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MillionNovel > A Knight's Lilies > Act 4 Chapter 28: Ruins of Saclia, Base Camp

Act 4 Chapter 28: Ruins of Saclia, Base Camp

    “Expedition Identification: 72A-A, 836-MWAr (Flag Square 72 between Arteria and Abenstadt, Terrain Type 836 - (Mountainous, Woodland, Ancient ruins)

    Expedition Name: Exploration of Ruin Designated “Saclia”

    Expedition Type: Possible Myndiri Delve, Premier Examination

    Sponsors: Joint Pathfinder and Adventurers Guild

    Team Lead: Lizabeth Kallen - Pathfinder Captain

    Personnel Roster: 4 Teams


    <li style="font-weight: 400">Team 1: Adventurers Guild - 10 Members (2 Parties, 2 Staff)</li>



    <li style="font-weight: 400">Team 2: Pathfinder Guild - 14 Members (6 Pathfinders, 2 Senior Pathfinders, 2 Auxiliary Staff, 2 Civilian Contractors, Captain and Vice Captain)</li>



    <li style="font-weight: 400">Team 3: Abenstadt Security Forces - 10 Members (1 Mercenary Squad) </li>



    <li style="font-weight: 400">Team 4: Engineers - 9 Members (Sourced from Divacos Trading) </li>


    Requisitioned Equipment List:

    5 Sets of Standardized Gear (2 Sets of Mining Equipment, 2 Sets of Frontier Exploration Equipment, 1 Set of Emergency Medical Equipment) ”

    - First Half of Torn Ledger Page, Main Tent in Saclian Expedition Base Camp


    “What the hells happened here?” A male voiced echoed in the distance.

    “Nothing good.” A female voice replied, “Look at all the bodies…”

    “Hush now, we don’t know what yet lurks here.” A far older and gravelly male voice shushed the two.

    It was as if someone had switched off her emotions the moment she heard the first sounds of voices entering the town square. She tiredly glanced over to spot the Dragon Wagon out of the corner of her eye and weakly tried to push herself up. Pain flared up from her shoulder wound and she staggered forward slightly, almost face planting before she caught herself. The sudden movement however, drew the attention of the approaching adventures and Sophie felt almost annoyed when they turned their weapons against her.

    “Who’s there?”

    “Who goes?”

    Questions were thrown at her. Sophie winced as she tried to half lift her hands, her arms aching from the effort. The sudden movement also sent blood oozing out of her abdomen wound and she crumpled to the ground, gasping for air.

    “Watch out.” The first voice called out.

    “Ease up there. That one’s injured.” The older voice called out.

    Sophie looked up and saw the source of the older voice. An Academy professor in tailored robes with his hands drawn up in a protective spell circle gestured for the adventurers to hold back.

    Seeing them maintain their distance, albeit warily still watching her every move. Sophie grunted before crawling back up to her feet, her hands now pressed against her wounds. They hurt, of course, but the pain she had felt being ripped to shreds or dismembered; even if it was in the void, still haunted her. For a split second, she wondered how she looked to them. Wondered if they would attack regardless given her likely horrifying appearance with the ripped and tattered tunic covered in blood.

    “Stay right there.” A heavily shielded adventurer slowly approached.

    Sophie furrowed her brow and tried her best to calm her mind, steadying it to recall their names. Torran, shield man; Jun and Ryo, fighter and leader; Chelmia, mage; Muriel, healer; and Dina, archer.  Torran, Jun and Ryo stood at the front alongside the professor. The other three slowly emerged from the street behind them, their expressions shifting to one of horror as they also bore witness to the devastation of the square. Sophie breathed heavily as she swayed on her feet, trying her best to hide her disheveled appearance from her acquaintances.

    “Jun, Chel, secure the flanks.” Ryo ordered, “Dina watch our backs and keep an eye… on the bodies.” His voice dropped slightly.

    A dispirited grunt came from the archer and Sophie could spy the group spreading out, concern and fear in their eyes as they warily entered the town square.

    “They’re all dead.” Sophie rasped. The state of her own voice made her cringe.

    Her sudden utterance made the adventurers all tense up as they looked cautiously at her. Even the professor seemed to murmur a few spells to himself at her proclamation. It was only when she saw the flicker of recognition pass by Ryo’s eyes that she herself felt a modicum of relief.

    “Wait… can you look over here a sec?” Ryo asked.

    Sophie obliged and looked over, staring him in the eye.

    “I know you.” He hummed in surprise, “You’re… the elf from the library aren’t you? With blue eyes! I know you! Err…”

    “Sophie.” She nodded dryly, "Half elf."

    “Ahh! It is you! You were bound for the Academy weren’t you? What are you doing here?! Also what do you mean everyone is dead?”

    “Long story. Water.” She grumbled.

    “Huh? But-”

    “She’s on the verge of collapse. If she were to ambush us she’d have waited till we were much closer.” A calm and serene voice interrupted.

    From behind the group, a lightly armored figure strut forward, resting a petite hand on the fighter’s shoulder. Wearing standard leather armour but wielding a staff with a star shaped ornament instead of a blade or bow. The short blonde gave her leader a reassuring squeeze. With a sigh, Ryo gestured for her and Torran to move forward.

    Sophie waited patiently as they approached, holding her position until her head started pounding once more. She grit her teeth and accidentally let go of her wound as she tried to clutch at her head. The sudden gasp that elicited from the healer almost made her guilty at the thought of burdening someone else. But as she staggered forward a few more steps, the toll on her body finally forced her to collapse and she practically tripped into the healer’s arms.

    “S-sorry.” She grunted.

    “By the stars! She’s practically been cut open! Though… goodness, at least it doesn’t look fatal. A little deeper...” Muriel the healer worriedly set Sophie onto the ground, “If you don’t mind…” She turned towards her party.

    Sophie could faintly make out Ryo and Jun nodding before she heard esoteric chants come from the healer’s mouth. After a moment or two, she felt a comforting warmth envelope her and she seemed to regain some of her lost vigor. Her wounds tried to repair themselves through divine magic. Does divine magic even work for a sinner like me?

    “Hold still, it’ll take a minute.” Muriel gently clasped Sophie’s hand, “Bear with me.”

    “Ngh.” Sophie grimaced.

    “It’ll sting a little, don''t worry. Torran! Do you still have my canteen?”

    The shieldbearer grunted and Sophie couldn’t help but greedily stare at the small object being lowered towards her mouth. When it finally arrived, she gingerly gulped down two large mouthfuls, savouring the sensation as it rejuvenated her parched throat ever so slightly.

    “Stabilise her and we’ll keep moving.” Ryo chimed in, “Any ideas, professor? This is your expedition after all.”

    “Many. But none that matter right now. As much as I hate to say it, I fear we should slow our search down. I had thought presence of the trolls were odd in an Arneathian ruin but assumed that they were perhaps just stray inhabitants of the ruins. This…” The professor''s gingerly surveyed the devastation in front of him, "this is something else."

    “Agreed.” A dark expression overtook Ryo’s face, “Let’s get her out of here first. Jun can you get her back up to the surface? Muriel, do what you can and then fall back into formation. Torran, back up to the front.”

    “Can we trust her?” The professor hummed.

    “Not sure, professor. But we can’t just leave her to die. She’s also an acquaintance of ours so… we’ll bear the responsibility if something happens. Besides, Jun can take care of things.”

    The professor grunted, dissatisfied but accepting the reasoning.

    Sophie slowly hobbled back up to her feet as the adventurers quickly returned to their formation, the professor casting a wary glance at her direction but saving his complaints for later. Jun eventually made her way over and Sophie felt a wave of relief flood over her as the girl hooked her arm around her shoulder. All this… it''s someone else’s problem now.

    “Can you walk?” Jun whispered.

    “Mmm.” Sophie nodded.

    “Good. Let’s get you out of here. I’ve had about enough of this place.”


    A flurry of activity greeted the duo when they finally made the ascent. They had taken the long way up, Sophie barely remembering to check on her pack before Jun escorted her back to the surface. Every step of the way was marred by her intense disgust at having to walk through the ruins again, each corridor giving her more and more time to let the weight of her deeds sink in. It only got worse when Jun reluctantly asked her to recall all the details of what had happened. Sophie recited what she could, but the sensations and exhaustion combined made her begin trembling once again. It was only until they reached the final floor and she had finished recounting her account that she grew some semblance of calm.

    At least, until she heard the enviable buzz of voices and weapons as they finally reached the precipice to exit the ruins. Two shielded spearmen were the first to greet them, their weapons pointed at the entryway until they realized who it was and slowly pulled their weapons back. The students behind them held anxious but excited whispers as someone from the entry team finally returned. Sophie could hear the exact moment someone described her condition and the excitedness turned into fear and worry. The two guardians thankfully, eventually moved to help Jun bring Sophie into one of the now empty tents, the students murmuring amongst themselves at the sight.

    Beyond them, Sophie saw a few cloaked figures hidden amongst the underbrush just beyond and allowed herself another sigh of relief. Aside from the adventurers, guardians, and the professor, it would seem this expedition had also attracted the attention of Arterian rangers. They seemed fine back on the trail, if a bit eccentric. At least there’s more than four guardians to protect this gaggle of students.

    “Easy now. I’ll get someone to tend to your wounds real soon.” Jun whispered, “Just gotta keep the kids calm.”

    Sophie grunted and Jun flashed a strained smile. Jun slowly dropped Sophie onto a stray cot, and when her head touched the rock hard travel pillow, Sophie felt her eyes almost immediately start drooping. It seemed such an oversight yet she had completely ignored it until this moment. Her adrenaline had long since run out back in the ruin, her tears then wiping out what reserve energy she had left. Now, she was just tired. She wanted to laugh at how absurd the new feeling was, only to let out a small yawn. Before Jun had even left the room, Sophie’s eyes shut and she nestled herself on the pillow, within a few moments, she was fast asleep.


    Sophie groggily awoke to the sounds of shouting and yelling from somewhere nearby. She groaned at the aches and pains she felt, turning over to find a view of the empty tent ahead of her. Gently patting down her wounds, she winced at the slight pain that stabbed at her. She stretched and forced her muscles to try and stay limber, the tense pushback making her feel the numbing pain of a thousand needles. To her pleasant surprise though, she finally noticed the freshly wrapped bandages around her abdomen and shoulders. Her stirrings were evidently noticed by guards outside however, and a guardian poked their head through the flaps of the tent before slinking back out.

    She pursed her lips as she debated heading outside to see what the commotion was about, versus just lounging around for another little while in the safety of the tent. Sophie then caught sight of her pack and rummaged through it, finding a small sense of joy in the simple fact that everything was where it should’ve been. Satisfied, she turned her attention to a small wooden table where the relics were and where her sword rested against. Her brows knit themselves together and her heart grew heavy at the sight of them. But her malaise only lasted a moment and soon enough, three figures stepped through the tent flaps.

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    In the lead was a professor flanked by Ryo to his right. Behind them however, was a familiar figure that made Sophie pale. Clad in darkened robes and a familiar brimmed hat was a masked man that followed in behind them. Sophie almost grew aggressive when she thought the masked man wore a crow beak and only relaxed slightly when she realized it was curvier and more like a raven’s beak. Her own expression deepend into a scowl and the inquisitor simply smiled mockingly, the tips of his smile barely reaching his cheeks. I remember him, Inquisitor Korvin.

    “You’re awake. Are you alright?” Ryo was the first to break the silence.

    "Ugh, my head." Sophie groaned, "How long have I been out?"

    "You passed out for a whole day,. It''s the next morning right now. You okay?"

    Sophie paused for a moment and bit her lower lip. Nothing much I can do about that anyways. She nodded, lugging the rest of her stuff back to the cot.

    “Good, good.” Ryo let out a relieved sigh, “Jun said you were pretty banged up so I had Muriel take a second look at you. You can thank her for the first aid later.”


    “If you don’t mind, I know you’ve just woken up, but they’d like to ask you a few things.” He gestured at the two accompanying him.

    “Sure.” She grunted. Not like I have much of a choice.

    “Jun already told us most of what you told her but more is always helpful.” Ryo stated as he tried to avoid looking at the other two. In particular, Sophie noticed how he also seemed uncomfortable in the presence of the inquisitor.

    The professor stroked his moustache in contemplation, almost as if he was examining her before he extended his hand with a wordless nod. The inquisitor meanwhile, continued to just act half amused with the situation, finding a stray stool and plopping himself down upon it. Sophie tried to ignore him and clasped the professor’s hand.

    “Professor Galluis Segosa, Academy of Arteria, Department of history.” The man smiled politely through his eyes suggested an entirely different emotion, “And you?”

    Sophie felt her stomach drop into a pit as he stated his credentials. Does he already know who I am and what classes I take? Will he report me to the administration? Her worries seemed to etch themselves on her face and she saw the inquisitor suppress a chuckle. Bastard. Still, when he peaked at Ryo’s expression, the adventurer''s expression seemed to suggest that there was no use in lying, that she had already been outed.

    “Sophie. General studies. Uhh… first year. Sorry.” Sophie sheepishly shrunk a little. Oh Goddess, he does not look pleased.

    To Sophie, he seemed to be trapped between either disappointment or anger, added with a dash of frustration just to keep her on her toes. The professor just shook his head before continuing.

    “And how did a first year catch wind of this excursion meant for third years? Or better yet, how did you not just find out the exact details but also managed to go through the ruins before anyone? Or whatever it is that you did with the artifacts and the star stone?” Professor Segosa glared at her, his sudden shift in tone startling even Ryo.

    “I snuck onto the caravan, left you guys behind at the village and pushed ahead by myself.”

    “Snuck on? That’s it? Then what about all the people running security? Did none of you really notice?” He turned to Ryo.

    Ryo shrugged, “Caravans take on strays all the time. We’re just here to make sure no one gets hurt. First expedition aside, no one got hurt, did they?”

    “I…” Professor Segosa began before pausing, “I suppose.” HIs expression relaxed a little, “Still, what about what happened in the ruins?” His voice lowered, “I’ve seen lots of shit inside Arneathian ruins before. Traps, tricks, monsters. Pardon my language, but that shit back there… you were just standing in a field of the dead… It’s not right, it just isn’t and there’s no other way of cutting it.”

    “You also said that they were all dead.” Ryo added, “So you knew what happened to them.”

    “Mmhmm.” Sophie replied.


    Her eyes looked downwards and although she knew that the cultists likely deserved justice for their heinous actions. She felt the guilt burrow out from deep within her. “Cultists killed the expedition, I killed the cultists.” She whispered, “That’s all.”

    “That’s what Jun told us too. But as much as I hate to push it, we do need to know what happened. In case more danger still lurks within.”

    Sophie sighed and tried to avoid their gazes. “Overloaded a starstone. It burst in the middle of the cultists.”

    “Mmm… as I thought.” Professor Segosa murmured, “But what about your wounds? They match the profile of weapons. What happened there?”

    Sophie frowned, unsure of how much about the dark knights that she should reveal. “They… they were summoning some people. Through blood sacrifice and the crystal as a… uhh…you know, like a focus point.”

    “Summoning? A conduit?”

    “Yeah. That’s it. That’s why they were all there. For their summoning ritual.”

    “Hmm… and that is the reason for all the strange… armour we found around the place?”

    “Mmhmm.” She grunted.

    “Tsk. Fair enough but… so much destroyed and ruined… tch.”

    “I did what I had to.”

    “Yeah? And what about those?” He gestured to the three cylinders, “Finding out about Academy delves so you can loot the tombs beforehand?”

    “What? No! The cultists were using them as offerings or something or the other.”

    “Sure they were. But you’re going to turn them in for the Academy for study, yes?”

    Sophie’s teeth clenched together and she tried to hide the scowl sneaking onto her face. I am equipped to use them, I somehow doubt that they’ll be able to figure out how to use it. “Ye… no.”

    “No?” He seemed incredulous at the answer, “No?!”

    “Can you use them?”

    “Can I… huh? Use them? What do you mean?”

    “You know, like to use them as intended?”

    “What does that even mean? That you’ve somehow figured out how to use Arnethian artifacts… on your own? Preposterous.”

    “Now, now, professor. I think we shouldn’t be so hasty.” The inquisitor finally chipped in, a smirk on his face.

    “And what’s the church’s business here anyways? She already wiped out the cult didn’t she? Did your job for you and with far less paperwork.” The professor snarled.

    “Why of course! That alone is praiseworthy enough, but as an organisation we must investigate all avenues, no? Besides, recovered Arneathian artifiacts are worthy of anyone''s interest. Being able to use them? Now that''s something even an inquisitor doesn''t want to miss. After all, that’s exactly what you’re implying, isn’t it? Cursed one.” Inquisitor Korvin turned towards her.

    “Huh?” The professor uttered.

    Sophie narrowed her eyes and glared at him, “So what is it this time, inquisitor?”

    “To help you, of course. As long as you help me in turn.”

    “Eh? What do you mean-”

    “Hold it.” The professor stepped between the two, rudely cutting Sophie off, “You two are already acquainted?”

    “It would appear so, Master Segosa.” The Inquisitor smiled coldly.

    It was then Sophie realized something, that she felt a deep sense of unease whenever she made eye contact with this inquisitor. I don’t like him at all. And his smile… it’s so… creepy and calculating. She shuddered.

    “Are you admitting then, that you are acquainted with a student of the Academy? You know the treaty prohibits church activity outside of prayers and community activities on Academy grounds? I could report the two of you and you’d both be gone.” Professor Segosa said.

    Sophie turned to find Ryo shuffling awkwardly at the exchange, flashing her an apologetic expression at the current argument. Sophie just flashed him a small if tense smile in return. Nothing much the two of us can do about this. Looking back at the exchange, Sophie came to another conclusion. She didn’t like how smug the inquisitor was either.

    “You’d do that to a young girl who just single handedly saved the lives of you and your students?” The inquisitor tutted.

    Taking those words into account, the professor stared long and hard at Sophie before nodding. “I apologize madam. But if you’d just showed up to help us, it’d be one thing. But here, you not only violated Academy rules, breached security protocol, and still put everyone at risk without informing anyone of your plans. You did save us a lot of trouble if what you said is true. Protected the other students too.” He grunted at her, “It is not that I don’t respect your actions, or that I wish for procedure and protocol to dictate your every action. But although this time you helped, what about the next? And then after that? To just do as you please at the expense of the community? What happens if others take up your mantle, to embrace you as the role model they wish to emulate? At that point, we’d have rogue students doing more harm than good, doing only what they see as worthy of them. It would be an unmitigated disaster and shee anarchy.” He ranted, “Much less the clear violation of the Astrarim Neutrality Accords that prohibits the church from interfering without consulting the Academy first. All of which, might i remind you, were proposed and signed by church authorities first.”

    Before Sophie could defend herself, the inquisitor clicked his tongue and drew the attention back to him. “Ahh… but you see professor, what if I were to say that she isn’t directly affiliated with the church but rather just… acquainted… like a mercenary or a freelancer?”

    “That would…be… most unfortunate. Even if it is certainly a loop hole, the administration still needs to be warned about the severity of the situation at hand and disciplinary actions to be taken to prevent a repeat incident.”

    “What if… I could tempt you into not doing that? To not write a report that way?”

    “You best choose your next words carefully. For those are grave thoughts that you hold within you.” Segosa hissed.

    Inquisitor Korvin just smiled politely, “You have a fascination with the Arneathians, do you not, professor?”

    “Out with it.”

    “Most Arneathian relics are non functional. At least, for us common folk.”

    “Get to the point.”

    “You’ve figured out how to use them, haven’t you?” The inquisitor turned to face her, his eyes showing no real sense of warmth of actual acknowledgement of her efforts..

    The professor followed the inquisitor’s gaze towards her. “What does that mean?” He asked.

    She didn’t like how the inquisitor acted like he seemed to know everything. But she was stuck in a dilemma with no good way out besides playing along. She sighed and just lowered her head, letting her shoulders slacken. “I need mana though.”

    “Professor Segosa, would you kindly mind putting up a temporary warding spell?” Korvin asked.

    “What does that have to do with anything?” Professor Segosa snapped at him.

    “Aren’t you curious? I’ll share some more findings from the church that you might not know about. Provided you aid this demonstration. I promise it''ll be worth it for you. Ancient magick devices are hard to unlock after all.” Korvin grinned.

    The professor glared daggers at him but surprisingly complied, chanting a few esoteric words before a wave of mana filled the room.

    Damn, how does he know? I don’t think I even told Jun the full story. Sophie tried to calm herself and reached out for her blade, the action making Ryo tense up. Slowing down her movements, she carefully unsheathed the weapon and before anyone else could react, she pulled down her pants and gave herself a quick cut across her thigh. Wincing from the sharp pain, she only felt a slight breath of relief as she realised how shallow the cut was. Putting her sword back and ignoring the horrified expression on the adventurer and professor’s faces, she found the cylinder that she recognised and gulped. She cursed the absurdness of the act and then rubbed the cylinder across the open wound, covering it in her blood. As a small, barely perceptible click sounded, she quickly pulled the cylinder away and held it tightly with her left hand.

    She marvelled at how the mechanism unlocked itself before almost morphing to conform with her arm. Two little strips extended themselves across her forearm like a bracelet and the main face of the artifact became a somewhat flat surface. Closing her eyes, she then began trying to absorb the latent mana being expelled by the professor’s spell, channeling it into the relic. It took a few moments, but the pale blue almost white phantasmal shield buzzed back to life and she could hear the gasp coming out of the professor’s mouth.

    “Hmm, I wonder.” The inquisitor whispered.

    Taking advantage of the moment, he snatched up one of the relics before Sophie could stop him and quickly wrapped his fingers around a small dagger. He released it when his hands seemed to be bleeding from a multitude of light but still painful lacerations, then wrapping it around the relic. To her surprise, nothing happened besides it getting bloody. For the first time, the inquisitor seemed to frown. Hah!

    Disappointed, his mood didn’t last and to Sophie’s dismay his smugness returned just as quickly. “Fascinating.” He muttered before noticing the others looking at him, “Ah. Well. Now do you see, professor? She can utilize Arneathian technology and I cannot. Think of what this might mean? All the stored relics, all the experiments…”

    The professor seemed to be a little too stunned to respond. Blinking away his awe, he stole a deep breath before dropping the ward. The sudden lack of mana causes Sophie’s concentration to fade and the shield to start spazzing out before disappearing.

    “So what you meant by using it before…” He muttered at Sophie.

    “I meant what I said when I asked if you knew how to use them.” She replied.

    “All these years and I… well damn. And…”

    “Just her, for now.” Korvin added, “Something in her blood likely reacts with it. Something not in the rest of ours.” He held up his blood covered relic.

    The professor let out a soft whistle and his angry demeanour seemed to fade as something more akin to a scientist’s curiosity took over. “So… what are you suggesting?”

    “Report as you would. Except say the inquisition arrived before you to secure the area. Then… do whatever you have to.”

    “And her?”

    “She was never here.”

    “Pfft… fine. But what do I get out of this?”

    “Isn’t it obvious? She helps you with a few things, and helps me test a few things too. Doesn’t that just sound dandy?” Korvin looked at Sophie.

    “Oh… yeah… sure. Don''t even ask me for my thoughts.” Sophie drawled sarcastically. Dissatisfied but not unpleasantly so. Didn’t even ask me though. I suppose not getting kicked out of the Academy is good enough trade.

    Ryo seemed utterly baffled by the goings on but the professor and inquisitor both seemed satisfied enough.

    “I suppose that’s all I needed.” The professor grumbled.

    “We should also give her some space.” Ryo added, letting out a tired sigh as he realized they were finally wrapping up.

    As they turned to walk away, they stopped to look at the still sitting inquisitor who just shrugged. “I still need to share a few words with our new… research assistant. In private.” He emphasized.

    His harsh tone seemed to bother the other two but Sophie gave them a quick wave, hopefully reassuring Ryo that she’d be fine. With that last signal, he just nodded and gently dragged the professor out with him. Unfortunately, that almost meant she was now left alone with the masked inquisitor. Oh…great. He just ''helped'' me and I still feel like I''m about to make a deal with the devil, fabulous. But hells, as if I hadn''t done stupid things before.

    “So?” She sighed, “What do you want?”
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