“We understand that many students have differing schedules and responsibilities both here at the Academy and at home. However, due to recent events in the city of Arteria, in the interest of the safety of our students. We kindly ask that any trip to the city and beyond be reported to residence hall academy staff, or for those who do not reside on Academy grounds; to the Academy’s Port Authority either within Larusport or Arteria. If neither options are available, then submit your documents to student affairs or the Guardian’s Offices in an emergency. In your documents, please state your:
Name (Or names if multiple)
Class Year (Same as above)
Location of Excursion
Purpose of Excursion
Duration of Excursion (Estimates are fine)
Working Organisation (Only for those with employment)
We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. ”
- New Academy of Arteria Regulation Regarding Travel And Safety Protocols, Additio One
“Over here!” A gravelly voice called out.
The trio wandered over to find a bright surprise on an otherwise dark day.
“You’re alright!”
Two separated groups reunited into a whole as they were guided to each other by a satisfied looking dwarven merchant.
Two familiar cries echoed soon after.
Hanabi smiled as the lovers embraced, their noses brushing as they kissed. It was romantic, in a way. But she also noticed the tension. The way that Aryana seemed to grip the back of Sophie’s armor with some level of desperation. Conversely, Sophie’s posture spoke of guilt, regret, and fear, her trembling arms wrapped around the redhead like she was cradling a doll. I guess today really took it out of her. After everything that’s happened… I don’t blame her.
“Best give them some space.” A familiar voice spoke to her.
“Sensei-err, Rosengart…uhhh, Eva.” Hanabi stiffened up at the sound of one of her former teachers.
“Ki-mu-ra-san. We’re not in class anymore. And you’re out of the program anyways. Remember, just Eva’s fine.” Eva teased.
“Right.” Hanabi nodded.
“I’d say relax a little. But seeing you three, I’m guessing some bad shit went down?” Eva asked as she guided Hanabi to let the others reunite.
“Bad shit… yeah.” Hanabi clicked her tongue in distaste, “You know everything with the Braveskulls?”
“Whatever Sophie’s told us.”
“The bomb was in the basement of their building. And then some bastard apparently used the mana to summon demons. Damned if I know who or where they are though.”
“Shit. Demons… did any of our training…”
“Recognized it was about all. The rest was improvised. It…” Hana paused, wondering how best to word things as Eva looked at her intently.
“The survivors of Sophie’s trip to the mines. They were at the arena. The demon…”
“Fucking hell.” Eva gasped as she cupped her hand over her mouth. Her eyes wide with horror.
“Mmm. It didn’t end well. Some survivors but only a handful. At the Cathedral now, thankfully.”
Eva pinched the bridge of her nose before looking absently away, shaking her head. “Sophie was torn up about it back then. Now…?”
“I think something in her broke. She’s… angry. Justified. Of course. But very… very angry.”
“She’s hiding it well. At least.” Eva whispered.
Hanabi shook her head.
“We had a ceremony to honor heroes or something like that. It was... how do I describe it? It felt, very… yabai. Umm, in bad taste.”
“Of course. The ceremony. We heard something about it from Karzan. We were on the way when we noticed you guys. What happened? What did she do?”
“They called her up. She told them that if people get hurt because the Braveskulls are allowed back, she’d kill every last one of them. And… I don’t think she was exaggerating.”
The two sighed and looked on at the gathering, different thoughts running through their minds.
Mila was catching up with Rayalni and Sophia, the three engrossed in something that had them all vaguely serious looking expressions. Knowing Mila, might even just be a mission debriefing. Sophie and Aryan a were whispering to each other, occasionally offering little sad chuckles and words with Sigrid. The mermaid simply paitently watching the exchanges as well alongside Karzan and the little glowing faerie.
Noticing the couple finally moved to talking distance instead of on the verge of lovemaking, Eva patted Hanabi on the shoulder.
“Guess I’ll check in on her too.” Eva took a step forward before turning to dip her head, “And thanks for looking after her. Today was... rough for us all. And from what you''ve said, even rougher for her.”
Hanabi shot her a small smile, “You know me, sen…sensei, err, Eva. Never did like to stay in line too much. Church is too stuffy for me. Sophie and her friend are an interesting bunch.”
“Sounds about right.” Eva chuckled before her expression grew more serious, “Look, Hanabi. I’ll be honest, this feels like the beginning of something horrible. So be prepared for anything. This, right now,” Eva motioned at Sophie and the others, “It’s like the work I got you guys to do back when you were in class. It’s just preparation, however shitty things are right now, it’ll probably be worse.”
“I know.”
“Good.” Eva sighed, “Good." Eva repeated, almost as if she was trying to convince herself, "I know you’ll be able to take whatever life throws at you. Just… keep the others safe too, yeah?”
“I’ll try.”
“Thanks, Hanabi. I mean it."
Watching her former mentor turn away semi satisfied elicited a range of emotions within her. On one hand, she could be counted as a friend and ally. On the other hand, a part of her still wanted to impress Eva, to prove to her that she was more than capable of being on her own. Of forging her own path outside of being a saintess, and she felt like she took the first step. Properly. Proven that the others could wholly depend on her when push came to shove. Never did think about taking on a city though. Heh. Guess I might’ve been a little gung-ho back at the ceremony.
Seeing that the lovers now expanded to fit Eva and Sigrid into their conversation, Hanabi decided that she should get to know the others as well. Walking over to Mila and Sophie’s twin and the strange dark elf, Hanabi wondered how to properly greet everyone after everything that had happened. And how much Mila might’ve told them as well.
Hoping that she wasn’t about to interrupt anything important, Hanabi settled on using humor. With a distinctive phrase that she had remembered Mila getting flustered by.
“Ride well, Lily Knight?” Hanabi cringed as she said that.
She wasn’t the only one. Mila also flinched from secondhand embarrassment as she glared at the outlander. At least Raylani and Sophia seemed mildly amused by this interaction.
“You!” Mila let out an exasperated cry, “I only said it once!”
“Hmm?” Raylani queried with a hum.
“Her battle cry.” Hanabi teased a little.
Mila could only continue to glare as Hanabi began to feel a little bad.
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“Hahah. To think even Mila could get so embarrassed. Tis a good interruption. Things were getting a little depressing with us anyways.” Sophia chortled, managing to break up some of the tension between the two.
“Depressing?” Hanabi asked. Mila pointedly looked away.
Only now did Hanabi stiffen up as she paled. She had forgotten about what Sophia had experienced. About the same suffering that she had faced much like those who were in the arena. Seemingly understanding the paleness that had overtaken the outlander, Sophia just shook her head.
“Mila’s already told me the gist of things. Absolutely rotten business, that.” A flicker of something flashed across her face, but was gone just as quickly as it had arrived, “She’s also told me about what Sophie did at the ceremony. Heh. Wish I could’ve been there.” Sophia growled bitterly.
“Sophia…” Raylani muttered.
“Look. If I''d known about what was happening. I’d have been there in a heartbeat. Those girls, those people, they all deserved better.” Sophia squared up to the dark elf before letting out an exhausted sigh, “At least she made our displeasure known. Damned bastards don’t deserve to come back here.”
On that, the dark elf seemed to refrain from commenting, maintaining her usual more distant attitude and just nodding in agreement.
Sophia seemed to realize something in her own words and let out a soft, “Ah.”
“Hmm?” Mila glanced over.
“Doubt you’d have heard about any of this unless you stumbled upon one of the others earlier. But we, that is, myself and the Calnodels, then Raylani and Elaria were all attacked by assassins. Aryana’s group too.”
“Hells.” Mila cursed.
“Yeah. Just didn’t seem as important after you mentioned demons. Heh.”
“And everyone make it?”
“Mmhmm. More or less.”
“That’s good. That’s good.” Mila mumbled.
“Don’t know who sent them though. But I’ve a few suspects.” Sophia’s eyes narrowed, her expression looking almost as vicious as Sophie’s had been back on the stage.
“And we’ll figure them out, in due time.” Raylani added, "No rash actions for now."
The group let out a series of affirming grunts. Though none of them felt willing to pursue the matter further. Hanabi caught a glimpse of the dark elf’s gaze, following it to a street where some figures were approaching the gathering. The two traded glances and an understanding was reached.
“Someone’s coming.” Raylani informed the others.
They turned around and got into battle formations. Their movements made Sophie and the others move back a little in alarm before also preparing themselves for a possible conflict. Near Karzan a few other figures moved into position. Hanabi noted their distinctive cloaks and heights. Dwarven warriors? Guess the assassination attempts were more serious than they made it sound.
The approaching figures however, held up their hands to demonstrate their harmlessness. Only when they crossed from the street into the small gathering did Hanabi and the others get a clearer look at them. Ah, I remember them. The guys that talked to Sophie.
“Easy, there. We mean no harm.” Arnold carefully walked forward.
Sophia and Raylani moved between the others and the arrivals, taking up a defensive posture. Only Sophie, Mila and Hanabi walked forward, Hanabi operating on the concept of simply following Mila until told otherwise.
Hanabi examined the people behind him. What looked to be a cleric, a dwarf warrior, and a human warrior followed. Though they maintained a few steps behind the man and looked far too relaxed for the situation.
The two acknowledged each other.
“Well?” Arnold held out his arms.
“Thanks.” Sophie replied curtly.
“That’s it?”
“What do you want me to say? We’re still going to Gratia in a few months'' time.” Sophie hissed, “But I still need to finish classes.”
“Hah. That eager are you? No, move it up to the end of this semester, that’s all. We’ve wiped away your sentence after all.”
“Fine.” Sophie growled.
“What? Did you…” Mila turned to Sophie in shock.
“No worries. I merely informed Sophie of trouble I noticed. Nothing more, nothing less. Everything that happened in the demons were related to some noble I worked with. Suspicious parts he needed.” Arnold tried to reassure her.
“And you just let them?”
“It was a job. Besides, I did file a report with the church that I suspected heresy, Guess you lot just dismissed it.”
“You dare.” Mila scowled.
“Hey, just calling things as they were.”
MIla remained disbelieving but kept going, “Then your deal with Sophie?”
“We move plans up further. That’s all. I even spoke up for her at the ceremony. Worked out, didn''t it? Main thing is, you lot come winter instead of spring.”
“That all?” Sophie narrowed her eyes at Arnold, cutting off Mila''s next words.
“Hey, hey. Just came to make sure, honest. No need to look so angry. Oh right, and a warning.”
Both Sophie and Mila waited expectantly for his reveal. Hanabi was still keeping an eye on his companions. Their movement and reactions felt out of sync. As if they were just a tad slow at reacting to everything. It was disquieting.
“Because we so graciously stuck ourselves out for you, some of them think I have some say over what you do. Pff.” He joked.
Neither Sophie nor Mila seemed amused.
“Forgetting that, I came here to say that they aren’t very happy with what you pulled at the ceremony. Was supposed to let Arteria know we had heroes not dark knights.”
“The point?” Mila demanded.
Arnold rolled his eyes, looking mockingly offended at her trying to hasten him, “How rude. But the point, as you so desire to know. Is that while the people are very much likely to be on your side. The authorities are a… more tenuous bag.”
“I could’ve guessed that much.” Sophie grunted.
“But this time it’s different. Last time, that is, your trial. House Oppullus was there, but a token representative. This time, you ticked off the big guy. Sigismund Oppullus himself. Made a fool out of the Primus Councilor of Arteria.” He put on a grim smile.
“Hells below. I knew I should’ve recognized his face or title. I didn’t put it together in my head back then.” Mila cursed.
“The Primus?” Sophie asked.
“Aye. Leader of Arteria, the first councilor. Sigismund Oppullus was away at a meeting last time. This time he was back, he even made an effort to rally the public, then you showed up.” Arnold snickered, “Made a right mess of things. Point being, be very fucking careful in the city. If the Braveskulls don’t come looking for revenge, then you can bet your ass that Sigismund won’t let such an insult slide. Not in his city.”
Mila ran her hands down her face and sighed, “Oh, fuck.”
“That’s all I came to say. Seemed worth it too, given that neither of you realized.” He held back a laugh, “Listen. I know we don’t see eye to eye, that much is obvious. But believe me when I say that if there’s any time to start getting all your affairs sorted and friends informed, now’s the time. Because if House Oppullus throws its weight against you. Kid, you’re going to get washed away by the tide.”
Sigrid trilled menacingly from behind them, the mermaid having only really caught the word tide being bandied around like a threat.
He seemed to take that as his sign to go and gave them a two fingered salute as he turned on his heel. Only then did Hanabi come up with a question.
“What about me?” She asked.
He paused and turned to look at her before letting out a bellyful laugh, “Haha! You? You’re an ex-saintess. He’d be an idiot to mess with you. Ego aside, if he tries to hurt you, the church might really respond.”
“But Mila’s an inquisitor and Sophie works with them too!”
“So? There’s always another inquisitor, and while Sophie is cooperating with the church, no one’s informed our dear councillor about her true worth yet. To him, she’s affiliated with the church but still a target.”
“You? You flat out told the world you were an outlander, fucking decked his guard good too. Ain’t no one going to doubt the little girl who flattened a soldier through armor. If he’s after you, it’ll be quiet and detached. Cloak and dagger business.”
“The assassins that attacked our friends then.”
“Assassins? Attacked you guys?” Arnold expressed genuine surprise at this information.
“Separate groups. Separate places.” Eva spoke up from behind the trio.
Arnold’s smug expression fell as he seemed to contemplate things. He let out a dissatisfied click of his tongue as this new complication now burdened him.
“Do you know why?” He finally asked.
“No idea. We suspect the Braveskulls or some other agents.”
“Hmm.” He frowned, “That complicates things but…” He glanced around, perhaps finally noticing the dwarven rangers, “I suppose you can handle things as they come. But like I said, be careful. Some nobles don’t know what to do with their money. So be wary of vendettas. Now, if there isn’t anything else.”
He turned on his heel and started walking. The group was busy digesting the new information. Hanabi wondered what would happen now. If the adventurer was right, then they had unintendedly just humiliated the leader of Arteria by pure happenstance. If the day hadn’t already been as bad as it had been, she might even have laughed. But with things the way they are, Hanabi wondered what else they could try to do.
Once Arnold and his party was out of earshot, the others descended into speculation and planning. The looming threat of the Braveskulls, the imperial peace conference, demons, assassins, and now potential vengance from Arteria’s nobility presented a staggering amount of dangers that now threatened them. Though she remained near Sophie and Mila, Hanabi stepped away a little to process things by herself.
They were comically outmatched. Including the ones back at campus and the Traxians tepid support, they were about a dozen. Let loose against a world that seemed to be collapsing wherever they went. Yet, Hanabi was equally amused by how she had fallen into this insane group of people. An elf who cannot die, her lover, and her twin. The bard sister and a dark elf. A young inquisitor. Two of the city’s tinkerers from one of the city’s premiere magitech families. A Traxian princess and her attendant. Her sensei. And now even a mermaid and a fae creature.
Maybe this is just what happens. Such an unnatural gathering of people will likely always invite trouble, huh? Hanabi furrowed an eyebrow at a sudden thought, over half of them are elves, aren’t they? She almost snickered. What a strange lot, truly.
Hanabi let out a sigh and smiled to herself. Her eyes jumped over to Aryana, the redhead currently resting her head upon Sophie’s shoulder. All because I was looking for work and ran into a strange kid. And I thought it’d be all fun and games, a little adventuring here and there. Her joy faltered as the day’s events flashed through her mind, but I suppose there’s no turning back now. Not after what I’ve seen.
She found Eva glancing over at her, a hint of concern on her face. Hanabi simply shook her head and smiled at her teacher. Don’t worry sensei, I’ll watch out for these guys. So you just make sure Tsugumi and everyone else also gets out alive.