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Name: Kenta Yoshida
Title: Outsider
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STR: 50
DEX: 40
CON: 30
INT: 33
WIS: 27
CHA: 30
LUC: 11
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Health: 300/300
Defense: 50/50
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Martial Mastery: Having trained in martial arts you have gained mastery. +15 STR, +15 DEX
Eater: Allows one to consume any singular item (excluding proper food) to gain skills/attributes. Consuming dangerous substances will not kill you.
Bear Bite: Bite with the power of a bear. Increases bite force by 25x.
Photosynthesis: You absorb the suns energy during the day and convert it to health, giving you minor health regeneration. +1 health regen/min during the day.
Age of Trees: You will grow alongside the trees, living until both you and the trees falls. +500 years to life expectancy. (Does not prevent dying from non-natural ways)
Iron Defence: With the protective properties of iron, you are now able to absorb more damage. +10 CON +50 DEFThis novel is published on a different platform. Support the original author by finding the official source.
Minerals: Eating dirt will now provide you with the nutritious minerals required to survive. Bon appetit.
Time keeper: You now have an innate ability to accurately tell the time, regardless of where you are.
Compass: You can now sense which way is north, east, south and west.
Flashlight: When it’s dark you can choose to create light by illuminating your eyes. This will provide light in front of you.
Social Network: You may now add people to your friends list (they will need to accept). With these friends, you may communicate over long distances. +5 CHA
Wikipedia: You have basic knowledge of this world. +5 INT, +5 WIS
Translate: You can now speak and understand different languages (slang does not count). +1 INT
Calculator: Basic math is now no problem for you, as you will be able to calculate it instantaneously. +5 INT
Maps: You will have a basic understanding of the location around you. It does not tell you where creatures are, only the terrain and buildings. +Knowledge of surroundings (30ft radius)
Loot: Creatures when killed will drop money and rarely other items.
Minor Storage Dimension: No longer will you have to carry around items, you now have access to a storage dimension. +minor dimensional storage (1 cubic meter)
Minor Night Vision: Grants the ability to see more detail at night.
Minor Hearing Improvement: Can now hear 4x better than normal.
Greater Smell Improvement: Your sense of smell is now 20x better.
Intimidation: With the words of a bear, you may strike fear into your enemies’ heart. +10 CHA
Improved Swimming: Like a fish you will be able to move faster in water.
Aqua Affinity: In water, lungs do not suffice. You are now able to breathe underwater.
Glass Ninja: The ultimate stealth technique is to not be seen. You have gained the ability adopt the properties of glass. Using this will allow you to become 90% transparent, unless people are looking for you, most will not notice you. They can still hear you and see the affects you have on the environment e.g. shrubs moving. (This also applies to any inanimate object you are wearing or holding)
Worm regeneration: A worm cut in half will regain its lost body. This skill allows you, just like a worm, to regenerate health at a greater rate. Lost limbs will grow back after a day’s rest (Warning: does not include the head or loss of more than 50% of the body). +5 CON +5 health/min.
Minor Water Pressure Resistance: Whilst underwater, you will no longer be affected by the pressure (Up to 15 meters’ depth).
Fur Coat: The cold temperature will no longer have an effect on you (down to -15 °C).
Minor Ground Stomp: With the weight of a bear, you may now shake the earth causing smaller creatures to lose balance (5-foot radius). +10 STR
Sword Mastery: With a lifetime of training, experts manage to reach complete sword mastery. You are now among those experts. +15 STR, +15 DEX
1<sup>st</sup> Degree of Swordforce: By combing your intent with the force of the sword, you are now able to produce the same amount of force, creating a precise wind strike, outside of your sword (The more intent and the more power the further it will travel).+5 WIS
Steel Fist: With the power of a steel hammer, you can now punch with immense force, crushing anything in your way. +20 strength to offensive actions involving your hands.