Chapter 2 – The Basics of Magic
Curious, I sit down in a nearby chair and pick up the first book, which seems to be some sort of dictionary for magic jargon. Putting it to my side for later use, I continue doing so with the next 3 books which are the respective continuing parts.
Following my intuiton, which helped me avoid unnecessary work countless times, I chose to ignore the following 5 books. Another reason for me to do so was the title, "The history of magic and it''s great founder"- yeah, I really don''t care about that.
The last three books are the real deal though. "The Basics of (experimental) Magic", "Rune Enzyclopedia" and "How to survive your superiors wrath".
The last one is of course the most important, but I''ve got a lot of experience in that field, so I don''t need it (right now).
Picking up "The Basics of (experimental) Magic", I start reading, curious about how magic is implemented in this game.
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Basics of Magic
The first thing to know about magic is the basic defenition. Per definition, magic is influencing nature per use of mana, while mana is, in fact, just another form of energy. So you basically influence the world through energy.
But mana is not just any form of energy, and somehow is able to react to conciousness. Meaning that you can influence it with your thoughts AND actions.
This leads to the most common, obvious and unorigional but efficient method of focusing the mind through chants, influencing the mana mentally, and directing it through actions.The combination can yield great results, altough they are almost always of the simplest nature, like a fireball (basically a moving ball of heat). Also, it is almost impossible to keep something active over a long time.
And this is where it gets interesting.
One of the common methods is using runes, ancient words conveying intentions, and not just meanings. And while runes alone can affect the world, the effect can be increased by grouping them into words and scentences, commonly called magic circles. Due to this runes are, most of the time, not used without a magic circle.
One of the exceptions is enchanting. Due to most materials inability to withstand the energy of a magic circle over a long time, runes are often used when enchanting "inferior" materials, namely ones without any magical resistance.
A rarely used kind of magic is the experimental magic used in research. To unreliable to be used in combat, but to complex to be ignored, many ignore this area of magic due to their desire for destruction and stupidity.
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In fact, almost every single magic object more complex than a small to mid sized standart magic circle is created with experimental magic.
Experimental Magic
The most basic equipment for an user of experimental magic consists of the engraver, the extractor, the infuser, the layering machine and an amulet of protection, due to the likely case of a mana explosion.
The engraver is the tool mainly used in enchanting, due to its ability to engrave mana-reactive materials in another material. If you want an enchantment to work you should use a proper engraver and the right material (mind the elemental affinits!).
The extractor is most often used in connection with the enfuser. The extractor can extract an objects essence while the infuser can infuse it into another object, which may refill magical energy or even grant the object in question a magical affinity.
The layering machine can add another layer of runes/another magic circle on top of an already existing one. It is often considered an advancet tool due to the possible consequences of an inproper use.
The beforementioned consequences most often are a mana explosion. In case any kind of mana gets influenced but the influence stops before the intended result was achieved or something interferes with the mana, you should expect the mana to explode.
An alternative method for permanent spells, like enchantments, is the magical circuit. You draw lines by using mana-reactive inc, which guide the mana through them. In combination with mana cristals and focus orbs, one can create a staff, light,... the possibilities are almost endless.
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The rest keeps gettion less interesting, listing off a few minor methods of magic and a lot of rambling about how experimental magic is the most important one.
I guess it was written by the mage that dragged me here.
Taking every book with me (except the history ones), I stand up and turn around, only too see the beforementioned mage in front of me.
Grinning, he grabs me again. "I see we think alike! No need to concern yourself with history if you can improve the future!"
After shouting his worrysome statement, he drags me to an almost empty area of the building.
"This, my friend, is the research area! Just chose a room. There is no one here except us anyway..."
Well, that certainly is depressing, considering this is supposed to be this towns main research area...
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And there it is, my first info dump! Does anyone know how to make this spoiler thing? I''ll hide the jargon inside of it the next time.