Synopsis An advertising film director was reborn in the bustling Hollywood in 1988. From then on, he began his own domineering road to becoming a legend in the film industry, mastering everything from writing, editing, directing, and supervising films and TV series, dating a lot of female stars, and having a bunch of child stars.Unofficial translation of 我就是好莱坞 by 贾思特杜. Parents Strongly Cautioned
Synopsis An advertising film director was reborn in the bustling Hollywood in 1988. From then on, he began his own domineering road to becoming a legend in the film industry, mastering everything from writing, editing, directing, and supervising films and TV series, dating a lot of female stars, and having a bunch of child stars.Unofficial translation of 我就是好莱坞 by 贾思特杜. Parents Strongly Cautioned...