Southern Arteria:
The South of Arteria represents the multicultural hub of the city and a maritime powerhouse. With its expansive ports facilitating maritime trade all throughout the continent; the city is also host to a contingent of the Nautican Naval Expeditionary Forces that serve as a reminder of the alliance between the island nation and the city state. Whereas the northern sections of the city contain many town houses and city districts; the south contains a sprawling port district that features many poorer homes and slums that serve to provide a constant supply of volunteers for the merchant fleets that often visit the city. Here in the Port district, one can also find famed merchant houses that have their influences in almost all cities across the Cyndralian coast, their business empires almost as wide as their fortunes. Last but not least, the imposing Castle Clover continues to maintain its unending watch over the heart of the continent.
Sel''Nir Tirin:
The former elven embassy, it now serves as the main fortress garrison complex for the Eryinian legion; two elven companies comprising of elite troops sent from the Adornar to safeguard the inhabitants within the elven quarters. From here, the High Sentinel ensures the security of the elven quarters as well as acting as the de facto leader of the elven contingent here during emergencies. The building itself also serves as one of the only places adventurers and scholars from beyond the elven quarters are never allowed entry into.
Trinity Military District and Skellar Residential District:
As the name suggests it serves as a centralized location for the majority of Arteria''s Trinite Guards. Where the Arterian Redcloaks are mainly scattered throughout the various precincts within the city, the Trinites are most often congregated around the military district and are also where they are deployed from. The military district itself stretches from the Academy dockyards to the Noscali Walls and plays host to the Clover Legion''s barracks beyond their castle. Also acting as a place where both Trinites and Legionaries can train against each other as well as serve as the primary mustering ground when large formations are required. The Skellar residential district is where Arteria''s upper middle and merchant classes tend to hold their estates, conveniently under the constant protection of the Trinity''s bluecloaked guardsmen.
Desalination Plant:
The main source of drinking water beyond the wells located within and without the city. The desalination plant of Arteria is also a critical piece of infrastructure that has allowed the city to weather the Traxian siege of the city during the First Traxo-Union Wars until Arteria''s allies could arrive. The plant itself is also one of the largest employers of hydromancers in the city, taking under their wing many promising mages who can use purification magic in order cleanse the waters of the Bay of Arteria until they are suitable for consumption. A combined force of a hundred Redcloak and Clover Legion guardsmen maintain a never ending vigil over the plant, though occasionally a squad of Trinites or two would be deployed to augment their forces during major holidays and celebrations.
Academy Dockyard and Scholar''s Rest Inn:
The Academy of Arteria maintains a semi private dockyard and security presence within the city''s western walls. The dockyard itself serving as the primary transfer point for students, travellers, and citizens to and from the Academy Isle. Constant ferries between the isle and the city ensure that the dockyards are never quiet, the location also playing host to a few more extravagant buildings meant to host both faculty as well as wow incoming students. For those students or visitors of the Academy who aren''t able to secure lodging elsewhere in the city however, the Scholar''s Rest inn is an Academy affiliated inn that always has room to spare, provided they pay the Academy''s overpriced rates, of course.
Saint Hiromi Park:
Named for Saintess Hiromi Miyakashi, one of the founders of the Academy of Arteria. This park serves to commemorate her contribution to the city. Though fierce debate was had at the time of who would be honored with what. Saint Henry Scott William, the Academy''s other founder, was ultimately chosen to be honored with what is now Williamsharbor instead.
Museum of Arteria:
The Museum of Arteria first spawned as an attempt by the previous city council to increase tourism to the trade city. Whilst their ideas constantly seemed to flounder, after consulting with the Erynian ambassador and signing a contract of cooperation; the Museum was established. Since then, the Museum has strengthen its ties with both sides, whilst also opening up a chance for the Academy''s students to have first hand experience of dealing with historical artefacts inside a controlled environment.
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Castle Clover:
Once the site of the original ''Castle Arteria'', the fortress''s onyx walls now serve as the headquarters of the vaunted Clover Legion of Arteria. With their history stretching back to the early Dark Tides and their heroic defense of Arteria and Cyndralia, the legion''s storied history has ensured that their presence is a celebrated one whenever the city''s other forces find themselves needing additional assistance. Training is rigorous and few applicants are accepted in the legion''s ranks. But for those that do, they are often seen by citizens as the main force of arbitration within the city. With many considering the Redcloaks too overstretched and prone to apathy, whilst the Trinites are considered too corrupt and in the pockets of the nobility. Thus to the people of Arteria, Castle Clover and the legion serve as beacons of hope and justice in the ever changing world.
Trading Houses of the Port District:
Braveskull Trading House was first formed by a half orc who had broken free from his clan and headed south to seek his fortunes. Serving at first as a mercenary to the city''s nobles, he saved his funds until he found a dwarven partner in arms who was willing to help him establish a trading company. Over the years, the trading house has seen many leaders come and go, but unlike most other trading company''s, they remember their roots well and often still employ half orc mercenaries and caravan guards in honor of their founder.
Vermillion Company first landed in Arteria sometime during the Third Dark Tide. The trading house acting as a branch office for a trading company far beyond the boundaries of Eastern Cyndralia. Their connections allowed them to import exotic goods that often sweep the markets, though nowadays, they also serve as a transportation company in ferrying visitors from the lands beyond the East, to their homeland of Tosakura.
Southshore Company was founded by honest Arterian''s who struck rich after one lucky investment. Though their trading fleets remain far smaller than most other merchant fleets, their luck in selecting almost only all profitable trade routes have ensured their survival to the modern day where many other of their kind have faltered to the ages and competition.
Lotkep Trading House is a dwarven run trading house that also serves as the primary point of contact between the dwarves of the under empire and the humans of Arteria. Their wares and advanced clockwork goods are highly sought after and more often than not, dwarven trading fleets will set sail with as many as five frigates for every two ships to guard their valuable cargo. Though small in number, the rarity of their goods means that even the mostly xenophobic Traxian empire turn a blind eye to any transactions carried by the Lotkep company. Some say they''ve even conducted business in Traxia itself under the emperor''s very nose!
Teriack Company is the elven counterpart to the dwarven trading house. Where the stone dwellers trade in mechanical creations through the power of steam and clockwork; the elves export a selected selection of magi-tech goods that are priced exorbitantly. Though sometimes the Traxian navy would harass their cargo vessels across shipping lanes, clever ship design and elven magicks often see their ships out running even the most dogged of Traxian warships. To date, only two elven vessels have ever been lost during trade missions, both times prompting drastic reforms to further secure their ships. Since then, even the most foolish pirate will maintain their distance, the idea of roasting alive in arcane fire an unpleasant prospect to say the least.
Dwarven Quarters and Temple of the Saints:
One of the few places in Cyndralia where those of the dwarven diaspora coexist so openly amongst the surface dwellers. Often called ''Stone-Feet'' by their brethren (A derogatory insult for dwarves who only keep stone beneath their feet but not above their heads), they have nonetheless thrived and secured themselves a valuable place with the City of Arteria as one of its premier trading partners. During the dwarven separation from the surface in the Echo Wars, this sole outpost above ground was granted two permanent representatives in Arteria''s Chamber of Stalwart Justice to advocate for dwarven interests. An act that has since payed for itself in hundredfold as Arteria remains one of the few places that still hold active direct trade with the under kingdoms. Travellers should note however, that the Temple of the Saints near the dwarven quarters also honors the dwarven pantheon alongside the Astralian one.
Mermaid''s Twist Tavern:
An infamous tavern known for the beginning of many a wannabe adventurer and seafarer. A favorite of many captains and sailors, many a bawdy bardic song and heroic tales of sea monsters can trace their fantastical origins to this humble establishment. Some say that legends are forged within these halls, though the inn keeper swears its just the alcohol talking. Regardless, the call of potential glory continues to bring many bright eyed adventurers to its tables, their ears listening attentively for the next big gig.