A: “My lords, it is my regret to be the bearer of bad news this fine day. As we are all aware, there has been an increase in raid related activities near the outlying settlements of Boyar Neplisar’s domain. Unfortunately, I have received the reports detailing the complete destruction of the towns of Falloskya, Tarion’s crossing and the Astralian mission in Tyne’s Roost. The death toll is staggering and we believe survivors number in the low hundreds if not dozens.”
S: “By Kargathax’s Wisdom, such a thing and we only call it a raid?”
A: “Indeed my lord, we still have not ascertained how they have pulled such a feat off. All that we know comes from an Astralian Inquisitor already assigned to the region. I shall have a more detailed write up in the morning.”
- Transcript from Prince Zmey the Elder’s Boyar Council: Speakers Identified as Lord General Jakub Arnisson (A) and Boyar Maximillian Sycie (S)
Sophie yawned absently as she took in her surroundings. She had vaguely remembered shoveling a pie in her mouth and a really soft pillow under her as someone dressed her wounds. The rest was like a blur of words, motions and buzzing that remained a mystery to her up until the instant she woke up from her slumber. Two well worn beds were placed near each other, the end table between removed to the other end of the room to be used as part of a desk. She was in one, her wounds dressed and cleaned, and in the other Riza slept peacefully with her face buried in the pillow.
A small shared wardrobe sat directly across the beds as shuttered blinds still allowed for slivers of moonlight to dance around the floorboards. Still night time then. She quietly slipped out of bed and spotted two fresh nightgowns in folded piles by the desk and could piece together what had happened. The innkeep must have brought us up here.
She turned to find her little knapsack just resting confusedly against the wardrobe. Uncertain if it should lean or just sit on the floor with its sole content, her old uniform. The thought jumped into her mind, she could try to get it fixed, though she would need some form of income considering that last she checked she was not exactly well endowed with funds at the moment. Chalk that up to the list of things I need to do, she chuckled grimly at the thought. It was for her an almost nostalgic feeling, a laundry list of tasks to do and almost no idea how to do any of them. Earn some money, fix the uniform, get to Arteria.
With renewed determination she affirmed her own plans and began wondering about what happens next. She had learned many things over the course of the past week and a half at this point. One of which was she could never quite shake the feeling of being watched, by the creature or otherwise. But more concerningly every time she looked inward she couldn’t help but notice the haze that clouded her memories, the strangeness that infiltrated her thoughts and the doubts as the sounds replayed themselves in her mind. The sounds of something forgotten, of family and of horror.
The words sounded foreign almost, the only one she could make out was Saphye, her name she presumed. Then the voices of what she could only assume were her parents, one soft but firm, almost sing-song like and the other a kindly but commanding tone, like a troop captain or a master of sorts. Worse though were the sounds of the creature''s words; now clearer than any other time she had ever seen or ‘heard’ it speak. Seek the stolen dawn, return what was stolen, burn the beacons of great heights and heroism, and find the God-Touched. But what did any of it mean? She could guess God-Touched meant people like Eva, the ducal daughter, had occasionally talked about her past and how after death had found herself meeting the celestial court of Astralis before being reborn into this world. So is it her? Do I just find them all? A specific one? For once she was frustrated and cursed the monster of her nightmares for being unnecessarily vague.
Still, the rest held no meaning to her, and no matter how clear her memory was she could only toss the scattered fragments around without much success at piecing anything together. She would either need the help of the clergy or some trained scholars, neither of which were easily accessible to her right now. Though the Arterian Academy did contain some of the brightest minds in Cyndralia so if she needed another reason to go, she certainly could add one. Sophie furrowed her brow as she tried to come up with more solutions, when the greatest idea struck, the guildmaster and the guild archives, they’d definitely have something that covered whatever esoteric that might matter! Her eyes gleamed with a small sense of excitement, adventurers were well traveled and likely might have stumbled upon pieces of this mystery at some point only to report it casually and forget, yes this is it, the first steps of a plan!
She liked this feeling, it was novel, even if it was but a tiny flame, it was a flame she controlled. Aside from meeting with the guildmaster once more she had no real obligation, she was alone to make her own decisions, no head maid or random noble, the only real goals she needed to focus on were her own. Well, maybe with exception for a few friends and comrades along the way, she smiled as she snuck a peak at Riza.
She chuckled quietly to herself and undressed before putting on the night gown, a soft, pinkish flowing thing that gently kissed her skin. As she moved to sit down at the desk and collect herself, she found herself admiring the homemade designs stitched onto the garment, in house nightgowns? But a soft murmuring quickly drew her attention to the other bed.
“Surphur…weh…awake?” The catfolk muttered absently into the pillow.
Sophie watched in mild amusement as Riza grumbled to herself before pushing herself off the bed, her sleepy eyes blinking back the drowsiness as she gathered her bearings.
“Not yet asleep?” Riza groaned as she slowly looked around the room.
“Oh! I just woke up and changed.” Sophie whispered a response, hoping not to startle the cat too badly. "Uh so no."
“Uh-huh! See?” Sophie replied and stood up from the desk chair and twirled fancily before giving her a curtain call.
For a moment Riza did not register anything, but after a quick second Sophie watched as a sleepy smile stretched across the cat’s face.
Sophie ducked back down to the chair in embarrassment as the cat scratched herself, her face most certainly not flushed from the surprise like Sophie’s. Sophie drew in a deep breath and composed herself only to find the cat sitting on her knees with a curious look on her face.
“Why change?”
“Why change?”
“The gown?”
“Umm, I mean I figured our stuff got pretty dirty…” in the scuffle, she wanted to add, but figured Riza was still not exactly mentally there right now.
“Nyeh!” Riza exclaimed in surprise and looked down at herself. The cat still had on a spare set of leather armour lent by Sara and a now very ruffled shirt underneath and practically leapt at the other nightgown.
Whether lacking in humility, manners or too drowsy to care or perhaps a usual for the catfolk. Sophie was frozen in shock when Riza simply launched her clothing off of herself as she put on the nightgown. For some reason or another she had perhaps expected beastfolk to have fur that hid the body better despite most of the ones she had seen on the streets not being the case or even the slender tail to be able somehow hide something. Nonetheless Sophie quickly spun around and tried her best to scrub the image of Riza’s bare back from her mind. But it looked so firm. She screamed to herself internally at the thought that briefly overtook her mind.
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Fortunately, her struggles ceased when Riza yawned once more and Sophie dragged herself back to the waking world as she faced the now dressed adventurer. Unfortunately she struggled to not imagine Riza unclothed and was only saved when the other shot her a concerned gaze.
“Do…do I look weird?” Riza asked hesitantly, a little more awake.
Sophie viciously shook her head in reassurance, “No…no! You look fantastic, great I mean.”
Though scrutinized by some side eye from Riza, the cat eventually relented and dragged Sophie up from her chair.
“C’mon, if we''re up we might as well wash our stuff then.”
“Huh? I mean what? I mean oh yeah, but where?” Sophie spluttered out, getting herself another confused look from Riza before the other girl spoke again.
“Uhh you okay? Just follow me.” Riza ordered and grabbed two slippers from a drawer in the wardrobe. Throwing one to Sophie, she quickly slipped it on and gathered her pants and shirt as the duo quietly stepped outside into a well lit hallway. The four doors around them all closed and a single stairway leading up or down. “Down here.”
Sophie followed the others and they stepped out into the great room. Only a few tables not hosted the disparate few still lingering here and as the girls arrived Sophie could feel everyone looking over in curiosity until the bellowing voice from earlier smashed through the silence.
“Well, well. Finally awake now hmm? What do ya need? Food? Drink?” The muscled giant asked from the bar. So he’s the innkeeper? Or is it the lady from earlier?
Riza gazed at him before giving a small shake and lifted the pile of clothes. With a small “Ah” the man tossed her a key which she deftly caught mid air on her pile of clothes.
“Thanks Wilfred.”
The duo moved to continue before a strange glint overtook the man’s eyes.
“Riza, if you don’t mind. I want to borrow your friend for a moment.” Wilfred chimed in.
Sophie and Riza froze and exchanged a glance. He seems like a nice man but what does he want? She wanted to ask the other girl, but Riza merely looked at her with pleading eyes, as if to ask her to humor the giant’s request. With a sigh and a nod Sophie handed her bundle over to Riza and turned to face the man.
“Be back in a second, promise.” Riza reassured her with a slight smile, “He won’t bite.”
Sophie moved to speak only for the cat to turn around and make her way down another hallway. Feeling slightly more disappointed than waking up from a good nap she nervously ran her hands over her ears as she made her way to the bar, feeling exceptionally naked without her hood hiding her features.
“Uhh…hi.” She nervously blurted out as the man planted a mug in front of her with a force enough to shake the bar table.
“Huh. So you’re her friend then.” Wilfred gazed at her accusatory, like a gate guard staring at a diseased vagrant. He rested his arm on the counter and Sophie could almost feel the wood creaking under the weight of his muscles.
“Uhn!” Sophie fiercely nodded as her mouth clamped up.
“And why haven''t I seen you around before then eh? I know just about everyone around and a fresh faced elf struts in right after a tragedy to swoop up the damsel in distress?” Wilfred growled under his breath.
“N-no! Of course not!” She protested.
“Then explain it in a way that makes sense hmm? I’ve known her team for a while now and they wouldn’t just wilt away that easily. Least of all to your kin…no offense.” He frowned disappointedly, as if sad that she would even attempt to refute his point.
“I-I…it was…” Her motor skills refused to function, speech a distant memory. She turned to the table and found herself unintentionally taking a sip of the drink. It was a sweet yet bitter concoction burst with a variety of aromas and herbal flavors. An odd but interesting choice of drink in her opinion, but it did little to lift the uncomfortable silence that had overtaken the great room.
The large giant man had been very true to his form, a voice that was loud, brash and in charge. In turn his conversation did not exactly remain hushed but rather the entire inn was now fixated on what her reply would be, what strange excuse she would make to dig herself out of this mess. She almost burst into tears, mortified at the thought of trying to regale the tale yet again, but this time, unlike before, she was already guilty, they were only waiting to determine the degree.
“Well?” Wilfred queried, a little softer, a little quieter as if aware how stressed Sophie had just become. But in that voice was still the hint of a command, of an order to be obeyed regardless of one’s hesitation.
“I…umm…well I first saw Hammer Jump as I was…hiding and nursing my wound in a tree. And then they…” And so she began, reciting the strange but tragic fate that befell the adventurers and the horrors that lurked within the Mistveil once more.
It was tense, a feeling of uneasiness that nipped at her heel with every word and syllable she uttered. She spoke softly to the old giant, but the silence around her carried the words throughout the great room and she could hear the shifting of chairs, mugs and bodies as the other patrons hung onto every word. Much to her chagrin Wilfred did nothing to discourage their advance and merely nodded and hummed as she spoke, his expression one of quiet, if thoughtful contemplation.
When she finished she noticed the frigid silence that echoed throughout the inn, the occasional pot or pan in the kitchen or distant water splashes the only thing piercing through the veil. She shuffled awkwardly in her seat, the attention growing unbearable as she slowly hid her face between her arms in hopes to avoid the atmosphere.
For a long time no one made a peep, until a tired looking man in the far corner raised his flagon in the air.
“To fallen comrades and the grace of the stars!” He bellowed, his voice thundering throughout the room.
“To fallen comrades and the grace of the stars!” People began echoing one after another.
“...grace of the stars.” Wilfred muttered under his breath and grabbed a small tankard to drink with the others.
Sophie watched the display with curiosity, at how everyone seemed to perform a similar gesture before they all returned to subdued chatting with each other. The silent room became abuzz with life as suddenly as it had disappeared. She turned to find the giant man holding an expression of sadness and sorrow, a glint in his eyes that suggested this was a feeling not entirely unfamiliar to him.
“I used to run ‘The Horned Avengers’ back during the Second Imperial Expansion war.” He suddenly spoke, sending an unprepared Sophie jumping up in surprise. “It never gets easier, losing comrades or the violence.” He turned a set of tired brown eyes to Sophie.
Despite his imposing appearance, when Sophie looked at him closer all she could see was a tired old man. Powerful, scared, and muscles built from unexplainable trials and trauma, but tired nonetheless. A growing amount of wrinkles lined his face and the scars that dotted him all showing evidence of a significant passage of time.
“I don’t trust you or even feel that Riza should either. But I believe you.” He sighed, “Finish the drink and do whatever you need to with her and get some rest. It’s a dandelion honey drink, one of the finest in this town if I do say so myself.” His voice trailed off, a tinge of defeat and regret as he turned away. “Just keep her safe.”
Sophie grabbed the drink and prepared to down it when he turned around again, pausing her mid-motion.
“Come the morrow make sure the two of you get breakfast before you leave. I’m sure it’ll do you some good.” Finally satisfied, Wilfred turned to leave and Sophie chugged the rest of the drink. The oddly sweet, bitter and herbal infusion bursting flavors all throughout her mouth and nose.
Breakfast sounds like a lovely idea, Sophie mused to herself and wondered what the dishes would turn out to be. She pushed herself off the barstool and when her eyes swept over the room it felt like almost the whole room turned to stare at her. Self conscious and a bit embarrassed to be caught out in just a nightgown she quickly shuffled over to the door where Riza disappeared behind earlier.
As she pushed open the door to presumably the laundry room a small ‘eek’ escaped the cat. Sophie took a single step in and froze. The clothes were, thankfully, all seemingly washed and rinsed. Riza herself was, what Sophie could only describe as frolicking around inside a small tub, playing with the water like Eva would often do in a bath, splashing things around this way and that.
That for Sophie, was not the main issue, having fun in a bath is a fun enough experience whenever she was allowed one in the estate. What she held concerns were the lack of attire as Riza stood up in a fright to grab for a towel. She could now picture both the front and back end of her unclothed and felt her cheeks growing flushed.
“I-I…uh…I’ll wait for you back in the room!” She exclaimed and closed the door before RIza could get a word in.
As Sophie moved back to the stairs she hid her furious blush as best she could and tried to forget the new image etched into her mind. She raced up the stairs to the room and quickly slipped into the still messy bed and threw the covers over her, eyes clenched shut and trying to distract herself with any thought besides the one running rings in her head. She didn’t know what was different when she would help clean Eva during a bath, that felt natural and quite normal but this was strange. A tense but exciting feeling wrapped its tendrils around her and she had to struggle to shake off the feeling.
Riza had followed up soon after, small tip toe as she inched the door open and sorted out all the clothing. Though Sophie could hear a faint dripping from somewhere right before the cat hopped into bed, she kept her mouth shut and tried her best to not berate Riza. The linen and bed would be soaked through if Riza slept as she did, and could potentially even catch an illness, though admittedly Sophie wasn’t an expert at such things. But she didn’t want to bring up the tub and seemingly neither did Riza, much to her relief.
“En night Sophie.” Riza gently purred as the sound of her burying her head in the pillow muffled out the words.
“Good night.” She whispered back, her mind still a whirlwind. But this is fine right? She wondered briefly before tossing around in bed, it''ll pass in the morning, I''m sure.