Division and Unity
There are no emotions, there is peace.
Bismarck Bismarck Bismarck Bismarck biss.
There is a blue house standing on a red house, which is lying on a black egg. In the blue house lives the red man, in the red house lives the blue woman and both of them live in the black egg, which is l living in the blue houses chimney. The chimney shoots lasers at everybody flying by underground. Those driving through the air on pink blades of grass drive through the nose of the blue woman and out of the black egg in the middle of the red mans underpants drawer in the red houses basement, which is standing in the suns core on a large tundra situated in the black hole in the middle of the galaxy, which is being digested in Brook’s afro, while Karl is eating the red mans hands.
As a result Bismarck is walking through Zeus’ head and swimming through hyperspace towards an ant, who is drinking the blue woman, who is eating the black egg, which is vomiting out Brook’s afro in her foot. The foot is laughing at the red man’s hands, which are kicking Karl in the brain, causing Bismarck to bite Marck’s finger.
Marck is on his way to school after he died because a pimple developed in his brain, which caused him to walk on his head. The reason for this is because Zeus threw his Dentri at the black egg, who kills D**ald T**mp in order to bring peace to the elemental nations. Marck is already digging out into his fathers womb and because B***ndo’s got what plants crave, Bismarck bit Marck in the other nose.
Because the red mans hands just killed Bismarck‘s grandmother, who was just being born by the black eggs great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandniece’s best enemie‘s, that means the red man’s dog’s cat, dog, whose name is Bismarck, Marck bit Bismarck back.
(Hello dear readers, as you can see, Shira is at the moment not able to serve as the narrator of this story, therefore I, Fritz, the supernatural entity planting ideas in the author’s head, will guide you through this chapter. The part before relates to the non-realistic sentence ?Bismarck Bismarck Bismarck Bismarck biss (that’s what it sounds like, when you write it down it says: Bismarck biss Marck bis Marck Bismarck biss, which translates to: Bismarck bit Marck until Marck bit Bismarck.).
As can clearly be seen, the continouus torture caused Shira to go slightly mental. After we left Shira last time, exhausted and with a crippled left hand,)
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
(she fell into a fitful sleep, which was only made worse because of the voices. Many vengeful and hatefilled voices whispered into her ears and her very mind. When she woke up the next morning to an empty room, empty except fort he medical droid making sure she doesn’t die of course, the first thing she did was ask where she is at the moment.
The answer is Dromund Kaas, the capital planet of the old sith empire, a planet declared as taboo by the Republic. Normally the Jedi would easily be able to find her but the problem is that Shira is confined to one of the deepest tombs of the temple of the dark side. The negative emotions that permeate this area, in short the dark side in this place is so strong, that it completely covers Shira’s presence in the force.
The following days, weeks and months, maybe even years, even I don’t know, because the author is too lazy to calculate how long Shira has already been there, the old sith, whose name Shira still doesn’t know, which is in no way because neither the author nor me want to come up with a name for someone who is willing to hurt my cute little Shira-chan,)
There is no passion, there is serenity.
(continued to torture Shira. This whole time Shira didn’t even let a single sound past her lips as she tried to sink into a deep meditation, somewhere along the way she went a little insane. You can’t expect much, the old sith seemed to be hellbent on having Shira always remember her status as ?Halfbreed’as he called it, which caused him to more or less half her. First he cut her left arm off. Not in one go mind you, every two days he would cut off a slice of Shira’s left arm and afterwards rub salt into the wound.
Normally such torture would kill the tortured before the torturer can go beyond the ellbow, but the medical droid standing by 24/7 made sure that Shira wouldn’t die. On the days Shira wouldn’t loose a slice of her arm, he worked on her right leg. He would flay a piece of her, beginning with her toes and working his way up. When the flesh lay raw, he would again rub salt into it and leave it to dry. Once the flesh was completely dried out, he would gradually cut off her flesh. At the moment there are only the bones of her right leg remaining, everything else is gone. Even her right buttcheek and labium.
Though he was also gradually breaking the bones off.
Since the arm was faster done then the leg, he proceeded by giving the same treatment to one of her tails.
Because she was in her two-tailed nekomata form when she was knocked out and)
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
(because the transformation is a racial skill only possible as a result of her species‘ strong connection to the force, she couldn’t transform back into her base-form.
He pulled out her right eye and cut it to pieces while it was still connected to her nerves, dangling out of her eye socket, he removed her left ear piece by piece and even stripped the right side of her head of hair skin and flesh, exposing her naked skull to the world.
He cut off half of her nose and spread an incountable number of cuts across her whole left side.
He even pulled out half her teeth, alternating between upper jaw and lower jaw, she isn’t able to eat anything but soup anymore.
Not that he gave her food anyway. The droid was tasked with supplying her body with all the nutrition needed to survive.
During the whole time he periodically tormented her with torture lightning. In the beginning he had fun, later he saw a challenge in her defiance to even open her mouth and in the end he grew frustrated, which resulted in even more painful inflictions.)
?I don’t understand why you won’t just kill her. If she hasn’t broken yet I doubt she ever will.“
(Even though he technically is Shira’s uncle, Martin Drayen didn’t do anything to stop the torment of his niece. As far as Shira could deduce, at least when she was still sane, his thoughts were something along the line of ?No matter how much she is hurt, after she joins us we can just give her an even stronger body and if she doesn’t join us, she will die)
There is no death, there ist he force.
(and stop sullying the name of my Drayen family‘ or something like that. Or he was completely mental.)
?Simple. If she doesn’t join us before she becomes a woman, we’ll just use her body to produce powerful sith.“
(He had taken extra care to not damage any of her internal organs or female parts [aside from her right labium, but that isn’t really necessary to reproduce].)
?Ah, I get it. But if that happens none of them will be allowed to have the name Drayen, I shall not allow my families name to be dirtied by children of a halfbreed who were even conceived out of wedlock“
(Obviously Shira is in a dire situation. Let’s see what her thoughts are)
?Look for the *clap* bare necessities, the simple bare necessities…‘
?In einem B?chlein helle, da schoss in froher Eil die launische Forelle vorüber wie ein Pfeil…‘
((I will find my way, I can go the distance, I''ll be there some day…))
Wer reitet so sp?t durch Nacht und Wind? Es ist der Vater mit seinem Kind….
?Alles dreht sich um mich, alles dreht sich um mich, alles dreht sich um mich nur um mich…‘This tale has been unlawfully lifted from Royal Road. If you spot it on Amazon, please report it.
<u>Im Rhein im heiligen Strome, da spiegelt sich in den Wellen…</u>
<u>?Let it go, let it go, can’t hold it back anymore…‘</u>
<u>Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne, die liebt ich einst alle in Liebeswonne,…</u>
<u>?Like fire, hellfire, this fire in my skin, this burning desire is turning me to sin…‘</u>
<u>Still ist die Nacht, es ruhen die Gassen, in diesem Hause wohnte mein Schatz. Sie hat schon l?ngst…</u>
<u>?Don Giovanni, a cenar tecor, invitassi et sum veno...''</u>
<u>Notte giorno faticar, perci nulla sagradir, piovai vento soppotar, manjar male mal dormir…</u>
<u>?A whole new world, a new fantastic point of view...''</u>
(Dies ire, dies illa solvet saeclum in fa villa teste David cum Sybilla…)
(,Ein bisschen Friede, ein bisschen Sonne, für diese Erde auf der wir wohnen…)
<u>(Ich hasse Kinder, ich hasse Kinder, bei Kindern werd‘ ich gleich zum Sünder…)</u>
There is no hatred, there is pity.
<u>(,Ich hab‘ keine Lust, erwachsen zu werden. Mein Leben ist doch sch?n genau wie es ist…)</u>
(Why should I worry? Why should I care?...)
(?In diesen heil’gen Hallen kennt man die Rache nicht und ist ein Mensch gefallen führt Liebe ihn zur Pflicht…‘)
(OOOH, wie will ich triumphieren, wenn sie euch zum Richtplatz sie ihn führen…)
(,Is this the real life, is this just fantasy, caught in a landslide, no escape from reality…‘)
Gro?er Herr, oh starker K?nig, liebster Heiland oh wie wenig achtest du der Erden Pracht…
(I shall explain the reason why a number of songtext beginnings were just listed. All of these songs are to sound simultanously. Shira was a musician in her first life. In her head there was always a piece of music playing. Because of the intense physical and mental pain combined with the mental attacks of a number of dead sith lords, Shiras mind was fragmented. Now each fragment plays their own music resulting in a cacophony of notes to constantly resound in her mind.
The ones written down above are but a selection of the vocal music, accompanying these pieces are a lot more vocal music as well as a huge number of instrumental pieces. I hereby disclaim any rights to the featured music and will post links to those that are available on YouTube in the Author’s Note.)
?Don’t talk like you are any better‘
You shall bow to the mighty Lord Pharshol!
(The problem ist hat some of these fragments have been posessed by the ancient Sith spirits wandering these halls, resulting in a constant battle for dominance inside Shira’s head. But there are also fragments that have taken on rather … strange personalities)
(That guy for example, in other words there is a complete chaos in here, so the probability of Shira deciding anything in the near future isn’t really that high, since sane fragments like me don’t really stand a chance against the mass of insane)
There is no madness, there is reason.
(ones hindering us in making a decision. The last time we held a conference between all fragments of Shira’s mind, a completely insane part that dubs himself ?the Jester‘ claimed it was too boring and decided to start a free for all soccer match, with a fragment that thinks itself a hyena by the name of Edd as the ball.
Similar events are constantly ongoing and since all of us are one mind, everyone registers everything that happens in here, making everyone even more insane than before. For example the one who thought the part at the beginning of the chapter.
In the beginning it was a sane fragment, though it wasn’t exactly normal. It always thought about a question and whem it had solved the question it would think of a new one to answer. Everyone called it ?the Thinker‘. Now it always has thoughtprocesses like the example at the beginning of the chapter.)
((?Fischers Fritz fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt fischers Fritz. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA‘))
(Then there is that guy who is constantly annoying everyone, making bad jokes and things like tongue twisters about all the other fragments. It is a surprise that there are some sane fragments left.)
(And he has a laughing fit again. When he realized he wasn’t a skeleton, but a mindfragment, he went insane, because he couldn’t make his skull jokes anymore, so as you can clearly see there isn’t much to salvage here anymore, I’m sorry to say that this story has to end because even I, the supernatural entity planting ideas in the authors head am not able to come up with a satisfactoy story with Shira as she is now as the MC.
We’re really sorry to say goodbye at this point, the author didn’t have the balls to show himself to say goodbye.
So that’s it. The end.
There is no ending, there is a new beginning.
(Oh, I almost forgot, the part constantly thinking the jedi code and similar phrases is the part of Shira that succeeded in entering a very deep meditation and stayed conneced to the force the whole duration of Shira’s captivity. I don’t really know if that fragment is sane or insane, I guess I’ll have to wait and see when it wakes up and sees the division of Shira’s mind)
There is no division, there is unity.
(Hey what’s happening, why is everything turning dark? Stop, I don’t want to die!!!)
<u>Einen Weiser seh‘ ich stehen, unverrückt vor meinem Blick, eine Stra?e muss ich gehen, die noch keiner ging zurück (A guidepost I see standing, unwavering in my sight, a road I must walk which no one ever walked back)</u>
…Can someone tell me, were the other half of my body is?
…and why those wounds don’t hurt?
(((There is a jedi here.)))
(((So this is what light is, I had forgotten in the long darkness)))
(((HAA, Finally I can breath again, but I don’t have lungs, so I can’t breath, GHOST JOKE)))
(((…Why do I wish we were never awakened right now.)))
…and why are there four ghost women standing in front of me?
Chapter 16.5: Shira’s meditation
I feel pain all over my body, I hear voices coming from all directions, threatening to take over my mind. My head feels like it is being ripped to pieces, my memories begin to grow dimmer and new memories take their place.
When confused you are, the first thing to do, breathing it is.
So I breath, a deep breath filling my whole body with air and expelling it slowly. The effect is astounding, my head becomes clearer every second, the foreign memories disappear again but soon the pain begins again.
When in danger jedi are, trust in the force they must.
I am one with the force, the force is with me…
Why should the force be with me? The force doesn’t care about good or evil, it just is. So why would it be with me, or with anybody? Why can force users control the force? Midichlorians? No, they are just something like a focus, channeling the force.
Why then, why can we use the force?
The force everybody can use. Only those there are, who have a closer connection. Force users they are. But the force, help anybody it can.
A premonition in a tight situation, a critical increase in physical abilities during stress.
The force holds the universe together, so it flows through everything and everyone. With the right training, everybody can guide it. Midichlorians are microscopic creatures who act as catalysts for force users to strengthen their connection to the force, they are not the reason a force user can use the force.
It’s just about the right training.
But why? Why are sentient creatures able to control the force?
The force control you can not. Guide it you can as it can guide you.
I can guide the force to do what I want and the force in return can guide me to do the same, but why should the force guide anybody? Why should something so mighty bother with such lowly creatures?
The force guides those who connect to it. It is passive, listening to the suggestions of those talking to it and those who ask the loudest or the most convincing can direct it.
Does the Force have a conciousness? Doesn’t matter, the force is, wether it is sentient or not, it is everywhere.
The will of the force doesn’t exist, otherwise it wouldn’t allow those, who go against that will to guide it.
So why can we guide the force? What gives us the ability?
I am one with the force, the force is with me.
I am one with the force. The force is everywhere. Everyone is one with the force. The Force is one with everybody.
I am one with the force, I am the force.
Everybody is one with the force, everybody is the force.
If everybody is the force, that means everybody is me?
One galaxy, one universe, one multiverse, one omniverse, one existence.
One Force.
There is no division, there is no difference, in the beginning there was nothing, everything came from nothing, everything consists of nothing, the force came from nothing, the force is one with us in nothingness.
Everybody, everything is a different shade of nothing, everything is one.
There is no division, there is unity.
So, how did you like it? I personally don''t think it''s that good, but I thought it was really hard to write a chapter with an insane MC.
Nothing much to write here, besides the origins of the song titles, which are in the Bottom Author''s note.
I have a question again: Who do you think is the strongest Ice user in fiction?
Why this question? Because I added the beginning of ,Let it go'' in this chapter.
I think the three strongest Ice users in fiction are: Esdeath from Akame ga Kill, Aokiji from One Piece and Elsa from Frozen
There may be stronger ones I don''t know, but I think those three stand equal to each other on the top.
From the powers we have seen from them Esdeath is the strongest (Creating an army of autonomous Ice soldiers, freezing what I think is half a planet, freezing time and space), but she can''t make herself intangible like Aokiji can. In raw power and range of abilities Aokiji is behind Esdeath, but Esdeath would be unable to even hurt Aokiji. Besides Aokiji can freeze Tsunamis and set off eternal winters. From what we''ve seen until now Elsa is far weeker than those two...not. True in a straight up fight she would have no chance, but that doesn''t change the fact that she can create completely sentient life with her powers (We don''t know how sentient Esdeath''S Ice soldiers are) and set off an eternal winter without trying or realizing it...and thaws it in about five seconds. Now imagine if Elsa trained her powers...
Ok that''s it for this week, see you in the comments