Same POV as ending of last
The tidings are ill this day. To ensure that the column can move in a prompt manner we split ourselves into three groups to use multiple paths. But as we discovered while traveling along a formation of hills a group of soldiers were ambushed. From the bodies we discover that arrows had rained upon them and while the troops were in disarray they continued to do so. From the tracks the survivors had attempted to withdraw to the side but were also slain. This time we found a number of horse tracks and sweeping trails of blood. Whoever is our enemy is equipped quite well and prepared for a fight.
The worse thing is that while we can assume all the soldiers are dead there is not enough blood to assume that the slaves also were killed. Perhaps they now bolster the marauder’s numbers. I know that this may be over reaction but that was over a hundred slaves and we do not know who attacked them and why. Thankfully we have kept this quiet to a degree but those informed are worried. Of course those that understand the implications. Some of those that brought troops are spoiled heirs of smaller houses and do not understand the implications this has to those who have fought before.
None of the nobles who are allowed forces fight like this and as far as we know there should not have been any tribes or other such entities here. If this was undead then we have a very cunning foe to face. Perhaps those rumours of liches are true for they could have raised the dead and brought everything away but what need for food supplies would undead have. I would think that undead would either destroy or ignore such things but never before have we faced undead on such a degree. Normally against such a foe for every one of theirs that falls another takes it place and our dead rise to join them. I am worried about this mystery and have worked with the adventurers and mercenaries to try to fix this. But they have never fought with such numbers before so what advice they have can really only be used by them, still it is something. Whoever it is the only thing we can do is keep moving forward.
Our forces are to from now on head forth in large groups even if this slows us down, the marshall is not risking anything and we are deploying advance parties to keep watch. I have kept my part of the force in organized formation and now am glad for it, we have not sustained any losses and I hope to keep it that way. The last assumed position of the first expedition is a fort deep into the first marked zone of the cursed lands’ proper. We are heading there as the ruined castle will provide a good base and if there are indeed undead there it is our purpose to cleanse them. We are proceeding carefully and hopefully there will not be any further attacks with our larger groups.
It has been almost a month and it has been hard going. We have lost about 500 in total from various parts of our fighting men. Along with these losses are the supplies that they carried which equal enough for another few hundred besides them. The only sad grace is the loss of so many means our remaining supplies can cover the loss. We were not quite foolish enough to lose too much at any one point but we certainly are depleted. The thing is that not all of the 500 were lost to our unknown attackers but desertion from those whose leaders were killed by foolishly leaving themselves open and were assassinated. The only thing we know is that they appear to be well trained.
The survivors see only silhouettes and the sight of cloaks and various weapons. They have some mages judging by the remains left over in the aftermath of attacks on various points which only worries me further for this means that we are not facing some random bandits especially with how far the attacks have followed us. It is as if they do not need to rest or are restrained by the night. Infact now it is at night when many of the attacks occur.
But if it is undead then how could they follow such tactics, are they truly so smart as to be able to commit to such tactics. If they have mages then are they gathering our fallen to create an army against us. Whoever is commanding this posses much acumen but surely a necromancer could not have such expertise. Pondering without any way to find the answer is pointless.
While we have much of our forces losing about an eighth is still heavy. But we also managed to reduce the follower train since many were spooked and left, small blessings. I pray that they survive to be able to leave this land. Besides the constant ambushes I have seen something else. Only now do I truly realize why this place is known as the cursed lands. The very air sucks at my strength and the light of the sky is dimmer.I start to curse the fact that I allowed myself to join this crusade but we can only push forward for if I leave then who knows when it will be that my party and I disappear. Then again now that we have reached the open plains there have not been any attacks against us. I can only assume those we left or left us are dead. For some reason I feel as if the enemy does not know the meaning of mercy.Stolen content warning: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.
In the next few days we should reach the castle and hopefully a true battle instead of this mess. As it is right now only the nobles and knights are able to have protection from priests but not all of us all the time. This curse is not very strong but it is constant, even the priests grow tired form use of their powers. Some have paid clerics from adventurer parties to shield them and I have also arranged such a manner But what I worry about now is whether the rest of our forces can manage to survive long enough. I pray that this cursed air does not grow stronger deeper in but regardless we march on. Doomed if I stay, Doomed if I leave....
Third Person POV
Looking from above three columns of men and beast of burden advance upon a low hilly plain with clouds of dust floating in the air from the numbers. They advance upon this lonely plain until they see other clouds of dust in the distance, and it is not just one. There are three main clouds of dust in the air approaching, while not as large as that created by the columns this carries a much more disturbing view as the scouts soon reveal when they return at speed. Like a kicked nest of hornets the human army shifts itself into battle position. A solid battle line of spears and shields with supporting units of armoured infantry with various arms to the flanks or in reserve. Knights are deployed behind ready to sortie when the chance arises and archers are at the very front ready to skirmish.
The opposing armies gather their forces in opposition. However unlike the human side their opponents are gathered in groups with clear avenues between. Larger groups of calvary are spread out in flanking positions with bows and other weapons. Infront are even more skirmishing forces of several mixed weapons, the army seems much more diverse and mixed of arms and few have armour. Those that do are dressed in antique styles not seen for centuries, everything about their arms seem outdated as well but the size each undead suggest a people well fed and prosperous with frames dwarfing the average man by a small but still noticeable fashion(if average is 5’8 these are 5’10).
The truly distinguishing factor however is that the entire force is undead, they number the same but are much weaker except for the anchoring points in the formations. Even from a distance formless black streams swirl around these forms which are fully armoured knights with heavy weapons and mages with their staves. However unbeknown to the human army these are not the only force deployed. From hidden points packs of direwolves and boneclaws gather, their packmasters ready to give the order to strike. A battle is in the promise, there will be no parlay for the dead care not for such niceties. Banners fly opposing each other, on one side pristine and proud the other ragged and defiant of life itself. Unbeknownst to the confident humans for such weak and few (in terms of accepted 4-1 odds needed for undead to win an army battle) undead will surely be crushed under the righteous humans this is but a play with discardable pieces.
The true army marches from further away, the tramp of armoured boots and hoof in utter unison leave their mark on the soil of this blighted land as they advance tirelessly to spill bright red blood in tribute to their lord who intends to continue the history of bloodshed upon this land filled with the consequences of past affairs. Oh will the blood flow for this land has thirsted enough and will soon be quenched, but ever will it hunger for nothing satisfies it forever. More will come as they have before and more will lay their bones to rest only to rise once more, such is the cycle upon this tainted earth.
Author’s Note
Want to know my calculations and technical details for the battle here you go
Anyone interested in the number crunching statistics let us have the crusade army
(note rounded numbers to the fifth or tenth)
Beginning-Around 4400ish
Levy(includes archers)-3500
Knights(Does not include commanding nobles)-170
Mages(Not including adventurers)-30
Attrition Casualties
300 dead from ambushes over the course of two weeks both day and night
200 desertions due to conditions or died of sickness
(look at disease and desertion rates of medieval armies, its not pretty)
Start of Battle- 4000ish
Levy-3050(25% archers)
Opposing Undead Army
Bow Calvary-100
Elite Command/Mage-30(some necromancers)
Boneclaws and Dire wolves-270
Produced from defensive posts-3600(400 in reserve and not deployed)
pre battle spawn rate per day
Quality defined as
light-weapons only
medium- has a little armour and better gear
heavy- relative intact full armour and weapons
Graveyard-15 undead both light and medium
Dung Beetle-25 undead mostly medium and a little of the rest
Tomb- 10 mostly medium with a little heavy
Days to produce-80
If I made mistakes please point it out.