Naoki walked down the stairs, possibly because she could hear his footsteps Kirika called out, "We''re in the living room!" Naoki looked to where Kirika''s voice came from, when he reached the bottom of the stairs he walked right in the living room.
He caught sight of Kirika sitting on the sofa alongside his Aunt and Uncle, the two had aged since he last saw them, his Aunt had more wrinkles in her face but, not too many as she still looked young, he also noticed her brown hair had gotten a bit lighter, all in all, his Aunt hand''t really changed that much. His Uncle on the other hand, had, he had far more wrinkles on his face then his wife, his once thin mustcahe was now bushy and well kept, and in his black hair he had small streaks of grey mixed in. Naoki noticed how much his Uncle had slimmed down, his Uncle use to be more muscularly built, but now his muscles had diminished greatly and seemed to be a bit soft and flabby, his Aunt and Uncle both looked at him, the had smiles on their faces.
His Uncle was the first one to speak, "Ah! Naoki-boy, there you are!" his Uncle chuckled, "Hey Uncle" Naoki responded, his Uncle grumbled, "What did I tell you to call me?" his Uncle scowled, Naoki shuddered, "Hey, Takao-Jiisan!" Naoki rubbed the back of his head nervously and laughed, his Uncle smiled, "That''s better! Now, come sit down over here, let Jiisan get a good look at you!" his Uncle jestered to the open chair across from the couch where they sat, Naoki nodded and he walked over to the chair and sat down. His Uncle took a hard look at him, he would ocassialy hum and grunt as he looked Naoki over, he then laughed, "You''ve really become a man since I last saw you boy!" Naoki smiled "Thanks Takao-jiisan" his Uncle smiled back.
"You look alot like Jyunichi when he was your age" his Uncle chukled, Jyunichi was Naoki''s fathers name, Naoki''s father and his Uncle Takao were brothers, "Really?" Naoki smirked at his Unlce''s comment, his Uncle gave a huge grin "Your basically the spitting image of him, except for the red hair" Naoki looked up at his dark red hair, he chukled nervously, "Yeah, I kinda decided to do this after I got out of highschool" Naoki looked back at his Uncle. His Uncle laughed, "You look like Jyunichi but, your a rebel like me!" Naoki laughed and took the compliment, he didn''t really want to tell his Uncle the real reason as to why he had dyed his hair.
"Now Takako! Don''t make fun of the boy!" came his Aunt''s voice, his Uncle looked over at his Wife who had a stern look on her face, "Oh come now Yumi, I''m not making fun of the boy" his Uncle gave a grin, his Aunt grumbled, "You are if your saying he''s like you" his Uncle grumbled, his Aunt giggled and smiled, she looked at Naoki and Naoki looked right at her. She did like his Uncle and looked him over, "Your Uncle''s right Naoki-dear, you have gotten alot older since we last saw you" Naoki laughed, "You''ve gotten really handsome dear" Naoki smiled "Thanks Aunty" his Aunty groaned in dissapointment "Come now, if your going to call your Uncle like you used to you could do the same for me" Naoki chuckled. Naoki rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry, thanks Yumi-basan" his Aunt smiled.
"I can''t believe how much you''ve grown, I still can''t believe how much Kiri-chan has grown, its almost unreal" Naoki looked and Kirika who gave a grin, Naoki smiled back, he then looked back to his Aunt "I really appreciate it, you know, letting me stay here and all" his Aunt gave a bright smiled, "No worries dear, we''re happy to have you stay with us!", his Uncle cut in, "Yeah, it''ll be like old times, like when you and Kiri were still kids" Kirika grumbled, "Dad! I''m not a kid anymore stop calling me that!" Kirika puffed out her cheeks. His Uncle laughed, "Oh my! Sorry!" Naoki couldn''t help but laugh alongside his Uncle, after that Naoki sat there and talked with his Aunt and Uncle, he told them what he had been up to since they last saw him, he left out the parts about Misa though, when all was said and done his Uncle slapped his hands on his knees, "Well, you''ve really grown up haven''t you boy?" Naoki nodded.
At that moment Naoki yawned, his Aunt chuckled, "Well, looks like someones really tired" Naoki chuckled and scratched his cheek, he couldn''t deny that, he had ridden on a train for about five hours, he then walked for another three minutes just to get to his Aunt and Uncles house, and now he had spent a multitude of hours talking with his Aunt and Uncle, he looked at the clock on the wall of the living room. The time showed it was really late in the night, again Naoki yawned and he also streched this time, his Uncle chuckled, "Why don''t you go get some sleep son, you''ve had a long day" Naoki looked at his Uncle and nodded, "I think I''ll just do that" Naoki slowly and drowsily got up from the chair. Before Naoki went up to his room he turned to his Aunt and Uncle, "Uhm, I was wondering, if you''d do me a favor?" his Aunt and Uncle exchanged a look of cofusion, they then looked back at Naoki, "What would that be?" his Aunt asked.
Naoki scratched the back of his head, "Well,I forgot to bring something with me, and Mom said she''d send it to me over here" his Uncle chuckled, "Oh, forget something important?" Naoki gave a semi sad smile,"You could say that" noticing the look on his face his Aunt and Uncle exchanged looks, "Could you just, tell me when it arrives?" his Uncle looked at him and nodded, Naoki started walking away but, he stopped once more. "Also, could you promise me something?" his Aunt and Uncle raised an eyebrow, his Uncle replied "Sure, what?" Naoki smiled "Could you not look in it" again his Aunt and Uncle exchanged a confused look, his Aunt looked back at him "Sure, we promise we won''t look inside it" Naoki smiled again, "Thanks" finally Naoki turned and started walking back to his room.
This tale has been pilfered from Royal Road. If found on Amazon, kindly file a report.
Naoki walked into the room and closed the door behind him, he leaned his back against the door and slid down to the floor, he huged his knees close to him and hide his head in them, while he had been talking with his Aunt and Uncle while he may have kept a smile on his face, deep down he was tearing himself apart, as with each story he told memories of Misa would come flooding back. Naoki was trying his damndest not to start crying, but, with the multitude of memories he had recollected floating around in his head was making it difficult, as Naoki sat there on the cold floor of the room he whisphered one word, or, one name only, "Misa" it took some time but, eventually Naoki made his way over to the bed, he layed down on it and he layed flat on his back he didn''t bother to cover himself or change his clothes.
He layed there, his arm covering his eyes, he gave a shuddering sigh, before he fell asleep Naoki uttered one last phrase, "Why did you leave me?" after that he fell into a deep sleep while he did, he started to dream. He dreamt he was in a white room, he was all alone, he would call out for anbody he knew but, not one of them answered back after he found himself walking around in the white room. As he walked Naoki could swear he could smell something, it was a smell he knew well, the scent of flowers and sweet vanilla, there was only one reason he''d be smelling that. And Naoki''s hunch was right, as he started to see a figure come towards him, Naoki started to shudder and his heart started to ache in his chest, as the figure got closer it was found it was a girl. The girl looked to be around Naoki''s age all be it a year younger, her features started to come out, she had long red hair that stopped at her waist, it swayed back and forth with each step she took, she had a bright smile on her face that could warm the coldest person.
Her blazing amber colored eyes were mesmerizing, they looked like two gemstones shining in the sunlight, they were locked onto Naoki as he came to a stop, as she neared more of her apperance could be seen, she was about two inches shorter then Naoki, she had puffy cheeks that were flushed with red, she had a figure most girls would pine for, she had a slender waist that went to wide hips, her legs were nice and shapley. Her chest stuck out from her body, her breasts were big that could be seen clearly from the white dress she was wearing, this girl was one that almost any sane man would want for themselves. The girl smiled brightly at Naoki, she giggled as she got closer and closer, the girl then stopped right in front of Naoki who just stood and stared at her with wide eyes, he stammered a bit, the girl giggled and cocked her head to the side playfully.
Naoki''s heart raced at the sight of the girl, the familliar smell coming of her made it beat even faster, "M...Misa..." Naoki uttered the name, the girl giggled upon hearing her name, "Naoki-kun" she said in a sweet voice, Naoki''s whole being shuddered, the girls voice sent shivers down his spine and that''s when the tears started to flow down his face. Without hesitation, Naoki grabbed the girl, he held her tight, he felt the girls arms come around him, he gave a sad leddened chuckle as he just stood there, "Naoki-kun" came the girls sweet voice once more, Naoki hugged the girl tighter, "Misa..." he whispered. The girl he held, was Misa, the girl he was trying to forget about, the girl that was his lover, Naoku knew in his mind that the Misa he was holding in his arms wasn''t real, but, his heart wasn''t allowing him to let her go. "How? How can I ever forget about you?" he sniffled, "Misa" he whispered.
As he sniffled, Naoki felt a soft hand touch his face, he looked and saw Misa smiling at him, a concerned look in her eyes, "Misa" Naoki whispered again, Misa chuckled "You big dummy" Naoki raised an eyebrow "Dummy?" Misa chuckled "I told you didn''t I? Not to get hung up on me?" Naoki felt like a bullet went through his heart, he gave a sad leddened smile, "I know, but, its just so hard Misa" Naoki shuddered, "It''s so hard trying to forget about you" Misa giggled, "I know, that''s what I love about you" Naoki chuckled. "Misa, I miss you" Naoki stiffled a cry, Misa smiled, "I know, I miss you as well" Naoki held Misa tighter, "I''d wish you''d come back to me" a sad chuckle came from Misa, "You know that''s not possible anymore Naoki" Naoki shuddered. [END]