Project~Realization is a story derived from an interactive virtual novel with characters ported from the original Venators project and brought to you by Joseph Taylor. Live through the eyes of Taylor, a young high school student with no memories of the past, as he and many other students explore the “School ground,” a realm with no exit filled with unknown entities that seem to twist unexpectedly at every single turn, and experience the conflict and tension between the two major factions that develops as the students fall into despair.
Project~Realization is a story derived from an interactive virtual novel with characters ported from the original Venators project and brought to you by Joseph Taylor. Live through the eyes of Taylor, a young high school student with no memories of the past, as he and many other students explore the “School ground,” a realm with no exit filled with unknown entities that seem to twist unexpectedly at every single turn, and experience the conflict and tension between the two major factions that develops as the students fall into despair....