So I decided to do a character page where pics of all the characters are as of how far the story is. As they appear in the story.
Luna: Human- Draconian- Her eyes-
Byain (Bri): Male - Female -
Sorth The Powerful One:
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Rasenth The Gifted One:
Culdreth The Eternal One:
Aerilaya (Laya):
Selanlar (Laya''s guard):
Pyrrhos has no pic for him yet but I''m loooking for one and if you find a good one let me know in the comments or in a pm with the link if I like it it will go up here.
A/N: As for the Date chapter(s) I''m getting got around 700 words done if it hits the 2k+ mark with word the chapter will be split if it hits 3k+ mark it will be 3 chapters it all depends on how the writing process goes. But here''s a little hint on what''s happened so far in what''s been done we have a confirmed Dominatrix Princess. Lets just say my mind goes in weird places when I''m half asleep.