“There are two schedules that students can choose to follow. The first is the most common one, what we called the 2-1-2. What that means is that: Class on Astra and Euthus, a completely free day for Phaerus, then classes on Tessus and Gratus. The weekend Caeus and Morus being left free. The other schedule variant is if they are in a program that requires extended time beyond Academy walls, or the 4-0-3. So classes on the first four days of the week, leaving the last three as a consolidated time block for student activities. With of course, exceptions on Phaerus should the student be involved in any organizations. Though, they would only be given limited break times to participate instead.
- Terrance Lawson, Academy Administrative Officer, “Schedules: 2-1-2 and 4-0-3”
The Three Saints hall exuded an aura of magnificence and sombreness with the large statues that stood within its courtyard. Saints Theobald, Aratheal, Arquineas and Champion Stouthoof. The three saints and the champion that defended the world in its time of need. The statues stood in silent vigil over its students and looked almost protective in the way they were posed.
The hall itself was much like Aura hall. Ornate, well decorated, marbled and subtly enhanced by magic throughout its structure. Perhaps the greatest difference when she entered was the change in paraphernalia that dotted the halls and walls. Gone were world maps and replica historical artifacts. In their place were notable pieces of arms and armour, paintings of generals and leaders, and even military standards that adorned the walls.
Students here also seemed to carry themselves differently, whereas the ones in the historical department seemed regal yet still potentially approachable, here there was no such friendliness. Serious faces and expressions surrounded her, a few occasional glances but no one seemed to judge her, at least not publicly. Even the few elven students here seemed more focused on the matters of war, though their brief expressions of disgust at her presence was more than enough to make sure she wouldn’t test their resolve.
Her classroom turned out to be one where a large map table took up the front of the room, the professor’s desk being relegated to the side and the students crammed into the back. On it were detailed geographical models; of mountains, rivers, trees, even towns and ruins. Not only was it well crafted, it was colored so realistically that Sophie could just about imagine herself standing within the forests themselves. So lifelike.
Sophie found herself a seat in a still unpopulated section of the room, offering the briefest of nods to the people she passed along the way until she sat down. She sorted through her belongings and simply waited, watching students filter in from the doorway from all different ethnicities and backgrounds. Humans, elves, two lizard folk and a dwarf were part of the class, the latter of which gained the immediate attention of everyone else at the rare sight.
The professor followed in soon after though it’d be more fair to describe him as a military man dressed up in an Academy staffer’s uniform. His gait was that of a commander, head held high and legs alternating in a rhythmic march. His eyes scouted the room and acknowledged a few students that he seemed to somewhat know, his head dipping in a barely perceptible nod. His attention snapped back to the center of the room and Sophie braced herself for the bark of his commands.
“Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to an introductory course in Logistics and Strategy. I’ll be your instructor for this unit, Professor Issac Ehrlich. My practical credentials stem from being a former major in Abenstadt’s Sixth Cavalry Division also known as "The Rough Riders" , and of course now a teacher here at the Academy. A pleasure to meet you all.” He spoke formally, his voice low yet commanding and seemingly projecting itself throughout the room with little effort.
“Good afternoon Professor Ehrlich.” The class responded.
“I see some familiar faces and some new ones, so I’ll try to keep things brief for those who might’ve heard me speak before.” He pointed to the map table, “Here in logistics and strategy we’re going to be covering the obvious topics in the name of the course. But,” He held up a hand, “we are going to have quite a few mock tests and exams using the things you’ll be taught in class and you’re going to have to demonstrate that knowledge right here.” He tapped the table, “So consider this your fair warning that you will be in the spotlight at some point. Everyone got that?”
“Yes sir.” The class responded, this time Sophie adding her voice to the chorus.
“Good. Good…” He nodded, “So let me get started right away to make the most of our time together. For the first lesson, I want all of you to take notes on this. For if there’s one thing to take away from this class, it’s this: Logistics wins wars, Limitations guide.” He paused for effect, waiting for everyone to write it down. “Now, what do I mean by that? People who know me hold your tongues for a bit, let the new kids answer, eh?”
A few sporadic murmured discussions burst out within the classroom and Sophie pursed her lips. Well it’s my fault for choosing this seat but it still feels a bit bad to not have anyone to talk to. She watched as the professor looked around, an assessing glint within his eyes when their eyes met. She winced as he raised an eyebrow and looked ready to make a motion. Ah shit, he’s gonna call on me.
He pointed at her. Dammit.
“Young miss. You’re a bit quiet back there. If you don’t mind, I’m volunteering you to be the first one to take a crack at this question.” He smiled, “Why don’t you introduce your name, where you’re from and… shall we say… let’s say any desire of a military occupation or experience in your future or perhaps the reason you’re taking this class.”
Sophie balked at the idea of being the first to talk with no examples to follow but held in her concern. She quietly grumbled to herself before standing up.
“Hello, I’m Sophie. I come from Carrador. Military experience wise…” No need to say anything unnecessary here, “I suppose I just want to learn more. As for the question… uhh… I guess logistics helps keep people fed and moving? But limitations… guide? I don’t quite get that part.” Sophie answered.
“I appreciate your honesty. Just Sophie? No house or family name?”
“No sir.”
“Fair enough. Alright then! Does anyone want to try and add to Sophie’s explanation? Limitations guide. What do I mean by that? How do those words relate to logistics and strategy?”
“Aye, I’ll give it a shot.” A throaty dwarven voice entered the fray, “I’m Dalgron Silverbrew, from Arteria, but my clan is from Felhand. I would say I’m here to prepare myself for the Trial of the Mountains.” He paused, looking quite proud of himself, “As for limitations guide; I would guess that ye mean that our limitations can guide us to a plan?”
“Very good! A bit generic andsimplistic, but, Mr. Silverbrew’s explanation gets close to the gist of what I''m asking. So let’s examine it a little further shall we?”
He then began a small lecture on the importance of limitations on the battlefield and on a strategic scale as well. How it is essentially the framework for what one is allowed to work within. Professor Ehrlich set it up as the parameters in which a battle or campaign is to take place beyond the logistics. What policies a nation might have, quality of its troops, geography, scale of the battle, morale of the people among other things. As he put it, “The conditions in which we formulate strategy within.” After all, a keen eye for logistics matters naught if one earns the disfavour of the king and is given nothing in return, which then prevents victory on the battlefield if there is no supply train and all the troops end up starving and broken. At a certain point however, her mind began blurring all the noise in the classroom and she slowly lost focus, the different concepts and ideas passing her by.
It came as a surprise to her then, when she finally noticed that students had begun packing up their stuff, the professor switching to a more friendly and relaxed demeanour. Sophie shook off her surprise and flipped through her note book, the pages for this class clearly filled with notes but with no recollection of writing most of them down. Well… damn. Sophie turned her attention back to the classroom and listened closely to the professor’s final words.
“Alright then, that brings us to the end of today’s lesson. For your homework today, I’d like it if you all did a little brainstorming for the scenario next class using what we discussed today about logistics and limitations, understood?” Professor Ehrlich barked.
“Yes professor.” Came the collective reply.
Damn, damn, what scenario? Crap, ugh. What the hells even happened? I’ll just have to hope that I actually wrote down what I need, ugh.
“Excellent work today everyone. Dismissed.”
With that cue, Sophie could see everyone immediately switching off their classroom behaviour and reverting to more relaxed postures and mannerisms. Guess class really did just end. Her stupor came to an end once the classroom emptied, finally fully catching up. Sophie just sighed and shook off her weariness. One more class and the day’s over. Gah, why do I feel so nervous all of a sudden? Guess it’s all still a bit surreal. Heh.
The training fields were much like she remembered. Except this time, there were far more students on the fields and far more instructors. The staffer and guard who watched over the entrance seemed to recognise her, both offering a brief nod before waving her along. Within the training grounds, she slowly shuffled into a line of students whilst a few older looking student assistants in training gear pointed out where each student should go.
“Next.” One of them shouted before looking at Sophie, “Name, year and class?”
“Sophie. First year. First level physical and martial activities.” Sophie answered.
“Far side of the field, over to the right by the training dummies.”
Sophie nodded her appreciation and shuffled over to the indicated spot. At the gathering point, she found about a dozen others standing around, each casting curious glances at each other and at her.
After a few more awkward moments and gathering about a dozen more students, their instructor finally came walking towards them from the training hall. An imposing middle aged man in armour strode forward, his stoic gaze running over all of them before he let out a semi disappointed huff.
Stolen content warning: this tale belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences elsewhere.
“Well look what we have here. A bunch of newbies once again. Everyone belonging to first level physical and martial, gather up.” He ordered.
The students awkwardly shuffled together a few quiet murmurs quickly silenced by his stern glance.
“Ten… thirteen… twenty... twenty five heads total. Alright, seems like you’re all here. So before we get started properly, I’m Lieutenant Ulfgeir Karlson on loan from Arteria’s Trinity Guards. Now I won’t mince words, I’m here to make sure you’re all in shape and ready for whatever this program might throw at you should you choose to continue. For now however, follow me.” He commanded.
Everyone dutifully followed him into the training hall and Sophie spared a quick glance for where she had kissed Eva on the cheek. The mere memory alone brought an embarrassed blush to her face as the tips of her ears heated up. The group then settled into the changing rooms and found a row of shirts and pants being pushed in on a rack.
“Get yourselves a shirt and a pair of pants. I assume you’d all rather not be running around in uniform.” He stated plainly, “Well? Get on with it. Once you have something, come to me and I’ll assign you a key and locker then get changed.”
As one, the students all changed into outfits and put their stuff away before regrouping outside in the field. The instructor looked at them with an inquisitive eye as he studied their every action and movement, his gaze making Sophie deeply self conscious. Her worries were thankfully for naught however, as their lesson plan grew increasingly clear when he lined them all up into a square, his presence looming over all of them.
“The objective here is simple. By the end of this course, I want you all to be mentally and physically fit enough to call yourselves a warrior should the occasion arise. To be able to at least rise to the occasion and engage in combat should it be in the name of nation, family, friends or just for yourself. However, what I see before me is nothing more than clay in a riverbank; formless and filled with potential but unmolded. Whether any of you have experience in combat or manual labor, we shall see soon enough. But for now, I want all of you to push the boundaries of your bodies.” He growled. “Any questions?”
No one seemed particularly inclined to answer.
“Fantastic. Now, we’ll do some stretches to warm up your bodies. Then I want all of you to run three laps around the training grounds. Avoid the archery range, of course. After that, we’ll have a few more exercises and by then I should have a good idea of where you’re all at. Everyone understand?”
A few nodded.
“Any questions? Nothing? Good… then let’s get started.”
Sophie was itchy and utterly exhausted. Nearly two hours of full on physical training and just for the first class of the semester. It was a horrifying prospect if this was to be the pace of the class and she let out an internal scream within herself. She had thought that she was perhaps a bit more fit than the average person given her experiences and she was. But it wasn’t nearly enough to reach the halfway point of the lesson before she had thrown caution to the wind and just accepted the aching pains.
Annoyed, still a bit sweaty, and terrifically sore. Sophie let out an agonised groan as she made her way back to Rosewood. On one hand, seeing all the chatty, excited students enjoying the end of the day all around the Academy made her smile a little. On the other, she cursed at how slow some of them were walking and blocking her way back to the dorms. Still, she allowed herself a faint smile at the thought of how she had just survived what felt like a strangely ordinary day.
“Sophie!” A voice called her name.
Instantaneously Sophie’s ears perked up and she spun around. Eva! The older girl bounced over and looked ready for a hug. Sophie felt overjoyed and moved to reciprocate when she suddenly froze, distinctly aware of her current state. No! Eva! Don’t see me like this!
“Sophie!” Eva beamed radiantly, “Come ‘ere you gremlin.”
With every step Eva took, Sophie stepped backwards. “No! I’m-I’m stinky and gross.”
“Sophie, you goof.” Eva chuckled. With inhuman speed she leapt over and caught up to Sophie, wrapping her in a massive hug.
Sophie’s mind panicked at how disgusting she must be and how she was sullying Eva’s pristine garments and appearance. Her heart meanwhile, raced at the sudden contact, the soft and warm embrace that seemed to drain all her ills away and felt ever so much like the comfort of home. Eva…
“Sophie.” Eva purred as she finally let Sophie go.
“H-hi.” Sophie stammered out, her body and mind both confused messes. “Umm-”
“You just finished class?”
“Y-yeah.” Sophie nervously replied.
“Me too.” Eva smiled, giving Sophie a small poke to the stomach.
“Nyeh!” Sophie squeaked.
“Had fun working out?”
“No! It was horrible!”
“Ahahah, and whatcha up to now?”
“I’m going back to the dorms, I need to change, shower and…” Sophie just shuddered, “I’m so sweaty and stinky… and gross.” She winced.
Eva just stared blankly for a moment before her cheeks puff up and she let out a small giggle, “Oh Sophie. You’re so… you.” Eva smiled.
“Uh… thanks?” Sophie tried to hide her frown, confused.
“So, you going back to your dorm?”
“Mind if I walk with you?” Eva smirked as she wrapped her arm around Sophie’s.
By the Goddess. I can hear my heart beating. What should I do? What should I say? What’s happening? Why is she here? How do I walk? Sophie nodded absently, trying hard to focus on taking one step forward at a time.
The two embraced the familiar sense of comfort between them. Sophie slowly recovered from her panic as Eva continued to press on forward, undaunted and unworried. It was only as they drew closer to the dorms that Sophie finally contained herself enough to grin, before horror overtook her once more. Oh Goddess, it’s because I kissed her on the cheek isn’t it? She’s really mad?! But… I don’t feel it. This is just Eva when she’s happy. So why…
“Hmm?” Eva hummed.
“You… uhh you seem a bit more energetic than usual Eva. You... alright? Something happen?” Sophie dared to ask.
Why do I feel so uneasy all of a sudden?
Eva paused her stride and brought them both to a halt. Sophie felt the temperature drop by several degrees as her mind raced back towards panic. Did I say something wrong? But it’s Eva, she would tell me.
Eva looked at her strangely before breaking out into a soft little chuckle with a smile. Sophie felt Eva’s hand gently stroke her face as her own panicked gaze tried desperately to avoid making eye contact. Stellesia above, what’s happening? My heart…
“Sophie, Sophie, Sophie. You know me too well.” Eva smirked.
“It was all because of you.” Eva bobbed joyfully.
“I wanted to tell you more properly another day, but when I saw you I just wanted to share, you know? I can’t hold it in. You know me, always a little impatient.” Eva laughed.
“I barely believe it myself but… because you told me last time.” Huh? Told you? Told you what? “I went to meet with Frederick and you’ll never guess what happened next.” Eva blinked with unbridled joy in her eyes.
Wait… Frederick? Freddie? How is that relevant?
“He asked me out. In secret from our parents. Finally! And we’re dating now!” Eva squealed happily.
Hold on, what?
“C-congratulations! Finally!” Sophie beamed happily at Eva.
“I know! Heheh, though truthfully… I mean I always thought he liked me but… just… ugh!”
“Well he did always come to visit you.” Sophie smirked, her body still on automatic, "More than he did most of the other girls."
“Yeah, but he’s Freddie! And well… I guess… ugh… I still can’t believe I had a crush on him.”
Eva please. I can’t keep up.
“Heheh, but he always treated you so sweetly.”
“Pfff, maybe. But it’s only because you were there that day, when we all first met.” Eva giggled.
I’m confused, Eva.
“Oh? When I… bumped into the Duke?” That memory still brought out an involuntary shiver.
“Yeah! I mean, the two of us got on quite well. He appreciated how casual we were. But then you showed up and apparently he still remembers how I cared for you back then. Said it made me a good person.” Eva looked away bashfully.
My head’s dizzy. Please stop.
“And you are! I…” Sophie’s shoulders sagged, “I wouldn’t be here if you weren’t. Your care is what got me this far. You mean a lot to me.” She finished with a breathy whisper.
“D’aww. Sophie… you little gremlin. C’mere.” Eva pulled her in for a hug, “Do keep this on the down low though, I would rather my brother or family not find out until we’re properly ready.”
“Oh of course. I can only imagine how fussy they’d be if they realized.”
The two shared a small giggle, one more strained than the other.
Please stop. I can''t-
“Sophie! Eva!” A familiar voice chirped.
“Oh hey! Aryana! Hello!” Eva pulled away.
“What are you guys up to?”
“I’m just walking Sophie to the dorms. I’m guessing you also just finished classes?”
“Yeah! Magicology was really cool. We got to try out some older tech and see how it all worked.” Aryana bounced excitedly, "There was this little ball thing that could unlock doors by turning into a mold of the key! All with only a drop of mana!"
“You''ll have to take me on a tour sometime, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it here." Eva grinned, giving Aryana a friendly pat on the shoulder, "It’ll only get better once you get properly involved with student orgs and activities beyond the Academy grounds, trust me.”
“Oooh, that does sound fun.” Aryana beamed.
“Haha, well, on Phaerus the orgs will be out at full strength doing recruiting so that''s a good a time as any. For now though,” Eva gave Sophie a gentle, familial pat, “I’m supposed to get dinner down by Solara hall in an hour. The two of you are more than welcome to join up. For now I gotta go freshen up first.”
“Oooh, really?”
“Then we’ll be there!” Aryana proudly declared before she faltered slightly when she met Sophie’s gaze. A flicker of concern flashed on her face before returning to normal, “Umm… at least we’ll try to be! We do have some stuff we need to get sorted with the… dorm… dorm…”
“Dorm mother?”
“Ugh.” Eva sighed, “Dealing with them is the worst sometimes. Sorry I can''t help with Rosewood''s dorm mother, don''t even know who that is. But, Good luck with that! And remember, Solara hall. if the two of you end up wrapping up early.”
“For sure!”
“Yeah.” Sophie half heartedly agreed.
“In that case I’ll see you guys in a bit! Or tomorrow if we can! And thank you once more Sophie!”
The trio exchanged a few more pleasantries before they disbanded. The duo seeing Eva off with a few heartfelt waves. Sophie waited until Eva was suitably far away before she turned to walk with Aryana in a tense silence. Her nerves remained scrambled even after they reached Rosewood, where even within, Sophie could feel Aryana’s worried stares, the poor girl gently guiding her along without complaint. It was only when they entered their room when the weight of the world finally piled onto her, when Sophie could finally break her stoic mask. Without warning, she simply collapsed onto Aryana''s shoulder, clutching onto her friend for dear life as her knees slammed against the floor.
“Myah!? Sophie?!” Aryana let out a surprised squeak but did not move away.
So... heavy....