“My lord,
The situation at the border towns is grim. The influx of Ingramarian refugees has stretched the supply capacity of the region to its limits. I have already begun organizing a distribution of refugees to other towns within Volksgrad, but it will take time. I also would like to propose the consideration of the ‘All Hands Fight’ act that was being discussed but left behind. We need more men, more guards, more of everything. While unsavoury to do so, I believe having every combat aged man receive some training will be crucial to surviving the Dark Tide if the astral church’s warnings are to be heeded. ”
- Marshal Jan Bathloy, Correspondence to King Wulfgar of Volksgrad
Sophie awoke to find a soft ball of red hair tickling her chest. Suppressing a giggle, she tried to stealthy cradle the blob when Aryana stirred, sleepy but clearly pouting at being disturbed. The two gazed sleepily at each other before pushing their faces together, a soft warmth shared by the two as their lips interlocked. Sophie shuffled lower on the bed and rested her head next to Ary’s, the redhead giving her a soft smile as they basked in the moment. Their breathing synced up and they simply stared at each other, more astonished than anything that they had been reunited. But Sophie held her doubts back, almost immediately having noticed how Aryana seemed a fair shade paler and a little more sickly than before. I’ll ask another time, for now… she smells nice.
Hearing the battering of forges and dwarven machinery beyond the inn, the two shared a groan and finally roused themselves from the bed. Sophie ended up staring at Aryana just as the girl stared back at her. The two of them examined their naked forms and she could feel the tinge of hunger behind their eyes as they gazed upon all of what they had to offer.
“Bright light, ahhh! Empty head fright!” A little voice squeaked.
To Sophie’s amazement, she saw a little humanoid creature with wings now fluttering in a panic as it pulled itself out of Aryana’s bag. She watched with an equal amount of amusement as it flew directly over to Aryana’s nose and latched onto it, hugging the redhead even as the wings continued to beat in fear. Arching an eyebrow, Sophie met Ary’s apologetic gaze before the redhead burst into a small chuckle.
“Do you not remember?” Ary asked quietly.
Sophie shook her head.
“This is Yana, a faerie that helped me in the deep. She promised to help as long as we take her up to the surface. So…” Ary beamed.
“That’s fine.” Sophie reached out and squeezed Ary’s hand, “But you ready for today? Riding a war boar is hard business and we’ve got a lot of that if we wanna make it back to Festheim in time. You… look a little tired.” Sophie asked as she caressed Ary’s cheek.
Aryana leaned into the touch and just smiled back, nodding happily. But before she could respond, the faerie launched itself off of her nose and buzzed aggressively above the two.
“You! You! She’s meeting her due! All because of you!” Yana angrily fluttered.
“Yana!” Ary snapped, her voice taking a tone that Sophie hadn’t heard before.
“But it’s true you know! It’s your connection that brought you low!”
“A-Ary? What’s going on?” Sophie cautiously asked.
“The bond that you share, it’s beyond disrepair!” The faerie quipped.
“Huh? Yana? Ary? What’s happening?”
“Asks the hurter, the pain bringer, the empty shell. You should already know, miss who already tolled the knell.’
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” Aryana growled.
Faerie and half elf froze at once, both sensing the aura of untempered fury that reached beyond boiling point. Sophie had never given what the tribals gossiped about Aryana much thought. But as she gazed upon her girlfriend, she could see the fire that burned within, and the mana as it verged on the edge of flame. It surprised her that Aryana was angry, obviously. But more so that she sensed the presence of something within the girl that wasn’t there before, an abundance of mana.
The faerie had evidently also felt the growth and paused its annoying buzzing, opting instead to hover just behind Sophie for protection.
Enraged, Aryana seemed to contemplate something, looking away from the two as she starred down at herself. To the shock of all involved, the redhead slapped herself, the pain more than clear as the girl whimpered in agony, dropping to a knee. Sophie’s instinct kicked in and she moved to support her, only for Aryana to futilely try to swat her away. Undeterred, Sophie helped steady Ary and the girl tensed before letting her body go limp in Sophie’s embrace. As Sophie moved to hold her in a better position, Aryana returned to life and grabbed her face, pushing the two together in a desperate kiss. Sophie returned the gesture, surprised but grateful Ary didn’t fully push her away.
As their bodies grinded against one another, Sophie felt Ary’s hand exploring her abdomen before snaking lower and lower. Aryana’s attack was unrelenting, barely giving her time to breathe as the emotionally charged barrage of kisses continued endlessly. Sophie jolted as Ary’s finger brushed past her loins, the teasing gesture met with a mournful moan as Sophie felt herself grow more aroused. Trying to at least ask a question, she tried to pull away only for Ary to follow her movements, keeping her pinned as she delivered the killing blow. Satisfied by her work, Aryana caressed Sophie’s clit before finally slipping in, the act making Sophie finally surrender herself wholly to Aryana’s control.
Sophie stared at the ceiling, more overjoyed, anxious, and uncertain than she had ever been. She had also taken the time to test the range of her telepathic connection with Sophia, urging her counterpart to accept the dwarven rewards and attend this second ceremony on her behalf. But that wasn’t what worried her, for it was Aryana that occupied her mind.
The girl loved her greatly, that much was certain through actions and words alone. But it was those same actions that now spoke of something hidden within surfacing. Sophie had felt an overwhelming sense of worry when they had been connected. With their physical emotions barred to each other, she understood that Ary was struggling with something. The question is, what?
Based on Ary’s reaction when they woke up, she knew it was serious. The fact that Aryana snapped, verbally yelled at both her and the faerie was proof enough. Then if she took in what the faerie has said, she reasoned that it involved a bond between her and Ary. But whatever it was, it prompted Ary’s hostile reaction to it. All the more reason I want to know.
She bit her lip as she reached over to stroke Ary’s exhausted sleeping form, finding it amusing how peaceful the girl looked. She planted a gentle kiss, taking a moment to simply observe Ary’s chest rising and falling. Sophie smiled, feelings of overwhelming joy filling her heart, and in this moment, all was well. But she pushed herself out of her dreamlike state, quietly shuffling off the bed as she made her way to where the faerie had hid.
Yana, who was already perturbed by Sophie’s presence, had been mortified when Aryana had claimed her. She found the winged creature curled in a comfy little pocket of Ary’s travel pack. Sophie wondered what was the best way to handle the faerie before opting for the most obvious method. She poked at the creature, almost recoiling at how squidgy and human it felt. The faerie batted at her finger, mumbling incoherently in its sleep. In spite of the faerie’s hostility to her, she understood why Ary seemed delighted with its presence. Cute, a little weird, but cute.
“Mmmm? Ah! You!” Yana squealed as her eyes opened.
Alarmed by the noise, Sophie held a finger up to silence the faerie. It felt immensely strange seeing how large her hand was compared to the creature, it felt even more weird seeing just how expressive such a tiny face was.
“Shh, shhh, we can’t wake Ary.” She whispered.
“Mmpfff mmmm pfffmm mmm…mmhhhh!” Yana tried to speak.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry, okay? But we need to keep quiet, Ary’s sleeping. Please.”
“Mmmm! Mppfff!” The faerie protested, vainly trying to flutter its wings while restrained.
This time the faerie seemed to still, offering only a muffled grunt in response. Hearing this, Sophie released her hold and the faerie immediately launched into the air. A small barrage of tiny slaps and punches connected with her hand and she found Yana staring quietly but defiantly at her. Seeing this, Sophie breathed a small sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry, really. But what happened early… no not the sex, before that.” Sophie almost laughed at the look of disgust that appeared on Yana’s face, “You were saying something, then Ary… got really upset.”
Yana seemed to grow more forlorn hearing this, an inscrutable expression now taking over. Wary, she fluttered in front of Sophie’s eyes, searching for any hint of trickery or doubt. Finding none, she backed away and looked at Sophie disdainfully. At least she’s not backing away.
This narrative has been unlawfully taken from Royal Road. If you see it on Amazon, please report it.
“Look, I just… I want to know, what’s wrong? You mentioned something about my bond with Ary but… the way I see it, our relationship appears strong?”
Yana scowled however much a faerie could, zipping back and forth in front of Sophie before stopping, “I could not find a proper rhyme, at this current time.” Yana growled.
“There… ah! There are many things to discuss, but none are… are for you to fuss!” Yana hissed.
“Please. You say how she acted, that’s not how she usually is. Or…” Sophie frowned, “Or at least, that’s not how she’s usually with me.”
Yana seemed unconvinced, spinning around as she continued staring at Sophie.
“I just want to know if something I’m doing hurts her. I-I just want to keep her safe, to protect her however I can. So if I’m doing something wrong…” Sophie pleaded.
“You mean it? Not just being a… a…tit?” Yana squeaked, looking mollified at her own rhyme.
Sophie suppressed a small snigger and nodded.
The faerie buzzed around her, still wary but more approving of her existence.
“You wish to know the truth? Like a nosy little sleuth?”
“Uhh, yeah?”
Yana squinted, which looked more just like closing her eyes.
“Your very presence is a pain, bringing only suffering to the slain. Your soul is an empty hull, filled by voidborne stars in your skull. Your love might be pure, but alas it is no cure. For you hold her soul in your palm, her life becoming your balm.” Yana spoke.
Sophie furrowed her brows, understanding that Yana was calling her a menace but that something else in her connection with Sophie was the cause. Seeing her confusion, Yana clicked her tongue in annoyance, the faerie snapping her fingers to regain Sophie’s focus.
“The void that you hold near, has tainted what you hold dear. Her life it holds in its grasp, up until the very last rasp.” Yana continued, her expression more grave than before.
Sophie took a moment to process the faerie’s words. The void tainted what I hold dear? But how? I never used the void powers on her… her eyes suddenly widened, unless… but that… that was… so long ago.
Yana seemed smug at her shock only for the faerie’s expression to fade just as quickly.
“You know? You know?” Yana asked.
“I-I think I do. A-a while back, I tried to experiment with healing, needed someone to draw mana from…” Sophie shakily responded, the implications slowly building up one by one within her mind.
Yana looked horrified, the faerie’s expression of disgust wounding Sophie slightly.
“You tamper with life and death, disrupting the cadence of every breath.” Yana whispered.
“Are you saying… that… that I’m still somehow using her to heal my wounds?”
“Yes.” Yana stated, no rhyme to follow.
“But I… I… holy shit, oh Goddess above.” Sophie dropped to her knees in horror. But I died, my body was shattered, every bone broken and muscle bloodied. By the stars, if I used her to heal then… oh no… Sophie began breathing heavily as the picture formed within her mind. Of her own perishing and the toll it took on her. Her ashen complexion turned to regard her sleeping companion, the desperation now taking on a different meaning as Sophie looked on. It wasn’t just desperation, it was fear, fear of losing everything. Stars… all because of me…
Sophie found it harder and harder to breathe and she scratched at herself, taking a more thorough look at Aryana. The redhead was paler, weaker, less lively than she had been based on what Sophie remembered. Though her love making was determined and direct, Sophie had seen her sweat profusely, almost as if she had been pushing herself as hard as she could. Cautiously, she crawled over and reached out to touch Ary’s skin, flinching on contact as she remembered all her past pains. The horrors she had experienced and the thought that now stirred deep within her, I told myself too, when this all started. That I wouldn’t taint her, hells that I wouldn’t taint anyone with these hands. Goddess, what have I done?
She barely noticed when Yana landed beside Aryana, caught up within her own despair. The faerie walked up beside Yana, her wings still fluttering, and laid a hand against the girl’s cheek. Yana caught Sophie’s eye and gestured at the sleeping Aryana.
“Your bond I can sever, but not for forever. For it is steeped in ancient magic, too powerful and erratic.”
“What does that mean?” Sophie mumbled.
“Temporarily it can break. Provided the darkness does not wake. But I must know beforehand, so that I may have a plan. But in the moment when your health does fail, you will find no avail.” Yana answered.
“So… if… if I think I’m going to get battered, I should tell you so that… my healing doesn’t draw from her? But that’s not really breaking the bond is it?”
“No.” Yana cooed sadly.
“But…” Sophie’s heart strained as everything slowly sank in, if I go in a fight and warn Yana… then I can’t heal from my wounds as quickly. But to protect Ary… I… I’ll make any sacrifice I need to. Sophie didn’t speak, she just nodded. It also means I need to be careful, shit.
Yana seemed relieved by her answer and pointed at her. Confused, Sophie followed the gesture until her eyes landed on her shoulder. She nodded again. Yana flew up to her, the gentle fluttering of the faerie’s wings feeling almost surreal as she felt her shoulder gain a passenger.
“Your soul is empty and formless, like the void is vast and enormous. You may bring suffering, or joy. An infinite expanse to be shaped and molded by your own actions. So far,” The faerie sneered, “So far you have been judged acceptable.” Her expression softened.
Sophie grinned a little before noting something strange, “You’re not rhyming.”
Yana looked peeved and just stared up at her, “Did I ever say I could only speak in rhymes? Two legged fool.”
“I… uh… right.”
“Now go, for you stand awake. I shall be here until she wakes.” Yana tutted before flying back to Ary.
“But that didn’t…”
“Go.” The faerie ordered.
With a solemn nod, Sophie compiled, casting a final glance at Aryana before she began getting dressed for the day. Onwards to our next adventure in Ostia, a hopefully far more peaceful one.
The rest of the day passed like a blur. Sophia returned wth news of the ceremony. The duo were awarded some arms and armour from the dwarven armours, dragged fresh from the forges. Sophia snagged a pristine greg-brown cloak gifted by the rangers, handing Sophie a dwarven breastplate sized appropriately for her. Sophia also walked away with a pair of ceremonial dwarven shortswords for the pair. After an hour or two, Aryana finally woke up and the group gathered their belongings and set out for Festheim. Though Sophie noticed how the redhead was now practically glued to her side, always holding onto a piece of clothing or skin. As if she might lose it all, stars...
In stark contrast to their original arrival party. This time they travelled with both Uldren’s smugglers and a handful of rangers under sub commander Shadur. Except this time, they had warboars and rams that helped speed up their travel. What took them a day and then some to walk over had been reduced to mere hours of travel time. Better yet, with support from the border rangers, they were allowed to utilise the more legal way of entering and exiting the deep. This did raise the issue of them reentering the overworld through an entrance outside of the city. Thankfully, the smugglers were more than prepared for such a scenario. Within moments, they had adjusted their appearances just enough that they could play the part of rugged overland dwarven merchants. To Sophie’s suprise, they had their own set of papers and documents to boot.
To everyone’s surprise however, was when they drew closer to the city gates of Festheim only to find none of the city colors hanging from the walls. Instead, what greeted them were imperial sigils, flags and banners that proudly displayed the black and gold. At the foot of the gates, a small squadron of lightly armoured infantrymen watched the approaches and dealt with paperwork from errant peasantry as archers and a heavily armoured knight stood watch on the walls above them. Battle scars and smashed up masonry marred chunks of the wall and suggested that the recent change in management was not a voluntary one.
Compounding their surprise by yet another degree, the guards were remarkably lackadaisical in their duties, even if their expressions had indicated alarm as such a large gaggle of travellers all approaching at once. Only Sophie and Sophia received secondary examinations, though if her knowledge served her correctly, it was less that they could be threats and more that the imperials just hated elves. Regardless, they were let through and that was that. However, their joy was short-lived as they walked into the town proper. More than half the buildings had been damaged during whatever siege took place. And an even more dour and stoic atmosphere flooded the town even more than its previously already subdued presence.
What little color and life that had made Festheim whole was now a sea of black and gold. Imperial patrols also lined the streets, many of which took special notice of the large party passing them by. Eventually however, they made it to the dwarven inn where Uldren hurriedly rushed in to find Tilda safe and sound. The matron explained to the party that in the time they had been away, the combined Abenstadtian and volunteer Arterian forces had suffered a defeat and were driven back. The next defensive line was drawn well past Festheim, leaving the town to fend for itself. Despite some stubbornness from the locals, after just a mere week of siege, they surrendered. Hence why most of the buildings were still standing despite the battle damage.
The trio and Yana then bid the matron and the smuggler''s farewell, with only Uldren accompanying them to the Festheim docks. Arriving at the dockside felt surreal. Compared to the rest of the city, this area was positively packed wth people. Most were labourers and soliders, busy unloading supplies and weapons from large imperial transport vessels. Amongst the few civilian vessels docked there, they spied a smaller and sleeker looking corvette that had the words ‘The Home Afar’ proudly dsplayed on the sde. Having found their transport, they bid Uldren goodbye and walked up to a sailor who stood guard. The man wore a ruffled dusty dull green uniform and had a small badge emblazoned wth the words ‘Southshore’.
Sophie fished out the letter that had been given to her by Sir Akarios Helinotos back in Arteria. The sailor immediately bought it aboard and left the three of them to wait. Imperial guards stared daggers at the elves but they were rescued soon enough by one Captan Noyen who ushered them aboard. Though he was surprised by three passengers instead of two, he took it in stride and welcomed them Sophia as well, though he chided them for being two days late, to which Sophie begrudgingly offered three gold in recompense. Much to the captain''s delight.
As they settled into their singular now exceedingly cramped cabin with three people. They heard the sounds of laughter and cheer as the ship finally broke anchor and set sail. Curious, they went out of the room and bumped into the captain. He welcomed them once more and pointed them towards the galley.
“We’ve performers on board this ship. Apologies if the noise bothers you, but this was under executive orders from a Traxian commander and well, considering we were docked when Festheim changed hands, ain’t gonna say no.” Noyen explained.
Sophie nodded her understanding and the trio went to explore. The corridors of the blockade runner were cramped and much suited to function over form, but sleek furnished interiors at least set the company ship apart from more regular ships that sailed the Sea of Sorrows. The galley was easy enough to find, the group simply following the music down the ship’s halls. Popping into the galley however, Sophie froze almost at the same time that the music had abruptly stopped. The disgruntled sounds of the crew and company sailors were drowned out by the two words that hung in the air. A singular, familiar void touched figure that had immediately demanded all her attention.
“Sophie? Is that... two of you?”