.“ ?Then I’ll call you Ces too, if it’s okay. You can call me Shira, or onee-san, or Shira-nee if you want“ a big smile was now gracing my face. I always wanted to have a younger sibling after all, and I wouldn’t really be able to be a big sister for the one who was growing in my mother, they lived planets away after all.
?Why onee-san? Does that mean something?“ ?It means ?big sister‘“ that brought a reaction out of him. His tail began to wag wildly behind him and the sides of his mouth began to rise as he exclaimed in a joyful voice: ?I always wanted a sister!!! But why big sister? You’re so much smaller than me.“
?Yes I am smaller, but I am also older and stronger than you, that means I’d be your big sister“ I explained. ?But how do you know you are stronger than me?“ ?Can you do something like this?“ I said as I turned and sweeped my right hand in an arc in front of me, using the force to grab the feet of about a hundred dancing party guests, located on the dancing floor that was conveniently right beside us, and tripped them, causing all of them to fall to the ground on top of each other, forming a mess of tangled bodies and limbs.
Ces and I, as well as any other guest who happened to look in the direction of the dancing floor began to loudly laugh, though I tried to keep my laughter as I concentrated and closed my eyes to again use the force, this time in order to tie all articles of clothing that were lose enough to be tied together together, causing the fallen people to trip and roll around in order to try and free themselves, which resulted in even more laughter.
?I can’t *gasp* do anything like that *gasp*, but I can *gasp* do this“ Ces gasped and breathed out before breathing in deeply and releasing a large hot blast of air that raised the hair of all the people in front of him up, out of their fine hair styles and leaving it standing straight up in the air.
Again a wave of laughter went through the hall, but it wasn’t even close as big as the one my actions received.
?See? I am stronger.“ ?Allright Shira-nee but you still haven’t told me, why you didn’t fly away earlier“ ?Well you see Ces, I can use something that’s called the force …“
I spent the next few hours with my new little brother, although we did a little change in position. He now laid down compltely and I was lying on top of his head in my cat form, scratching him behind the horns growing on his head, something he really seemed to like. I had found out, that he was 3 years old when he died on earth, which meant he was 5 now. He didn’t know how he came to die, all he knew was, that he fell asleep one night and woke up in the white room. He had clicked on the name Diana, because that was the name of his favourite aunt. He had apparently seen the name written on a letter his mother had sent her sister once.
It seemed his dragon mommy was really nice to him, even after he told her of his past life.
Then and there some other champions came to bother us, mainly those of a species with low maturity age, like goblins or orcs, but Ces sent them flying with just a swing of his tail, it wasn’t like it would harm them or anything, at least not inside our range of view, there may very well be a bunch of red pools scattered around the hall.
When the party was about to end, Luna and a woman who was apparently Diana approached us, telling us it was time to go.
?But I don’t want to leave Shira-nee!!!“ whined Ces, as he held me close to him with his big dragon arms. I was patting his neck, which was just barely in my reach and tried to sooth him: ?Don’t worry Ces, I’ll visit you tomorrow night, promise!!“ ?R-Really?“ He hicked, ?Yes really“ I assured him. I had asked Bob earlier, through telepathy, a skill that comes with force mind manipulation, and he told me, he could connect our rooms, as well as the homes of our patrons, so we could see each other, whenever we wanted.
?Now stop crying, a big boy doesn’t cry“ I told him softly, making him nod as he let me go, before I felt Luna’s hand on my shoulder and adressed Ces for the last time this night: ?Bye now little dragon, see you tomorrow.“
The next thing I knew, I was at Luna’s house again.
So, how did you like the fake end? I got the idea from Kestix''s "Dex''s Adventure Through The Elemental Nations" chapter 24, though instead of just a fake cliffhanger, I decided to up it a little and make an entire fake hiatus notice.
The hiatus was a joke, I''ll try to keep up the weekly upload, though I don''t make any guarantee''s.
The reviewers wrote that my story is casual and I have absolutely no problems with that, I would just like to note, that I make most of the story and details up as I go. I have a basic outline in my head, but that''s it, so there may be heavier themes and chapters coming.
The NOT IMPORTANT part above was serious though I would like at least one comment concerning the renownedness of Mett outside of Germany, pleeaaase.
Bob was really well received last chapter, so I thought why not make him important in this one too? I hope you like his great performance.
How did you like Ces? He was literally a lastsecond addition to the story, I first wanted to make a badass black dragon who Shira had to fight in order to befriend him, but then I thought, there are already so many badass black dragons out there, why not make some other kind of dragon? Ces is the result. Did I rush it too much with the pseudo sibling relationship? Please let me know.
I think that''s it for today, hope you like it.