“The Western Ornathi range shall be divided thusly, House Kilrian, Metlia, and Carnsorius in the west beyond the mountains, House Ingramar maintains ancestral control of the north, House Zorramus, Boarius and Attacamus will stand vigilant along the East, House Traxius shall remain in the Merenthili basin with their hinterlands ceded to their western neighbors. Furthermore regarding the maintenance of pre-existing treaties …” - Article 14-1, Disbandment of the Nautican Union - ‘Records of the Third Era’ by Gallius Segosa
Eva grumbled as her maid shook her awake, mornings were an absolute drag and today was not different. Still groggy and confused, she briefly recalled that they were supposed to meet someone somewhere for something but it didn’t feel like anything important. The maids incessant poking and prodding definitely grinded her gears ever so slightly.
“I get it, I’ll wake up, just give me a minute or maybe five. Jeez.” Eva knew she was being spoiled but in her opinion it was well deserved.
Seemingly unsatisfied her maid remained unmoving, staring at her with piercing blue eyes, as if judging the very fiber of her existence. With her pleas ignored Eva lifted her arms and let the maid remove her nightgown before standing up and waiting for her outfit to be delivered. Yet after a brief minute she only received a cocked eyebrow from her maid before sighing as she had to dress herself.
“You know, I might be demanding but you can afford to spoil me a bit more every once in a while. Since you know, it’s your job?”
Getting only an eye roll in return Eva began putting on her dress when a voice finally quipped back.
“Too lazy, you’ll get fat if I do everything for you.”
Eva growled in response but also knew that Sophie didn’t mean it, hopefully. Still it sounded a little too much like what mother used to say and though Sophie was slightly younger, it still felt comforting to know that someone still cared for her wellbeing. On some levels the other girl already knew most of her secrets and still accepted her for who she is, in turn Eva could only do the same.
“Fine, fine, then get out of my room, I’ll finish up in a sec.”
“If you insist, but are you sure you don’t need help to button up or put on your shoes? Maybe a little bit of spoon feeding when breakfast comes? And it’s in a second, not in a sec… milady.”
“Out!” Eva barked, and watched as the maid performed a cheeky curtsey before closing the door. The nerve on her! Only to me would she dare!
She huffed in mock annoyance and began assembling the rest of her dress, only for her eyes to bulge open as the memory of her current task resurfaced. That’s right a meeting with Third Prince Frederick, fuck! This dress won’t do, it’s what I wear everyday! Too plain! Shit! Granted, she was pretty certain that Frederick didn’t like her in that way, sure they were childhood friends but he’s almost like a brother at this point. Sure as shit better than Theodore as one. What she was also unfortunately certain about was the hissy fit that the Duke and Duchess would throw if you''re not dressed for the occasion dear. Gritting her teeth she reluctantly raised her voice.
As if on cue the maid skittishly slinked back into the room with a stupid smirk plastered across her face.
“Yes milady? How can I help?”
“I don’t think this will work for today.” Eva said as she pointed to the dress.
Looking back at Sophie, she followed the maid’s dumb smirking face as her attention landed on something draped just above the wardrobe. “Why in the hells would you…nevermind.” Eva sighed in defeat as she looked miserably back at Sophie, “So can I get some help or what?”
Sophie giggled mischievously as she bounded over, hopping effortlessly onto Eva’s desk and bringing the hidden dress down. A fine silken cloth studded with just enough jewellery to be tasteful and signify rank, but not enough to be overbearing. Even Eva had to admit it was quite pretty. And that was saying something, before inhabiting Evaline Rosengart, Kaori was just a career orientated salary-woman, and an overworked one at that. Now, despite having new powers and skills granted by the Gods of this world, she just wanted to live a relaxing life, something she never had the chance to do.
Yet what she found was that she wasn’t meant to even be here, a fluke of divinity, and thankfully born to unsuspecting parents. Not that their restrictions were anything to laugh at, but in this world, Kaori knew that any child practicing what the Church of Astralis deemed to be ‘divine’ or ‘otherworldly’ powers were immediately brought into the fold and molded into a saint or church affiliated hero. She had heard rumors of their discipline, restrictions and cruelty and that was something she had no intention of sampling in this new world.
She turned to watch as the maid carefully buttoned and tied the dress around her. Sophie was only around six when Eva saw her alone in the forest. It was as if she had picked up a doll, emotionless, reactionless and mostly completely silent save for her breathing. Dressed in rags, she only had a pendant when Eva took her in and cared for her. At the time she could barely speak and even now, the giggling jumpy parts of her rarely showed up, though she could talk pretty freely with Eva, she still clammed up whenever there were strangers around, preferring to hide behind books and scrolls in the presence of company.
Kaori had always tried to be a better person, at least when she wasn’t working, as Eva she had a second chance. She was just lucky that when they returned home her parents were out on a trip to the capital. By the time the Duke and Duchess returned, they were furious, ‘how dare you dirty our household with a filthy beggar and an elven one at that!’.
Unauthorized duplication: this narrative has been taken without consent. Report sightings.
Thankfully, Kaori was used to negotiating with stubborn team leads, and eventually convinced them that she was lonely and adopted a friend who could be trained to be a servant. Since then Sophie became almost like an exclusive maid for her. Much to the chagrin of her older brother Theodore and Mortiz who never had their own personal servant. Though no matter how hard Eva tried, the kingdom’s war with the elves left many unfortunate sentiments and she knew that despite Sophie having stayed with the family for almost a decade, she was still ‘that elf’.
“Ta da! My, don’t you look splendid, I’m sure you’ll sweep Freddie off his feet!” Sophie chirped, dragging Eva back from her thoughts.
“Pfft, you know I don’t see Frederick like that!”
“Eheheh, but have you seen his eyes whenever he looks at you? It’s like a maiden in love, so sweet and pure!”
“D’aw little Eva getting bashful now? Your heart racing as you think blissful thoughts about his chiseled chin, his big brown eyes and…ahh don’t throw the slipper at me! That’s so gross! It’s always on the floor, eep!”
Grabbing the maid, Eva used her arms to retrain her before she waved the slipper above, like a weapon priming to go, “Huh! Serves you right! And are you telling me you don’t clean the floors properly? Hmm?”
“Noo! I mean yes, but no! I clean the floors hahah, stop it, no ahhh it tickles.”
“So the little gremlin has a weakness after all…”
“Eheheh please no more, hit me with the slipper instead ahahah, please stop.”
“Hooh and now you’re getting my dress all rumpled, whatever shall I do?”
“Please no, heheh, please, mercy.”
“Behehe, mercy milady, mercy.”
“Tsh, so much for your fighting spirit, but fine, I shall deign to allow you to survive today since you were so honest.”
Having freed herself, Sophie began bowing reverently, remaining paused in the most uncomfortable position Eva had ever seen someone bow in, and simply stared as the younger girl lifted her eyes to meet her own. As they stared at each other for a moment, they began shuddering violently before bursting into a giggling fit.
“Alright, alright, Sophie, let me tidy up on my own, would you mind getting some tea ready from the kitchen? We need to be ready for guests as soon as possible.”
“Yes, maam!”
As the maid dashed away, Eva sighed quietly to herself. Meeting Frederick wasn’t the problem, they were friends and even he respected that. It was the baggage that came along with it, Theodore was getting married to the daughter of Grand Duke Platts and with that was the expectation that she would be next. It’s going to be a long day.
“Yes mother, I am well aware. You don’t need to remind me, I’ll be on my best behavior.”
“Evaline straighten your back, don’t slouch and remember to address his highness by his title. We do not disrespect the court in this house, am I understood?” Duchess Gerhild Rosengart barked.
“Yes Duchess, I understand.” Eva drawled.
“Don’t take that tone with me young lady.”
“Sorry Duchess.”
“Hmpf. Keep that in mind Evaline, don’t overstep yourself, the kingdom is on the verge of a conflict and Prince Frederick should be able to assuage our fears.”
“I won’t, Duchess. And he''s here as a friend not as a book report.”
"Sorry Duchess."
“And see to it that your maid makes herself scarce when Prince Frederick arrives. We don’t need to sully his opinion of us.”
“Mother, Sophie has always been around when Frederick and I hang out.”
“Watch your tone young lady, I won’t warn you again.”
“Sorry mother.”
“But that maid does not need to continue to baby you, perhaps Prince Frederick simply does not complain since this is our estate.”
“That’s enough Evaline, your maid will not be present.”
“She’s right there mother, you can just tell her.”
Duchess Gerhild scowled and Eva shrank back into her seat. Turning towards the maid in question the Duchess looked her up and down, her frosty gaze freezing the maid still.
“Well then, you heard the conversation, I assume your ears are able to understand that much?”
A subtle nod responded and the Duchess tutted with an annoyed huff, “Remember Evaline, you are responsible for your servant. Now if you don’t mind, I need to finish my work for today.”
“Yes, Duchess.”
Kaori had been that way once, uncaring of the world around her unless it revolved around her career. So she didn’t blame the Duchess, but she vowed to keep trying to change her, after all, she knew how that path ended. Passed out from overwork Kaori didn’t even realize when a truck careened off a highway and into the second story office, though at least that’s what the divines told her when she became Eva.
Eva peeled her eyes off the sky and turned towards Sophie, who stood almost as still as a statue with her head lowered to the ground. Slowly standing up Eva checked to see if anyone was around before reaching for the elf’s trembling hands, tucked perfectly out of view from the front. Sophie offered no resistance as Eva clasped her own hands around them, giving the maid a firm squeeze.
“Hey, it’ll be alright okay? Just help me set up the parlor and maybe some tea ready for the garden. Then you can take it easy for the afternoon, just don’t let Hilda find out or she’ll tell mother.”
“Mmhmm” Sophie murmured softly.
“And don’t let mother find out, but I managed to snag a copy of ‘The Adventures of Aurelia and Gunmar: Rise of the Ainrathi’. It’s inside my purse, the one I hide behind the desk.”
“Mmm?!” Sophie let out a surprised gasp.
Eva smiled as she watched joyful eyes emerge despite the frown on the maid’s face. Mission successful, she cheered to herself. She had intended the new volume to be a gift, but somehow it just felt right to cheer her up now. Eva gave Sophie one last pat on the back before separating.
“Feeling a little more excited now? Hmm?” Eva teased, earning herself a playful grumble from the maid. Alright, now time to make sure Frederick survives my mother.