Centuries ago, as humans reached the pinnacle of the industrial era, creatures known as the Vormun invaded the world. These monstrosities rained down destruction upon the human population, using strange magical abilites that allowed them to control the various elements.When all hope was lost, children bearing the same magic as the Vormun were born, the sheer disdain for the enemy lead to them being labelled as "cursed". Upon discovering this breakthrough, the world''s government decreed that all children carrying these abilities be handed over to the military to use against the ongoing threat.Thus a special operations unit known as "Reapers" was born. Through fierce fighting, they managed to push the Vormun back, however it was not without cost.Despite killing hundreds of thousands or Vormun, their numbers seemed endless. Sadly, the reapers did not have such numbers and eventually, only 10 remained.Seeing this, the world''s government became desperate and so betted all odds on one last operation.It was a success.With the Vormun gone and the reaper''s disbanded, the world fell into relative peace.However, now three millennia later. Could one of the reapers still be alive....?
Centuries ago, as humans reached the pinnacle of the industrial era, creatures known as the Vormun invaded the world. These monstrosities rained down destruction upon the human population, using strange magical abilites that allowed them to control the various elements.When all hope was lost, children bearing the same magic as the Vormun were born, the sheer disdain for the enemy lead to them being labelled as "cursed". Upon discovering this breakthrough, the world''s government decreed that all children carrying these abilities be handed over to the military to use against the ongoing threat.Thus a special operations unit known as "Reapers" was born. Through fierce fighting, they managed to push the Vormun back, however it was not without cost.Despite killing hundreds of thousands or Vormun, their numbers seemed endless. Sadly, the reapers did not have such numbers and eventually, only 10 remained.Seeing this, the world''s government became desperate and so betted all odds on one last operation.It was a success.With the Vormun gone and the reaper''s disbanded, the world fell into relative peace.However, now three millennia later. Could one of the reapers still be alive....?...