It''s time to get some get some answers. I know from my own world that it was created 4.6 billion years from "Modern Day" and according to the Biology I remember it was 750 million years later that cells first formed. Either I slept for 750 million years , or I''m starting 750 million years sooner than I thought.I thought while I lean back in my desk chair.
I have been acting on assumptions since I got here. That is an all-around terrible idea, and I can''t help but kick myself over this. I should have asked all my questions and got all my answers before I started. Now, while we are all just beginning it''s time to go get some answers, and I know just who to go ask. But first I have to find them.
Standing up I take a quick stretch. Looking around the room I think about fixing my appearance. But I''m just a shape of light so I shrug and leave the room. I''m still in the hallway from the beginning. I''ve already gone Left, it leads to the Meeting room lets go right this time.
I start walking, examining the white washed walls. They don''t have any texture to them like some fancy walls have, instead they are smooth. They just seem to go forever, and then I get to a door.
The first door I have come across. Let''s see where this leads.
I knock again and wait.
I try the door knob.
Locked. Must be "In Use". At least they could have some sort half-circle sign if the room is available or being used.
I keep walking down the endless hallway.
I wonder what the other facilities that Selena mentioned were. The way she said it was very open ended, like it was up for debate or something. I wonder if they have a garden or something here.
The thought had no sooner crossed my mind when I reached a new door. This one however had a plaque on it.
Recreational Park
Not even bothering to knock, I firmly grasp the handle, push the door open, and step out into ~A Whole New World~...
Well that was weird, but apt. I think as I look around the clearing. In awe I take a few steps forward and look around.
It looks like I''m in the center of a clearing as I turn around I see fruit trees, flowering trees, deciduous trees, and coniferous trees. And that’s just one side. The clearing is massive, in fact I should probably start calling it a small plains it’s so large. It looks like next to the trees there is a garden.
I hurry over to take a look.
The garden, if I can call it that, has every type of flower, vegetable, and fruit that I can remember, and then some that I can''t. These seem to be some sort of magical variety. Neato.
I turn towards the side across from the trees.
Bushes as far as the eye can see. It seems like this room has all sorts of plant life. Let''s see what hides behind the door.
I slowly turn and my mouth drops.
I see the door. But behind it is just a mass of indiscernible fog. I walk up to the fog, stand even with the door and stick my hand in. My hand seems to push the fog forward, so I take a step and look towards the doorThat''s weird, I definitely just took a step towards the fog, but I''m still even with the door.
I took another step while looking at the door.I definitely felt myself moving, but I''m still even with the door. This must be some weird magic phenomenon, I want to find out how it works, but first I need to talk to Selena.
I slowly walk back to the door and leave the Recreational Park, closing the door behind me.
With a hop in my step I begin walking down the hallway again. A short forever and my mind starts to wander. I wonder when I will arrive at Selena''s office. No sooner than the thought crossed my mind, then I came upon a door. It was like it just appeared out of nowhere.
Examining the door I see that it has a white nameplate on it along with the name Selena.
Well let''s hope that she''s in. I thought as I grasped the door knob twisted it and pushed it open.
The First thing I noticed was Selena standing tall and looking down at Alexander who was in the "orz" position. The second thing I noticed was the riding crop in Selena''s hand and the chains on Alexander''s wrists and ankles. The Third thing I noticed was that they were both wearing leather bodysuits.
I slowly close the door.
Was not expecting that.
I waited a few minutes staring at the door, shifting from side to side awkwardly. Finally gathering my courage, I decided to knock on the door.
"Come in."(Selena)
I slowly open the door expecting the worst. Selena''s office has two chairs immediately in front of the door, most likely for guests. In front of the guest chair is a nice wooden executive desk, of a type of wood I have never seen before. It looks like the pale wood of birch, but the grains have a type a pattern to them that I have never seen before. Behind the desk is a tall backed executive chair, upon which Selena is sitting while wearing a white dress. In the two back corners are two bushes I remember seeing back in the Recreational Park, but don''t know the name of. Frowning, I once more look around the room and don''t see Alexander anywhere, but there aren''t any doors leading to any other room. I once more look at the desk, then at Selena.
"What can I help you with Azazel?"(Selena)
It seems like she''s going to sweep what I just witnessed under the rug, which I am perfectly fine with...for now. Now to ask about the things in my Dungeon.
"Well Selena, I have some questions about certain things that I need answers for before I continue working."(Azazel)
Selena blushes a little, then glances down towards the desk.
"We-well, ask and if I am able; I will answer them."(Selena)
"Well my first question, is how long has this world been in existence?"(Azazel)
"What do you mean?"(Selena)
"Well, for how long has the planet that we are making dungeons on been a planet?"(Azazel)
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"Do you mean how long has it been since my Father created this world from nothing?"(Selena)
"My Father created the world from nothing a little more than a thousand years ago. During the majority of that time I was preparing the world for the Dungeon Masters that would populate it."(Selena)
"What do you mean by "prepare the world" shouldn''t the world already be ready as soon as CotU created the planet?"(Azazel)
"Well I have to decide what creatures will be able to be summoned and created by the Dungeon Masters right?"(Selena)
"Summoned? Created? What are you talking about?"(Azazel)
"Well if have enough mana, you are able to create creatures from nothing; however such creatures are generally inferior and unable to reproduce. Summoned Creatures take a permanent decrease of mana to summon, but are generally superior to created creatures and are able to reproduce. However the caveat for summoning creatures is that you really don''t know what quality you are going to get, and there is no way to get your mana back from the summoning ritual."(Selena)
"What about evolution? Can I use evolution to populate my Dungeon?"(Azazel)
As I say dungeon, I see Selena blush a little, but she quickly recovers.
"Well wouldn''t you need monsters first before you evolve them into the next tier?"(Selena)
"Tiers? I mean taking a species and through either natural selection, gene therapy, or some other process, and turning it into a whole new species."(Azazel)
"I have never heard of such a system before. Generally after a monster reaches a certain level, they are able to evolve into the next tier of monster and start over from level 1."(Selena)
"Why would a monster want to evolve to another monster type if it evolved over time to suit a specific habitat and ecosystem? It doesn''t make any sense."(Azazel)
"Well first off, generally speaking, the next tier monster is much stronger than an original tier monster, so many monsters wish to rank up. Also a lot of dungeons become attached to certain creatures, so they want them to become as strong as possible so they don''t die. Hence the evolving aspect. As far as evolution goes, it sounds much faster to just get a monster to a certain level and evolve it to the next tier monster than to slowly change an already existing monster into another."(Selena)
That seems so wrong, but I can''t deny that it sounds effective.
"The only problem I see is that by using the evolving ability, monsters with undesirable traits have a better chance at evolving than evolution allows. Just to clarify, will I be able to use evolution if I so choose in my Dungeon?"(Azazel)
"You can do whatever you want inside your dungeon. You are the Master after all."(Selena)
"Just to clarify for this line of questioning, I am able to control something call a "Prokaryotic Cell", was that something that you added to the world for use to use?"(Azazel)
"I did add it, but it was actually something my father asked me to add. He didn''t tell me the reason though."(Selena)
Thank CotU for that.
"Ok, my next question. Why am I able to interact with a Volcano?"(Azazel)
"Obviously because its spirit developed sentience from all the mana surrounding it."(Selena)
"Does that mean that anything can develop sentience, as long as enough mana is provided?"(Azazel)
"The short answer is yes. However it really depends on what you are trying to give sentience to and its general quality. I''m not sure if you have noticed yet, but the volcano you chose has one of the greatest chances for growth due to how it was made. As such it was much easier for it to gain sentience. A rock, for instance would take a long time and a huge amount of mana to give sentience to."(Selena)
"Well this conversation was enlightening, thank you for answering my questions Selena."(Azazel)
"It''s my pleasure."(Selena)
As she says this her expression darkens just a tad, but lightens up instantly. If I was feeling a little dark after all the revelations I just got I wouldn''t have noticed it. Yet I did, so as I knocked on the center of her desk, right above where she has her legs stored, I say "Good bye to you Selena and play safe."
I start walking back the way I came.
Man I need a drink.
A door I didn''t remember passing appears on my right. This one doesn''t have a nameplate on it; instead, deeply etched into the wood is the word BAR. With nothing to lose I grasped the handle, twisted it, and remembered what happened last time I opened without knocking. I release my hand and take a deep breath. I knock loudly, grasped the door knob, twisted it, and opened the door.
What I saw was a high class bar. The floor was a black carpet, the walls had red drapes hanging on them. There were couches and tables distributed evenly around the room and there was a full U-shaped bar in the center. Walking up to the bar I see a sign that says, "Serve Yourself". Shrugging I walk around the bar looking for glasses and alcohol. I easily find a crystal glass, but I only find one bottle of booze.
How weird. This place comes with a super classy bar setting, but only has one liquor. It better be good or this place will be a huge joke.
I carefully grab the bottle and examine it. The bottle is clear so I can see the liquid inside. The liquid was very clear and looked like the purest Vodka I have ever seen. I give it a quick shake and no bubbles form. Now I know this is good stuff. I quickly pull the cork out and set the bottle on the counter. Next I take my hand and gently waft the fumes towards me. The fumes smell like a sea of flowers in full bloom. Excited a poor a small bit in my glass. I slowly put down the bottle and pick up the glass bringing it to my lips. Taking a deep breath I once more smell the flowers and take a sip. Flavor bursts in my mouth. Every part of my tongue explodes in delight. As I swallow I feel the liquor rush towards my stomach and fill my very being with a pleasant sensation. I quickly finish my glass. With every sip I take I get the same feeling.
No wonder there is only this one bottle of alcohol. I don''t think any other alcohol will be able to measure up.
I grab both the bottle and my cup and slowly walk towards the exit.
It''s time to head back to my room.
I grasp the door knob, twisted it, and open the door right into my room. I step inside in shock, letting the door close behind me.