“After the sacking and annexation of Dracen, the amount of internal insurrections and rebellions by beastfolk did not improve their image in the eyes of the average Meltonian. Thus a cyclical cycle of harsher treatment that inevitably leads to more discontent. It is only in recent years after several heavy handed purges that they have managed to achieve some semblance of order in the southern counties but even now, the threat of another uprising has the Sixth Regiment of Foot permanently stationed across the territory. It’s a well paying gig if you don’t mind the possibility of an ambush. One might find themselves relaxing in the refreshing southern air, mostly relegated to standing guard, mostly. And the locals hate you. But, the pay is good.”
- Former Corporal Egilberth Arnisson, Meltonian Army Recruiter, “Sixth Regiment “Beast Slayers” Recruiting Pitch”
Another bump in the road caused their mount to suddenly lurch forward, the rapid motion unsettling her stomach once again. Accepting that she would likely despise horse riding for a long time, she leaned into the ranger’s back and turned her attention back to the road ahead. They had finally reached the edge of the forest and to her surprise the ground dipped downward like a basin as if it purposefully dropped itself to intersect a river that ran across the length of it. Surrounding it a thinning but still present forest looked much more vibrantly green than the Mistveil behind them, the trees themselves healthy shades of colour as opposed to the deathly paleness of the Mistveil. Trees swayed gently in the wind as the lively sounds of forest animals sounded free and wild, no longer fearful and deadly.
Moderately sized tracts of farmland covered the slopes of the basin, guarded by hedges, fences and occasional bundles of trees, all leading down to a small rustic looking wooden town, Harweald. Sturdy wooden palisades surrounded what Sophie would term a village almost town, though considering the scattered farming homesteads around it she supposed it could be a town. Herds of cattle, sheep and horses roamed across some of the fields, small dotted figures indicating the presence of proper civilization after almost a week and a half of trekking through forest.
As the ranger spurred the horse forward, Sophie turned her attention back to the forest behind them. Finally out of that hellish place, upturning her nose and giving the Mistveil one last sneer, she held back a spiteful scream and settled down.
The minotaur too seemed to breathe a sigh of relief as she spotted his oval eyes gazing at the scenery around them. Curious, she stealthily tried to peek at Annalise and found the ranger also trying to take in the new environment. Her thoughts coalesced with a sobering picture of how long her friend had spent operating around the Mistveil and how strange it must be to arrive at a land so seemingly devoid of worry, if not completely tranquil. Birds chirped their greetings and the sun’s rays basked the basin in its glory. She found herself reminded of the fond times spent at the Rosengart gardens, or of Eva and her tea parties just for the two of them when her mistress had no one else to entertain.
Yet she found the moment of joy quickly replaced by a depressing wave as she caught sight of the despondent ranger. How her friend had turned so quickly from fascination to sorrow and tightened her grip around Anna’s waist. Though the older girl tensed slightly, they settled wordlessly into the embrace. I’m sorry. I’ll be a good assistant, promise. I’ll find Riza too. She wanted to say much more, but the words would not leave her mouth and she just silently clung on.
Her quiet musings however were quickly interrupted when the ranger reached behind her, groping Sophie’s back in a panic. Confused, she just stared in surprise until the ranger turned back to her.
“Hood! Hood!” Annalise hissed and Sophie quickly pulled the worn out cape over her, the poor hood only just barely covering her eyes without them sticking out.
Flustered, she turned to find that the minotaur seemed to shift his mood completely. Blademaster Taurox looked less like an angry soldier and more stern steward ready to advise a Duke.
“Halt! In the name of King Edward the Valiant, identify yourselves travellers!” A powerful voice barked from the front, sending Sophie into a startled jump and almost slipping off the horse.
“Edward?” Taurox muttered quietly to himself.
“Hail guardsmen! I am an adventurer from Carrador with my assistant.” Annalise answered for the trio, pulling Sophie’s confused form out from behind her who only quietly nodded at the strangers before she shrank back behind the ranger.
“Present your guild badge! And what’s with the beast? Companion?” The strange looking guard growled.
Meltonians truly looked so different to Sophie. Aside from the armoured guards near the border post, the gaggle of guardsmen ahead of them were dressed almost like hunters. Leather from head to toe and the occasional treated leather padding over their shoulders and a little kettle helmet. Not even pauldrons huh? But to her own surprise when she tried recalling what other guards she could remember in her memories aside from the household or ducal guardsmen, she had a vague recollection of guards clad in full plate with tabards of black and white. Strange, I guess they must’ve been capital guards. Wish I could’ve seen more of the city, always had to hide in the servants quarters she glumly mused to herself.
Annalise reached over to flash her guild tags as the inquisitor dismounted. At the sight of an imposing minotaur walking toward them the squad of ten guardsmen gripped their spears tighter, their eyes growing hostile at his approach.
“That’s far enough beastie. Best stand still if you don’t want us to skewer you through.” The lead guard ordered, his kettle helm dipped low as he readied his weapon.
“Church business.” The blademaster scoffed and dangled a small seal in front of them. He seemed relatively friendly but as he had trained her to notice, she could tell his right leg had tensed up, muscles ready to launch him into action.
“Bullshit. They wouldn''t hire a bullman.” One guard whispered rather indiscreetly.
“Shut your trap, that outfit, one of those silver or black ones.” The lead guard hissed to the others.
“Blacks ones? Surely they don’t…” Another muttered but the minotaur took another step forward.
“Are we done here? Or are you heretics obstructing church officials?” Taurox growled for maximum effect, puffing his chest out to make the charms and sigils attached to his armour even more prominent.
“The hells sergeant, are we just going to…” The first guard protested.
“Shut it! My apologies templar, your group may proceed.” The lead guard apologized, glaring at his subordinates.
Though none of them seemed particularly happy with the order, the other guardsmen just looked the trio up and down with dark glances before getting out of the way. Their mutterings and grumbles showed clear disdain for the minotaur. The indiscreet guard, a rather portly man, even had the gall to spit at the minotaur’s feet as they passed by. Sophie feared for the man’s life as well but to her surprise Taurox shrugged it off.
As they traveled further down the lonely dirt road, she quizzically turned to look at the minotaur, a scowl taking up his bovine face. She threw him a questioning look and he returned her gaze with a sigh.
“Inquisitor von Krantz and I usually travel these roads together. This journey might prove a bit more difficult than expected.” Taurox grumbled grimly.
“More difficult?” Sophie queried.
“Mhmm. Melton has always had a problem with the beastfolk, they conquered the Wolf Lords of Dracen and well, let’s just say any non-human humanoids are seen more as potential saboteurs than anything else. And well, look at me, I’m a walking target.” Taurox chuckled at himself.
A grim look dawned on his face as he seemed to contemplate something before looking directly at Sophie, unnerving her.
“Young elf, ranger. There might come a point where I must depart to rejoin Inquisitor von Krantz and for that I apologize. Remember, be wary, and be prepared for anything.”
Sophie understood well enough, though it didn’t improve her mood as her shoulders slumped down. The feeling of disappointment welling up within at the thought of losing yet another highly skilled fighter to circumstances outside of their control. Though Annalise didn’t outwardly react, remembering how the ranger felt after she had let Sir Baylein rejoin the Carradorian war effort, Sophie was certain that this news affected her friend much more than she was showing. But with nothing to offer that wasn’t already said, she found herself silent as she turned her attention to the fields and pastures around them.
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Golden stalks of grain flitted in the wind as other animals grazed uncaringly in the grassy fields beyond them. Occasionally she would see groups of villagers tending to their crops, but all would glare fearfully at the trio, or rather the minotaur. A part of her felt annoyed at the blatant hatred that they threw at the blademaster, however capable he was. But a guiltier side was just glad she wasn’t the one singled out. Shaking off her horrid thoughts she squinted as she spotted some small creatures between the grain. Kobolds? Goblins? Truthfully she could only speculate as she didn’t really know what they looked like but as her concerns grew a small figure hopped out from the grain.
Sophie examined the creature as the tiny long eared rodent stared quizzically back at her as the trio trotted away. Rabbits! Excitedly, Sophie shifted her position to get a better view of the fields and foliage, hoping to see more of the furry little critters. Her face adopted a look of horror as she realized where she saw them before, the hunting pelts back home. Poor little cuties. Horrified she could only find happiness by spotting more rabbits lazing around in the fields, the occasional one hopping merrily around.
A smile reached her cheeks as she spotted a few more before a strange thought snuck its way inside her head, this is a lot of rabbits. Keeping her eyes to the side of the road she spied on even more of the furry critters and tried to get a better image of them burned into her mind. To her surprise, they seemed to generally be ambivalent to the trio’s presence or even that of the occasional farmer or two. Hopping about so carefreely she could imagine Riza also prancing about just enjoying life, ahh…damn. The invasive thought ripped her out of the moment and she leaned a little closer against the ranger.
With the warm sunlight bearing down on them, Sophie only awoke from her nap once the drool had gone too far to be stopped. Quickly wiping her face with excruciating difficulty, she tried to avoid mentioning or pointing out the small damp spot on Annalise’s back, hoping that the padded ranger’s gear was thick enough to let it go unnoticed. Regaining her senses she finally noticed that they had stopped. The soft murmuring of conversation grew clearer as she looked up at the gatehouse in front of them. A gatehouse?! In a panic she bolted up out of her stupor and tried to be as presentable as possible. Earning her a small giggle from the ranger.
“...see, I told you she’d wake up in time.” Anna hissed.
“Next time just wake her up instead of letting nature do its job.” Came a low but heavy whisper, right, the minotaur.
Looking back and forth, she noted how they were in the middle of a line, the shadow of the gatehouse just barely covering them as more peasants, carts and what she assumed were merchants waited for entry. Making the assumption that no one was watching, she let loose a loud yawn, provoking a chain realization as Annalise and an overly curious peasant also yawned. What she didn’t expect were the glares she soon saw radiating from the guards up ahead. Ahh, hence the whispering.
Piping down, she spied a rabbit looking at her before turning to stare at something in the distance. But as she followed its gaze, she found her eyes drawn up the slope of the basin. There, between two farms a small dirt road stretched the length of the land and a robed purple figure stared back. Startled, she forcefully tugged Annalise’s sleeve and pointed, only to find nothing there anymore.
“Sophie what?” The other girl huffed, “Yes, the fields are pretty cool and there’s lots of rabbits. Just hang tight alright? It’s almost our turn to go through.”
Distraught, Sophie let go and furrowed her brow, squinting intently at the spot where she saw the figure but also found nothing. I saw him, I saw the purple man there, I swear. Blinking a few more times and finding nothing, she still kept a close eye on her periphery just in case.
“Next up!” A guard shouted and Sophie felt Annalise urge the horse onwards.
They trotted forward to an area under the gate where three soldiers and a man with a ledger sat or stood around a makeshift wooden table.
“Welcome to Harweald travelers, state your occupation and business in…” The deskman trailed off at the sight of the minotaur as the guards also tensed up.
“Adventurer team Runebound, staying for a day or two then passing through.” Annalise quickly interrupted.
The desk guard, with his little kettle helmet and padded gambeson slowly shifted his gaze from the minotaur that was almost thrice his height and to the ranger.
“Uh…” He muttered out before another guard quickly nudged his head with their shoulder. “Right. Umm adventurer team Runebound… and uhh,” his gaze trailed, “I’ll need you both to dismount and present yourself for inspection mam.” He gestured at Sophie and Anna.
Surprised at being addressed she looked at Annalise who shrugged nonchalantly. Taking that as her cue Sophie slid off the horse and moved to help the ranger when a guard coughed. The man was clad in cheap looking leather and wielded a spear almost as tall as he was. On his face was a mean look that seemed set on tormenting her.
“Where are you going?” He questioned, his hand wagging a spear tip at her.
Sophie flinched and looked at Annalise who looked back incredulously at her before sighing.
“She’s my assistant and here to help me.”
“Assistant? The hells do adventurers get assistants?” The guards shared a disbelieving look amongst themselves before looking back suspiciously.
“You gonna gawk or lend a hand?” Annalise quipped at her and Sophie quickly shuffled over and helped the ranger off the horse.
Perhaps it was the hobbling or the fact that she seemed annoyed, but at the sight of her full figure, the guards seemed to soften their expression slightly.
“Ahh…condolences.” Desk guard meekly offered before the other guard interrupted.
“And what about her, she mute or something and why are her eyes so weird?” The spear still pointed at Sophie.
Annalise shared another look of exasperation with Sophie and waited for a moment before she replied curtly, “She doesn’t much like people and well…” She waved a hand at the line and guards, “lotsa people.”
“Fair enough…” Desk guard began but got cut off.
“Off with the hood.” The spearman ordered.
“Pardon?” Annalise feigned ignorance.
“Take off her hood.” The spearman growled
Annalise and Sophie exchanged glances before they reluctantly removed her hood, lowering her head slightly as she could feel the crowd around them staring at her ears. Embarrassment tinted her cheeks as she endured the wordless judgment from the bystanders, the sudden silence gnawing away at her until the spearman grunted his disapproval.
“The hells you doin with this knifed bastard?” The spearmen questioned.
“She’s my minder and maid.” Annalise stated the obvious.
“Oh yeah and you some fancy arse noble? Tickling your fancies with the knife ears?”
“No, and if I was you’d be killed on the spot.” The ranger shot back and the guards instantly pointed their weapons at her. The crowd nervously watched on as murmurs traveled along the line. Sophie widened her eyes at the weapons and quickly tugged her friend’s sleeve, only for Annalise to forcefully pull away and lean towards the guard.
“Oh yeah? That a threat?”
“What if it is? Afraid of a cripple?”
“You’re asking for it girlie…”
“Enough of this.” Taurox boomed, his imposing voice cowing the crowd and startling the guards. As they reeled from the shock he pulled out his battleaxe and lifted his other hand to point at the guard, a small star and cross necklace. “My name is Inquisitor Taurox Flamehorn, Eighth sword of the Church of Astralis, Blademaster of the Templar Order the Ordos Protectores and defender of the free peoples. You have wasted enough of my time and if you do not resolve this matter at once I shall label you a heretic for opposing the church and judge you for your crimes.”
Everyone paused at his words, the quiet that descended enough for Sophie to hear the grass nearby rustle as a fearless rabbit hopped past the frozen line of people. Peasants, guards, and others nearby waited with bated breath as the desk guard looked apologetically everywhere but the minotaur, and the spearman only grew more unrepentant.
“The hells you on…” The spearman began only for another soldier to viciously smack his helmet, sending the man reeling.
“Are you fucking stupid? Shut up. It’s the fucking inquisition.” The other soldier quickly warned the other, casting a doubt if an apologetic look at the minotaur.
“Uh…” The guard at the desk twiddled his thumbs murmured, “You…three…yeah...you three may pass. Uhh…enjoy your stay.”
People around them looked almost reverentially at the minotaur, their hatred for beastfolk overwhelmed by their devotion to their Gods. And here, before them at a random frontier town stood an agent of the church, the very one responsible for the Gods wills and judgements stood before them.
“Please, a knife ear, a cripple and a beastie and you expect me to…” The spiteful spearman never finished his sentence as in the blink of an eye the blademaster demonstrated his skill masterfully. In the span of a few seconds, the spearman was pinned against the gate by the minotaur who shattered the man’s spear in one swift blow. Letting out a pain gasp the man struggled fruitlessly against the minotaur''s singular arm.
The crowd reacted with shocked gasps and the guards seemed uncertain, their care for their comrade not outweighed by their fear of the inquisitor.
“Do you have a relevant question?” Taurox spoke in a low tone and Sophie held her breath.
Caught off guard the spearman quickly shook his head and was promptly released by Taurox. Casting angry glances as the humiliated man slowly recovered.
“Keep your comrade in check or the next time I return Harweald will be consigned to oblivion.” The minotaur growled and turned away, leaving the other guards in a stunned silence as they stood wracked with indecision and fear.
Annalise and Sophie shared a worried glance and nodded furtively at the desk guard and received a frightened smile in return. Throwing up her hood she then helped Annalise back on the horse as she moved to grab the lead. Right, just because he can be nice, the inquisition still wanted to kidnap me. Focus, Sophie, focus. She grumbled to herself and walked alongside the mount as they followed the minotaur’s aggressive stomps.
“Wel-welcome to Harweald.” The desk guard nervously stammered after them and Sophie couldn’t help but feel just the opposite.