Map of Eastern Cyndralia:
Nations of Cyndralia:
Traxian Empire:
The largest unified human empire on the continent. Traxia''s eastern domain stretches from its heartlands to the edge of the Tranoire. Three legions are stationed permanently on its eastern border with two directed towards Lucuria and one pointed at the Potomian Kingdom. Historically thwarted by the Sultanate''s troops and Potomian ironclads, their hungry eyes have temporarily turned westward. But its neighbours know that Traxia is unlikely to rest, and that this uneasy peace could be shattered at any moment.
Lucurian Sultanate:
A powerful nation that inhabits the Astapaf deserts and karsts. Born from the city state of Lucuria, its people fought to survive the early days of its history against the harsh creatures that wandered northern Cyndralia. Once they united the disparate tribes and cities of the region, the Sultan of Lucuria invited the other leaders to create a bulwark against the beasts of the Kesmourn Blightlands. Their troops are battle hardened and used to the harsh sands and rocky terrain of the karsts. Capable of operating in the harshest of environments, the few mercenaries who wander from their homes find themselves in high demand elsewhere in Cyndralia. But after centuries of engaging in the beastfolk slave trade, a particularly harsh Sultan sparked the largest revolt in Lucurian history. Sandwiched by a Traxian invasion on its western border, it was forced to release its northern holdings to focus all its efforts against the Imperial incursion. Though they had negotiated a peace that lasted for centuries, recently, tensions between the two sides have gotten more frayed as a new Imperial mandate drives the Empire.
Land of Many Tribes:
Former slaves, exiles and rebels against the Lucurian Sultanate. The Land of Many Tribes is also the homeland for many of the beastfolk found across Cyndralia. Huddled between and above the karsts of Kesmourn, many tribes now flourish once more after throwing off the yolk of Lucurian oppression three centuries ago. Since then, a society has developed around the karsts and many different tribes now work together to defend it against both opportunistic slavers and the monsters that wander down from the blightlands. While ostensibly just a coalition of allied tribes, the Maujurrin settlement of Mountain Storm serves as the de jure center for meetings between all the leaders.
Republic of Gratia:
Originally founded by Gabriel Elan through a large scale peasant rebellion. His nascent nation was quickly put down by monarchist forces. But the taste of freedom and rule by their own kind has never left the Gratian people. As tensions simmered underneath the surface, they erupted once more after a series of unfortunate tax laws passed the courts of Gratia. Since the most recent civil war, a series of brutal reprisals from both sides have left many civilians feeling disenfranchised. Though many are wary, knowing that there are freedoms waiting for them, the peasantry of Gratia have largely thrown in their lot with the Republic.
Kingdom of Gratia:
Soldiers, knights, chevaliers, nobles and ladies. The Kingdom of Gratia is steeped in history and tradition, a rich land ruled by its noble houses centuries in the making. Out of them all, House Montroi is perhaps the most well known with the past two and a half centuries of Gratian rule falling under their lineage. Under their guidance, the nobles of Gratia rose to unparalleled positions of strength and were able to tax the peasantry even more, sparking the first two Gratian civil wars. The most recent one was suspected to have taken place with Traxian backing and saw the death of many members of House Montroi.
Potomian Kingdom:
Mighty Potomia stands proud since the days of the late second age, or so they claim. Taking their cues from the kingdoms of old, Potomian combat formations take heed of their history and utilise a mixture of both ancient and modern warfare techniques. Being based where the Tranoire touches the sea, its navy is just as formidable as its phalanxes on land. With its ancient ties to Cyndralia, many have forgotten how Potomia gained its ironclads, only that the dwarven peoples have almost consistently come to help maintain them in exchange for large sums of gold. Potomia doesn''t mind though, for as long as their ironclads hold firm, Traxia will not risk an invasion. It''s ground troops on the other hand, often serve as mercenaries for neighbouring nations and even Abenstadt. But combat is not what Potomia is known for, as trade and culture form the centrepiece of Potomian society. Far and wide, many will attest to the fine quality of Potomia''s vintages and teas.
Zephiran Empire:
An empire in name only, Zephir lies just outside massive Therinthil Woodlands that span the entire eastern coast of Cyndralia. Once nothing more than a few humble fishing villages and a few trading towns. When the Dark Tides came, they banded together to form the early beginnings of the Zephiran state. Seeng the value of cooperation, when the woodlands suffered attacks from the Dark Tides, Zephir hosted numerous elven refugees and even helped combat the evils that plagued it. Since then, the continent''s eastern shores have seen an era of peace as both humans, beastfolk, and elven settlers live in Zephir without fear in their hearts. Whilst many would decry Zephir''s light military presence. None would dare question their prowess in battle as they train in both human and elven styles of combat. Of course, being a large scale weapons manufacturer might help quell any hostile designs against the nature. How else would one fight without weapons?
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The city-state of Ostia nominally operates under the supervision of a duke appointed by the city council. In practice, Ostia operates in close conjunction with its southern neighbour Zephir. While not as internationally renowned as Arteria is in the west. Ostia is still an important transit point for goods up and down the Tranoire, in particular any Lucurian captain who wishes to not risk Traxian interception. Much like its southern neighbour, many a traveller have described Ostia as a calm, but exciting place to visit. Officially, Ostia has no standing military in the same vein as other nations. In practice, the Ostia defence forces are split into the Gendarmes, Chevaliers, Vigiles and Domes Garde; with the former being allowed to act beyond Ostia''s borders; the latter acting as the city''s policing unit and peacekeepers. Though all technically aid in the mission of ''keeping the peace''.
Unlike its sister city Ostia, Tarandium is only famous for two things: its vintage that are considered rare across Cyndralia; and fiercely independent spirit. Once a former Traxian colony, its people rebelled and seized it (then Tarant) on their own. After a bitter three year war, Traxian forces eventually conceded and Tarandium joined Ostia as an independent state. Through its geographic location that allowed it access to fertile soils of the Evenspire Peaks, the winery business allowed the city to keep afloat in its early days. Now however, many fear that Traxia is eyeing the territory once more.
Old Kyne:
Old Kyne is a fortress city that boasts of four sets of walls. The outer walls are guarded by a moat 30 feet wide and the walls stretch up to 35 feet up. Behind the outer walls lies the more impoverished districts and the inner wall, alongside a series of traps, barricades and another moat. Past the inner wall were the majority of farms and commercial activity take place, all guarded by a series of trenches until the Kyn. A massive monstrosity of a wall that separated the city of Kyne and the outer settlements. Finally the Death Wall, for according to local mythos, if the Death Wall were breached, then the city would fall no matter what happened. All this because the city of Old Kyne guarded the entry to and fro the Barren Lands. There in the wilderness, countless undead monsters roam in a cycle of frenzy and death. The land beyond lapping at the edges of civilisation so foul that the fortress was originally erected to contain it. After Kynesflatt, a city established nearby, fell to the undead, its refugees joined the fortress. Together with the defenders, they rebuilt and now became the sole defenders against the undead incursions of the Barren Lands.
Where Ostia was Zerphir''s proxy, Saryama is the Sultanate''s proxy along the Tranoire. Unlike Ostia however, Saryama never saw the same amount of prosperity and the majority of its citizens are slaves brought in to help with infrastructure projects. With Lucurian support and security guarantees, many of its more fortunate citizens do seek higher forms of fulfilment. This in turn has led many Saryaman citizens to rise to fame within Lucuria and beyond as famed artists, bards, writers.
While not an official nation per se. The elves that reside within the Therinthil Woodlands are almost all members of the Everlight society. Originally formed to combat the Dark Tides and monsters from the Barren Lands. Elven magisters and spell swords banded together to form the Everlight society. Ever since the Third Dark Tide was repelled, Everlight had been blessed with the successful replication of ancient Myndiri technologies. One such allowed for the construction of Everlight tower to both honour the tower''s namesake, but also to repel the corruption that spills down from the north. Of particular note is the Everlight temple, the society''s stronghold and main gathering hub where thousands of elves train to better dedicate themselves to their Goddess. The temple itself is also considered sacred grounds for their people, and no outsiders are allowed. With the only exceptions being Saints that have been granted access for a chance to better reach the Astral Pantheon that even the Astralian church could not.
Barren Lands:
Where nothing grows and life only decays. The rotted earth that is the Barren Lands contains only those foolhardy enough to try and start a settlement on their own, or those who are already dead, brought back to forever wander. Of note is Isgrimar, a dwarven clan hold tucked in the mountains of Kraka Mourn overlooking the Barren Lands. Here, a few brave traders make a fortune peddling goods between the dwarves and other peoples living around the Tranoire. Little is known about the clanhold, save that it represents only a small portion of this section of the Under Empire.
Land of Three Kings:
Cut off from the rest of Cyndraliia by the dark cursed Kesmourn Blightlands. All contact to other nations occur by boat or magicks. With a secluded coastal valley in the middle of the blightlands, a group of colonists managed to successfully settle the area without being torn to shreds by mutated monstrosities. After almost a century of struggle, Rynwald, Keshold, and Shosea were founded, and in each place they declared themselves kings of the land. Left to their own affairs for the most part. They have declared wars, fought, killed and even gotten close to wiping opposing factions off the map. Only the threat of the blighted monsters keeps them from utterly destroying each other, knowing that it would only serve the interests of the monsters.